Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

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Rick Perry: No ObamaCare for Texas

He says it could financially wreck even Texas

(Newser) - Add Texas to the growing list of states opting out of key provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Gov. Rick Perry sent a letter to Kathleen Sebelius today saying that he would not expand Medicaid or offer a state insurance exchange, Politico reports. "I stand proudly...

Romney: Health Mandate Is a Tax

Contradicts Eric Fehrnstrom's comments

(Newser) - Days after a spokesman asserted that ObamaCare's individual mandate is not a tax in Mitt Romney's view, the candidate himself is saying the opposite—thus aligning with the rest of his party. Romney tells CBS News that while he agreed with the Supreme Court's dissent, "the...

Obama, Romney, and the Truth About Health Care

AP runs down a few of their biggest distortions

(Newser) - We're getting a lot of conflicting information about how the health law will shape our future—and unsurprisingly, neither the current inhabitant of the Oval Office nor the man who would replace him is giving us the full picture. The AP parses President Obama and Mitt Romney's biggest...

Romney's 'Etch-a-Sketch' Rep: Mandate Is No Tax

Mitt has skirted the issue

(Newser) - While Republicans have been busily attacking ObamaCare as a tax hike following the Supreme Court ruling, Mitt Romney has stayed quiet; after all, to call it a tax hike would be to acknowledge he raised taxes in Massachusetts. Today, however, spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom— he of "Etch-a-Sketch" fame —stated...

Roberts Did Flip on ObamaCare: Sources

Fellow conservatives then battled for his support for entire month

(Newser) - John Roberts hadn't always planned to give ObamaCare the green light—but once he'd changed his mind, no amount of convincing from Anthony Kennedy could bring him back, sources tell CBS News in an in-depth account of the decision-making process. Kennedy—himself long seen as a potential swing...

Let&#39;s Forgive Fox, CNN for Jumping the Gun

 Let's Forgive Fox, CNN  
 for Jumping the Gun 

jack shafer

Let's Forgive Fox, CNN for Jumping the Gun

Jack Shafer: 'Stop smirking, it could happen to you'

(Newser) - It's fair to mock Fox News and CNN for incorrectly reporting that the individual health mandate had been struck down; after all, organizations that brag about being quick should face consequences when they're wrong. But in the end, "I forgive CNN and Fox for their breaking news...

Some States on ObamaCare Deadlines: Who Cares?

Several skeptical of expanding Medicaid, too

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's ObamaCare decision is putting many states in a tight place: They've got to set up exchanges, the law's health insurance markets, by Jan. 1, 2014. But by Jan. 1, 2013, they have to show those exchanges will be ready on time—or the feds...

Fight's Not Over Yet: More Challenges for ObamaCare

Law must still survive the election

(Newser) - The Affordable Care Act has survived the Supreme Court —without question a victory for President Obama—but that doesn't mean it's a breeze from here on out. Some of the challenges facing ObamaCare, from the Washington Post and the New York Times :
  • The election: Mitt Romney has

Romney Blasts 'Bad Law', as Obama Lauds SCOTUS 'Victory'

Romney vows full repeal on Day 1 if elected

(Newser) - President Obama and Mitt Romney wasted little time responding to the Supreme Court's ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act today. Romney went first, speaking at a podium emblazoned with the words, "Repeal and Replace ObamaCare," and that's indeed the message he pressed. The court, he said,...

D-Day for ObamaCare: What You Need to Know

If law is upheld, Romney wins, too, argues Politico

(Newser) - The most closely watched Supreme Court decision in years is due shortly after 10am today, and there are a lot of nervous people in Washington, DC, waiting to learn the fate of President Obama's health care reform—and lots of predictions. The best-case scenario for Obama would be that...

If ObamaCare Goes Down, GOP Plans to Do ... Nothing

Republican leaders want full repeal, popular provisions and all

(Newser) - If the Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act, expect Republicans to do one thing: smile. Once, House leaders had planned to try to preserve the most popular parts of the law, like requiring insurance companies to cover people with preexisting conditions, letting young adults stay on their parents'...

Insurers Shun Guy Who Donated Kidney

 Insurers Shun Guy 
 Who Donated Kidney 
in case you missed it

Insurers Shun Guy Who Donated Kidney

Radburn Royer finds helping his daughter was more expensive than he thought

(Newser) - Thinking about donating a kidney to a friend or loved one in need? Well, it might cost more than you think. The New York Times talked to a few donors who said that private insurers wouldn't touch them after the operation, even though they were otherwise healthy and had...

Top Insurer: Law or Not, We'll Keep ObamaCare

UnitedHealthcare to maintain preventive services, other Obama rules

(Newser) - Elements of President Obama's health care law will survive regardless of the Supreme Court's decision. The nation's biggest health insurer, UnitedHealthcare—which covers some 9 million people—plans to maintain several sections of the law's "Patient's Bill of Rights": It will continue to offer...

Two-Thirds Want to Dump ObamaCare

 Want to Dump 

Two-Thirds Want to Dump ObamaCare

Just 24% want justices to keep ObamaCare intact

(Newser) - With a Supreme Court ruling due by the end of June, two-thirds of Americans want at least a piece of ObamaCare overturned, a New York Times/CBS News poll finds. The results mark little change since before Supreme Court arguments in March. About 41% say the whole law should be dropped;...

Obama Blows $8B on Reelection Trick
 Obama Blows $8B 
 on Reelection Trick 

Obama Blows $8B on Reelection Trick

'New York Post' thinks Medicare Advantage's stay of execution is a dirty trick

(Newser) - What would you say if President Obama took $8.3 billion in taxpayer money and used it for his reelection campaign? Because that's exactly what he's done by giving Medicare Advantage a stay of execution, according to Benjamin Sasse and Charles Hurt of the New York Post . The...

ObamaCare to Add $340B to Deficit: Study

But White House shrugs off GOP analysis as 'new math'

(Newser) - The Affordable Care Act isn't going to reduce the deficit as the Congressional Budget Office claims; it's going to expand it by more than $340 billion, according to a new study by Charles Balhous, the GOP trustee for Medicare. Balhous argues that traditional budget math "double counts"...

Holder to Judge: Yes, Obama Respects High Court

He had to defend president's comments on judicial activism

(Newser) - President Obama may have warned "unelected" justices about judicial activism, but that doesn't mean he opposes judicial authority, Eric Holder says. Following Obama's comments, a federal appeals court judge ordered the Justice Department to explain its views on the matter in three pages; Holder did it...

Annoyed Judge Wants DOJ to Refute Obama

'Unelected judges' comment seen as challenge to authority

(Newser) - When President Obama said that "unelected" justices shouldn't overturn ObamaCare , he apparently offended a federal appeals court judge in Houston. Yesterday, during oral arguments on a separate challenge of the health care law, Judge Jerry Smith asked a Justice Department attorney to submit a three-page, single-spaced letter specifically...

'ILikeRomneyCare' Redirects to ...

... Barack Obama's campaign website page called ILikeObamaCare

(Newser) - Apparently two can play this game: After pranksters got hold of and and redirected both to President Obama's campaign website , someone got the bright idea to hijack—and send it to the same place, reports Huffington Post . "It's the two-year anniversary...

Day 1 of ObamaCare Hearings Done

Supreme Court will likely not delay a decision until 2015

(Newser) - The first day of Supreme Court hearings on President Obama's controversial health care law is over, and it appears the justices will not be putting off a decision until 2015 . If the justices deemed the penalty for not purchasing insurance to be a tax, then an obscure 1867 law...

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