Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

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Catholic Bishops on New Contraception Deal: Still No

But they take a more moderate tone on proffered compromise

(Newser) - With Catholic bishops opposed to an ObamaCare mandate on contraception, the White House recently moved to change the rule —but the new package hasn't satisfied the religious leaders, the New York Times reports. The deal would allow women employed by a religiously-affiliated employer, such as a Catholic hospital,...

ObamaCare Contraception Suits Pile Up

Get ready, Supreme Court

(Newser) - The lawsuits over ObamaCare's contraception mandate are appearing almost weekly in federal courts, and it's just a matter of time before the Supreme Court addresses the issue, experts tell the New York Times . It's not just religious groups that are suing: Private companies like Hobby Lobby have...

Whole Foods CEO 'Regrets' Calling ObamaCare 'Fascism'

John Mackey: I meant 'dictionary definition' of the word

(Newser) - John Mackey says he shouldn't have used the word "fascism" to refer to ObamaCare—but any dictionary would tell you he's technically right, he tells the Huffington Post . "I regret using that word now because it's got so much baggage attached to it," the...

Whole Foods CEO: ObamaCare Is Like Fascism

But ThinkProgress writer begs to differ with John Mackey

(Newser) - Thought Whole Foods founder John Mackey would be an Obama-loving liberal? Not so much. The self-described libertarian, who has compared ObamaCare to socialism in the past, now says "it's more like fascism." The quote comes from a new interview with NPR , and continues: "Socialism is where...

Virginia AG: Let's 'Go to Jail' Over Contraception Mandate

Ken Cuccinelli slams ObamaCare on Iowa radio

(Newser) - Virginia's attorney general says it's time to take a stand against ObamaCare's contraception mandate—even if it means a little civil disobedience, Politico reports. Speaking on nationally syndicated radio in Iowa, Ken Cuccinelli, the state's likely Republican gubernatorial nominee, discussed his bishop's words on the...

Hobby Lobby: We Intend to Defy ObamaCare

Won't offer insurance that includes access to the morning-after pill

(Newser) - With a lawsuit pending , Hobby Lobby says it won't be providing workers with health plans that cover the morning-after pill—even though ObamaCare requires it. The decision could cost the company $1.3 million in daily fines, the AP notes. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor this week rejected the...

Supreme Court Orders New Review of ObamaCare Suit

Lawsuit claims violation of religious freedoms

(Newser) - The court cases continue for ObamaCare, with the Supreme Court today ordering a Virginia appeals court to review a lawsuit over the law's provisions regarding reproductive rights. Virginia's evangelical Liberty University had filed an earlier lawsuit arguing that the individual mandate meant taxpayer dollars would fund abortions and...

Right Gears Up for 'Papa John's Appreciation Day'

Anti-ObamaCare event inspired by support for Chick-fil-A

(Newser) - Chick-fil-A redux? ObamaCare opponents plan to flock to Papa John's today to support the company's stance against the law. More than 18,000 people have confirmed their attendance on a Facebook event for "National Papa John's Appreciation Day." CEO John Schnatter "has received intense...

Boehner: ObamaCare Is 'Law of the Land'

But he still wants #fullrepeal

(Newser) - A single sentence has been garnering much attention: John Boehner told ABC News yesterday that "ObamaCare is the law of the land," prompting many to wonder whether the Republicans' tone on health-care reform was changing. Not so fast, it looks like. The Boehner camp released a statement soon...

Romney White House Gives Health Insurers Fits

Industry could fave upheaval if he repeals ObamaCare

(Newser) - CEOs of big health insurance companies are surely salivating for a Mitt Romney presidency, right? Not necessarily, the AP reports. Though the insurance industry is no big fan of certain parts of ObamaCare, it has invested tens of millions preparing for it—and it stands to make scads of dollars...

Romney Plan Would Bankrupt Medicare By '16

Experts say restoring reimbursements would hasten its decline

(Newser) - Mitt Romney often promises to restore $716 billion in Medicare funding cut by the Affordable Care Act, but many experts say that pledge is, in the words of one economist, "both puzzling and bogus." That's because what Romney would be "restoring" wouldn't be funds but...

Colbert: No Way Am I Paying More for Papa John's

Bemoans ObamaCare's reported effect on pizza prices

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert is outraged by the news that ObamaCare could increase the cost of Papa John's pizza by a whopping 14 cents. "People will not pay another cent" for the pies, Colbert asserted last night , "because when you order a Papa John's pizza, it's only...

ObamaCare Fallout: Higher Papa John's Pizza Prices

CEO estimates an extra 11 to 14 cents per pizza

(Newser) - ObamaCare may bring health insurance to the masses, but it will also bring them higher Papa John's pizza prices, Politico reports. In a conference call last week, CEO John Schnatter—a Mitt Romney supporter—revealed that should the Affordable Care Act go into effect in 2014 as scheduled, it...

Free Birth Control Rule Kicks In Today

Health plans must now cover women's preventative care

(Newser) - Good news, ladies: Starting today, most insurance plans must cover a range of women's preventative health services, including domestic violence screenings, "well woman visits," and, most controversially, no-cost birth control. Don't run to your gynecologist right away though—the rules will apply to all new plans,...

Romney a Fan of ... Israel's Socialized Health Care

Mitt praises health care system at fundraiser

(Newser) - Mitt Romney simply cannot wait to repeal ObamaCare, but he is a fan of Israel's health care system … which has been socialized since its founding in 1948, BuzzFeed points out. During his visit to the country, Romney today praised Israel for spending so little on health care: "...

Hospitals Worried as ObamaCare Cuts Funding

Immigrants not covered under Affordable Care Act

(Newser) - Hospitals that service poor communities are sweating over a looming cut in the funds they use to care for the uninsured—particularly illegal immigrants. The government currently spends $20 billion annually to reimburse hospitals for covering the uninsured or poorly insured, who can't be turned away from emergency rooms....

Medicaid Expansion Could Save Lives
 Medicaid Expansion 
 Could Save Lives 

Medicaid Expansion Could Save Lives

Lower death rates associated with expansions in 3 states

(Newser) - As states decide whether to expand Medicaid by 2014 under ObamaCare, a new study could give them a compelling reason to do so: Harvard researchers found that fewer people died in states that expanded their programs. The study looked at data from New York, Maine, and Arizona, all of which...

House Again Votes to Repeal ObamaCare

Republicans make their point after Supreme Court ruling

(Newser) - House Republicans made good on their promise to take another stand on President Obama's health care reform today, voting to repeal the law 244-185, reports the Hill . Pretty much all the stories on the vote, like this one from the Washington Post , duly note up high that it was...

Romney Booed in NAACP Speech

Crowd jeers when he talks about repealing ObamaCare

(Newser) - Mitt Romney spoke to the NAACP national convention today, and most of the headlines are centering on the boos he got when he started talking about ObamaCare and the president himself. He endured three rounds of jeering in all, which amounted to the "most hostile reception of his campaign...

House Has Voted to Repeal ObamaCare 30 Times

And No. 31 is on deck this week

(Newser) - House Republicans have voted 30 times in the past year and a half to repeal, defund, or otherwise squash ObamaCare, with the first attempt coming just two weeks after they took control of the House last year. This week, in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision on the...

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