George W. Bush

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29% of La. Republicans Blame Katrina Mess on... Obama

Despite the fact that he was still in Congress at the time

(Newser) - Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans more than three years before President Obama took office—but even so, 29% of Louisiana Republicans say in a new poll that they think Obama was more to blame than then-President George W. Bush for the poor federal response to the disaster. Another 44% say...

Bush Has Heart Surgery
 Bush Has Heart Surgery 

Bush Has Heart Surgery

President gets a stent put in to fix blocked artery

(Newser) - George W. Bush has successfully undergone a heart procedure after doctors discovered a blockage in an artery. A spokesman for the former president says a stent was inserted during a procedure today in Texas. The blockage was discovered yesterday during Bush's annual physical. The blockage was opened with no...

Bush to Congress: Fix &#39;Broken&#39; Immigration
 Bush to 
 Fix 'Broken' 

Bush to Congress: Fix 'Broken' Immigration

Plus, McCain on Egypt: It was a coup, yank their aid

(Newser) - George W. Bush thinks Congress might actually be chugging toward doing something about a holdover from his days in office: immigration. "Sometimes, it takes time for some of these complex issues to evolve. And it looks like immigration, you know, has a chance to pass," he said today...

Now Bush to Talk Up Immigration Reform

He'll discuss the benefits Wednesday

(Newser) - Immigration reform will get another high-profile backer Wednesday: George W. Bush is expected to talk about how good it will be for America, the Dallas Morning News reports. The former president is giving the opening remarks at a citizenship ceremony at his presidential center in Dallas, followed by a panel...

Obama, Bush Meet in Tanzania
 Obama, Bush Meet in Tanzania 

Obama, Bush Meet in Tanzania

Pair attend memorial on final leg of Obama's African tour

(Newser) - President Obama spotted a familiar face from the US on the final day of his three-nation African tour—George W. Bush. In a rare joint appearance, the president and his Republican predecessor laid a wreath at a memorial for the Americans killed in the 1998 embassy bombing in Tanzania, the...

Obama to Nominate Top Bush Official for FBI Chief

James Comey was key to warrantless wiretapping program

(Newser) - President Obama today plans to nominate George W. Bush's former No. 2 at the Justice Department, James Comey , to lead the FBI as the agency grapples with privacy debates over a host of recently exposed investigative tactics. Comey is perhaps best known for a remarkable 2004 standoff over a...

Obama: I'm Not 'Bush- Cheney Lite'

President refutes charge in Charlie Rose interview

(Newser) - Appearing on Charlie Rose last night, President Obama had a few things to clear up: First, he's not, as Rose put it, "Bush-Cheney lite." "Some people say, 'Well, you know, Obama was this raving liberal before. Now he’s, you know, Dick Cheney,'"...

For First Time in 8 Years, US Likes George W. Bush
For First Time in 8 Years,
US Likes George W. Bush
gallup poll

For First Time in 8 Years, US Likes George W. Bush

Gallup favorability ratings tip into positive territory

(Newser) - It's a milestone any former president would love: For the first time since 2005, more Americans approve of George W. Bush than disapprove, reports Gallup . He now stands at 49-46—up 9 in the "view favorably" category and down 13 in "view unfavorably" since he left office...

History Rewritten at the W. Bush Library

Maureen Dowd: Both Obama, Bush are running from the Bush presidency

(Newser) - As Obama distances himself from the war on terror and the legacy of the W. Bush presidency, Maureen Dowd visits the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum and finds that ... Bush is also trying to distance himself from the Bush presidency, she writes in the New York Times . Things...

Benghazi Witch Hunt Just Like Bush '16 Words' Fiasco

Jackson Diehl sees an uncomfortable parallel between the non-scandals

(Newser) - The Benghazi scandal feels awfully familiar to Jackson Diehl; it's a mirror image of the "16 words" fracas that dogged the George W. Bush administration, he writes in the Washington Post . To recap: In 2003, ex-ambassador Joseph Wilson accused Bush of, among other things, knowingly including a 16-word-long...

