
Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>

Baby Chicks Are Smarter Than Baby Humans

 Baby Chicks Are 
 Smarter Than 
 Baby Humans 
Study Says

Baby Chicks Are Smarter Than Baby Humans

Unlike your baby, young chickens have self-control

(Newser) - Baby chicks: both adorable and smarter than you may think. A new study (which, it should be noted, was commissioned by an egg company) from the University of Bristol has found baby chickens posses many skills baby humans don't, the Independent reports. For instance, 93% of chicks in one...

One Key to Finland's Healthy Infants: A Cardboard Box

Among other things, it doubles as a bed for newborns

(Newser) - Finland has one of the lowest rates of infant mortality in the world, and the BBC gives a good chunk of the credit to a cardboard box and the philosophy behind it. For 75 years now, the nation has provided a box filled with clothes, toys, and all manner of...

Brothers Have Babies an Hour Apart

Cousins born at same hospital

(Newser) - The babies are cousins—but they're practically twins. Two Long Island brothers found themselves at the same hospital yesterday, as their wives had babies less than an hour apart, CBS New York reports. "I sent my brother a text message, telling him that we were in the hospital,...

UN Group Seeks Ban on 'Baby Boxes'

But advocates say they save lives

(Newser) - Mothers across Europe can abandon newborn babies in a so-called "baby box"—incubators located discreetly outside some hospitals. But one UN committee is lobbying to overturn the practice, saying the boxes ultimately hurt children and avoid dealing with the deeper causes of child abandonment, the AP reports. "...

Egypt Breaks Up Baby-Trafficking Ring

Doctors, nurses allegedly removed kids by C-section

(Newser) - Egyptian authorities have arrested five people in a baby-trafficking ring that helped nearly 300 adoptive parents skirt the nation's Islamic laws, AFP reports. Members of the ring allegedly removed unwanted babies by C-section from mothers who had waited too long to get an abortion. The ring then sold babies...

Sweden May Ban Images of Babies in Ads for Formula

Health officials want to promote breastfeeding

(Newser) - Sellers of infant formula in Sweden will likely face a tough marketing problem soon: They won't be able to use images of babies on their products. A new law being readied for 2013 would make the practice illegal, reports the Local . Health officials want to encourage breastfeeding over formula,...

Scientists Discover Deafness Gene

 Scientists Discover 
 Deafness Gene 
in case you missed it

Scientists Discover Deafness Gene

Could lead to new treatments: study

(Newser) - Scientists have identified a gene that causes about one in 25,000 babies to be born deaf, and they hope the discovery will lead to new treatments. A protein called CIB2 is mutated in babies born with Usher syndrome type 1, who are profoundly deaf from birth and often cannot...

Asian Airline Offers No-Baby 'Quiet Zone'

But don't expect the idea to catch on in the US

(Newser) - An airline that serves Southeast Asia is adding a free perk for long-distance travelers who like their quiet time: AirAsia will keep part of the plane devoid of kids 12 and younger, reports NBC's Overhead Bin blog, which then talked to travel experts in the US to see if...

Graffiti Artists Paint Babies to Prevent Rioting

London shop owners willing to try street-art experiment

(Newser) - Could you look at a baby's sweet face and still want to riot and pillage? Several London shop owners victimized by last year's riots are guessing the answer is no, the BBC reports. So they agreed to let graffiti artists paint cute-as-the-dickens portraits of local babies near their...

Trendy Brooklyn Babies Learning French

Little ones taking in second language before they can speak

(Newser) - Despite the fact they can barely talk, some cosmopolitan babies in Brooklyn are studying French. The mommies of the tots are heeding the results of various studies suggesting that exposure to a second language when very young will improve the learning of new languages later on in life, reports DNAinfo....

106th Stolen Baby Identified in Argentina

Group working to find children kidnapped during 'Dirty War'

(Newser) - One hundred and six, and counting: A group dedicated to reuniting children snatched during Argentina's "Dirty War" with their biological families has just completed its 106th case, reports the BBC . Pablo Miranda, now 34, grew up in an adoptive family and approached the Grandmothers of the Plaza de...

Plugin Lets Facebookers Banish Baby Photos swaps pics of babies for images of cats—or bacon

(Newser) - A trio of ad agency employees fed up with looking at their friends' baby photos on Facebook have hit on a way to replace the images with pictures of cats, bacon, or whatever the user would rather see. , a plugin for the Chrome browser that launched last week,...

Cohabitating Couples Having More Babies
 Cohabitating Couples 
 Having More Babies 
study says

Cohabitating Couples Having More Babies

23% of all births to unmarried, cohabitating women

(Newser) - Non-traditional families are on the rise in the US, as more unmarried couples are having babies together. In 2002, just 14% of all births were to women who lived with a partner. But between 2006 and 2010, 23% of all births were to cohabitating women, a new federal report finds....

Your Baby Can Read Goes Bust
Your Baby Can Read
Goes Bust

Your Baby Can Read Goes Bust

Company ran out of money fighting litigation

(Newser) - The company that persuaded hundreds of thousands of parents to buy Your Baby Can Read products is going out of business, citing the high cost of fighting complaints alleging its ads were false. "While we vehemently deny any wrongdoing, and strongly believe in our products, the fight has drained...

IVF Has Now Made 5M Babies
 IVF Has Now Made 5M Babies 

IVF Has Now Made 5M Babies

350K born each year; twins, triplets less common

(Newser) - It's been 34 years since Britain saw the birth of the first test-tube baby; since then, another 5 million people have been born through in vitro fertilization. Some 350,000 are born each year, amounting to 0.3% of births across the globe, the AFP reports. Some 1.5...

S. Korea Busts Smuggled Pills—Made of Baby Flesh

Some believe substance to be cure-all

(Newser) - South Korean customs authorities have made a highly disturbing find: Thousands of capsules made of powdered baby flesh, believed by some to have healing powers. Smugglers have attempted to get nearly 17,500 such capsules into the country since August, officials say. Made in northeastern China, the pills contain diced...

15M Preemies Born Every Year
In US, 1 in 8 Births
Are Premature

In US, 1 in 8 Births Are Premature

Worldwide, about 1M too-soon babies die each year

(Newser) - About 15 million premature babies are born every year—more than 1 in 10 of the world's births and a bigger problem than previously believed, according to the first country-by-country estimates of this obstetric epidemic. The startling toll: 1.1 million of these fragile newborns die as a result,...

Pre-Chewing Baby's Food Looks to Be A-OK

Alicia Silverstone's practice offers benefits similar to breastfeeding

(Newser) - Alicia Silverstone's video of herself chewing her baby's food last week prompted disgusted comments, but she may actually be doing little Bear Blu a favor. Our ancestors did the same, and plenty of non-Western cultures still do it, Life's Little Mysteries notes. Like breast-feeding, "pre-mastication" offers...

Kids Are So Cute ... Until Age 4.5

 Kids Are So 
 Cute ... Until 
 Age 4.5 
study says

Kids Are So Cute ... Until Age 4.5

Adorable 'facial cues' fade at that age: researchers

(Newser) - No one's saying that 5-year-olds can't be adorable—but it appears that they're past their prime, in cuteness terms. Researchers in Canada and China polled adults on the cuteness factor of kids from infancy to 6 years old. Subjects called the younger children cuter, with a big...

To Curb Obesity, Give Babies Finger Food

Don't feed them pureed meals: study

(Newser) - Babies may face a lower risk of obesity if they feed themselves finger food when they're first learning to eat solids, a study suggests. Researchers found that babies who were spoon-fed pureed food developed more of a propensity for sweets than did their finger-fed counterparts; the kids who munched...

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