
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

Dinosaurs May Have Had Babysitters
 May Have Had 
study says

Dinosaurs May Have Had Babysitters

Researchers find fossils suggesting older sibling watched younger ones

(Newser) - Even dinosaurs need a babysitter—or would that be dino-sitter? Researchers say a group of hatchlings found in a layer of rock might have been under the care of "a big brother or sister," the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. The 120-million-year-old Psittacosaurus bones were found in northeast China, the...

More Unmarried Women Over Age 35 Having Babies

But fewer unwed women overall are having kids, says CDC

(Newser) - Although the birth rate for unmarried women has been slowly declining, middle-aged American women aren't waiting to tie the knot before having kids. According to recent CDC data, birth rates for unmarried females between the ages of 35 and 39 rose a substantial 48% between 2002 and 2012, reports...

Newborns' Brains Grow 1% a Day

Rate slows down after initial burst in early weeks

(Newser) - The first study of its kind shows that newborns' brains grow fast—figure a staggering 1% a day immediately after birth, though it slows to about half that rate by the end of three months. Using MRI scans of 87 newborns' brains, researchers discovered that the first weeks of life...

Mom Threatened With Forced C-Section

Jennifer Goodall gave birth Friday after much drama

(Newser) - Two weeks before she gave birth to her fourth child, a Florida hospital threatened to force a C-section on 29-year-old mom Jennifer Goodall "with or without [her] consent," Jezebel reports. Goodall wanted to try delivering vaginally before agreeing to what would be her fourth cesarean—if it was...

Birth Control 'Chip' Could Last 16 Years

And be turned on and off via a remote control

(Newser) - Could it be the holy grail of birth control: one that women can turn on or off with the click of a remote control—and would last for almost half their reproductive lives. Massachusetts-based MicroCHIPS is developing a remote-control-activated contraceptive chip intended to be implanted under a woman's skin...

Word of Babies Buried in Septic Tank Emerged in 1975

2 Irish boys reported seeing bones through concrete slab's hole

(Newser) - This week's news that at least 796 Irish babies were buried in a septic tank on the property of a home for unwed mothers sometime between 1925 and 1961 was not the first time the presence of a mass grave there had been hinted at. The New York Times ...

Final Resting Place for 800 Irish Babies: Septic Tank

Historian uncovers death records of hundreds of illegitimate children

(Newser) - Between 1925 and 1961, Irish women who lodged at "the Home" in County Galway were made to work for free for as long as three years and handed uniforms and a new name. It was their way of atoning for their out-of-wedlock pregnancy, but as Ireland is now learning,...

Report: Aborted Babies Used to Heat UK Hospitals

British TV show reveals practice in two major hospitals

(Newser) - British hospitals have incinerated more than 15,500 aborted and miscarried fetal remains over the years, at times to generate power for heat in "waste-to-energy" plants, the Telegraph reports. A UK television show revealed the practice tonight, but health officials beat them to the punch by banning the practice...

In This Country, Not Breastfeeding Now Illegal

United Arab Emirates passes law despite strong opposition

(Newser) - Sure, the pope supports it , but a new clause added to a children's rights law in the United Arab Emirates doesn't just encourage mothers to breastfeed—it requires it until children are at least two years old, the Guardian reports. While those who passed the law late last...

Babies Really Do Fake-Cry

 Babies Really 
 Do Fake-Cry 
study says

Babies Really Do Fake-Cry

It's a technique to get what they want: study

(Newser) - Looks like babies have been tricking us. Just as many parents suspected, infants sometimes cry without actually being upset, a new study suggests. Instead, their tears are aimed at getting what they want, the Week reports. A researcher in Japan reviewed 102 crying episodes of two babies; he filmed the...

It's a Little Tricky Adding Baby to ObamaCare Plan

Computers don't allow that option yet

(Newser) - When parents covered by ObamaCare have a baby, they can tell their families, friends, and co-workers—but not the federal government. It seems the website doesn't provide that option at the moment, reports AP . Nor can participants report other life-changing circumstances, such as marriage, divorce, a change...

Chinese Doctor Admits She Sold Babies

Zhang Shuxia told parents their newborns were very sick, per court documents

(Newser) - A Chinese doctor has admitted in court that she stole babies from the hospital where she worked and sold them to human traffickers, state media and a court said. Zhang Shuxia, a locally respected and soon-to-retire obstetrician, told parents their newborns had congenital problems and persuaded them to "sign...

Babies' Eye Contact May Offer Clue to Autism

Researchers see dropoff at 2 months, earliest sign yet

(Newser) - A new autism study makes what looks to be a significant discovery: The first signs show up as early as two months of age in the form of reduced eye contact by babies, reports the New York Times . If the findings hold up, they could provide doctors with the earliest...

Swaddling May Be Bad for Babies' Hips

Surgeon warns of dangers in journal

(Newser) - Swaddling is by all accounts on the rise among new parents, but a pediatric orthopedic surgeon thinks it's a bad trend, reports the BBC . Wrapping a baby tightly with blankets restricts the infant's hips from moving freely and raises the risk that they won't develop properly, the...

2 New Moms Sent Home With Wrong Babies

Women in Argentina figured it out themselves after 3 weeks

(Newser) - Two new mothers in Argentina would still be caring for the wrong infants if they hadn't acted on their suspicions. As it was, they took home the wrong babies and cared for them for three weeks thanks to a clinic mixup, reports AFP . The women gave birth on Sept....

For Moms, Smell of Newborns Is Like a Drug

Study shows that mothers' brains light up with pleasure at the scent

(Newser) - The smell of a newborn isn't just a pleasant sensation for moms—it might be closer to an addiction, a new study suggests. Montreal researchers found that when women who had given birth recently smelled an infants' pajamas, their brains' reward circuits lit up, reports LiveScience . The dopamine surge...

Teen Birth Rate Hits Historic Low

Report: And the overall number of US births may be leveling off after years of decline

(Newser) - After falling four years in a row, US births may finally be leveling off. The number of babies born last year—a little shy of 4 million—is only a few hundred less than the number in 2011, according to a government report released today. That suggests that lately, fewer...

Doctors Worry About All These Big Babies

Along with obesity, birthweight is on the rise

(Newser) - Like people, babies are getting bigger around the world—and experts say those cute, chubby newborns pose health risks to themselves and their moms, NBC News reports. Not only can they get stuck during birth, but they can face higher risks of cancer, obesity, and (if born from an overweight...

Michigan Couple Gives Birth to 12th Son

The bride's family still foots the bill for the wedding, right?

(Newser) - A Michigan family welcomed their 12th child. And, shocker, it's a boy—just like the other 11. Jay and Kateri Schwandt believed the latest baby might break the gender streak, especially after Kateri, known as Teri, was nine days past her due date. That was unusual for the 38-year-old'...

Pakistan TV Show Gives Away ... Babies

(Newser) - Next time someone complains that American TV has gone a little too far, suggest they take a look at the new gimmick of one of Pakistan's most popular shows: free baby giveaways. As in, actual human babies. Host Aamir Liaquat Hussain gave away two infant girls last month and...

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