Two Views on Bush: Savior vs. Dimwit
 Two Views on Bush: 
 Savior vs. Dimwit 

Two Views on Bush: Savior vs. Dimwit

Charles Krauthammer and Jonathan Chait at opposite poles

(Newser) - Yesterday's dedication of the George W. Bush presidential library—along with his rising poll numbers —has led to lots of renewed pontificating about the Bush legacy. A sample of the pro and con camps:
  • Pro: Bush often gets reduced to the slogan, "He kept us safe.

Best Quotes From the Bush Library Dedication

'We made the tough decisions,' says George W.

(Newser) - George W. Bush's presidential library got its formal dedication today in Dallas, with all five living presidents making the trip. "Oh happy day," Bush said as he took the stage. "41, it is awesome that you are here today," continued the man of honor in...

Bush: I'm 'Very Comfortable' With Decision on Iraq

Describes relations with Cheney as 'cordial' on eve of library dedication

(Newser) - George W. Bush's library and museum get dedicated in Dallas tomorrow, and the former president has been making the interview rounds in advance. In one, he tells Diane Sawyer of ABC News that he is "very comfortable" with his decision to invade Iraq, even though no WMDs turned...

George W: I Hope Jeb Runs
 George W: I Hope Jeb Runs 

George W: I Hope Jeb Runs

Former president would like to make it three Bushes in White House

(Newser) - It wasn't an endorsement exactly, but George W. Bush tells Parade magazine that he'd love to see brother Jeb try to become the third Bush in the White House. "That’s for Jeb to figure out, you know what I mean?" he said, laughing. "I would...

US Torture After 9/11 'Indisputable': Nonpartisan Probe

Top officials to blame, says panel

(Newser) - The news cycle might be focusing elsewhere , but a nonpartisan report out today offers a clear conclusion on US interrogation techniques following 9/11: "It is indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice of torture," the report says. What's more, the highest officials are to blame...

George W. Bush: 'People Are Surprised I Can Even Read'

Talks about his paintings in new interview

(Newser) - George W. Bush took up painting after leaving the presidency, and now he's offered the Dallas Morning News a look at some of his work—specifically, paintings of two of his dogs, plus two paintings of his ranch. "People are surprised" by the new hobby, he says, adding,...

Jenna Baby Makes Bush a Grandfather
 George W. Bush Is a Grandpa 

George W. Bush Is a Grandpa

Jenna Bush Hager, husband welcome daughter Mila

(Newser) - Jenna Bush Hager and husband Henry Hager welcomed a daughter over the weekend, making former President Bush a grandpa with the newest addition to the Bush dynasty. Margaret Laura "Mila" Hager was named for Hager Bush's grandmothers, CNN reports. "Jenna and Mila are healthy. And our family...

Ex-Presidents Cost US $3.7M Last Year

Nancy Reagan waived her $20K pension

(Newser) - Don't expect this budget item to be chopped any time soon: The government spent $3.7 million on the four living ex-presidents last year, excluding Secret Service costs, according to a Congressional Research Service report. The cash covered pensions, benefits for office staff, and expenses like travel and postage,...

For Iraq's 10th Anniversary, Gawker Prints Bush's Email

Readers urged to wish him a 'happy Iraq War day'

(Newser) - To mark the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, Gawker has printed the private email address of George W. Bush and encouraged its readers to wish the man who ordered the invasion a "Happy Iraq War Day." The address was spotted in screenshots of correspondence published by...

Film Makes Clear: Cheney Pulled the Strings All Along

Dowd sees evidence of the VP's manipulation in new documentary

(Newser) - Maureen Dowd noticed something interesting while watching the new documentary The World According to Dick Cheney. In his interviews "Cheney dispenses with the fig leaf of 'we,'" Dowd observes in the New York Times . He says things like "I had a job to do,"...

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