George W. Bush

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Dubya on Jeb 2016: 50-50 Odds

Former governor 'wrestling with the decision,' says former prez

(Newser) - Former President George W. Bush is giving even odds about whether another Bush will try to occupy the White House. Brother Jeb, a former Florida governor, is "wrestling with the decision" of running for the Republican nomination in 2016, George W. Bush says. "I think it's 50-50,...

Tennis Star: George W. Bush Beer Bender Led to DUI

John Newcombe breaks silence on 1976 ticket

(Newser) - Mere days before the US presidential election in 2000, George W. Bush admitted to an old DUI arrest. Now the details of that beer-guzzling night are leaking out, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. "George was a bit of a party boy in those days," former tennis champion John...

ISIS Threatens US Troops— via Video 'Trailer'

Terror group channels Hollywood in 52-second clip

(Newser) - ISIS has released a new video, apparently threatening to kill ground troops should the US deploy them—and it looks a lot like a movie preview, the New York Times reports. Amid slow motion, quick cuts, and music clips, the 52-second video (which YouTube has taken down), apparently titled "...

Teacher Asks Sixth-Graders to Compare Bush, Hitler

DC school district sorry about homework assignment

(Newser) - The DC school district has apologized to parents over a doozy of a sixth-grade homework assignment: A teacher asked the kids to compare and contrast Hitler and George W. Bush, NBC Washington reports. With Venn diagrams, of course. It seems the class was studying war and peace, and the unidentified...

Ice Bucket Challenge Gets Presidential

George W. Bush passes torch to Bill Clinton

(Newser) - The Ice Bucket Challenge is now claiming former heads of state as victims. But former President George W. Bush didn't really want to have a bucket of ice water dumped on his head. "I do not think it's presidential," he says in a video posted today...

George W. Bush Writes Book on His Dad

'I loved writing the story of his life,' younger Bush says

(Newser) - George W. Bush has been keeping himself busy writing about the other George Bush to have occupied the White House. The Crown Publishing Group says the younger George's biography of his father will be released this November and will cover "the entire scope" of the 41st president's...

Rove: Obama Overreach Worse Than King George
 Rove: Obama 
 Worse Than 
 King George 


Rove: Obama Overreach Worse Than King George

Says president's use of executive authority akin to 'imperial power'

(Newser) - Karl Rove has evaluated President Obama's use of executive authority, particularly as it relates to his delayed deportation of some illegal immigrants, and he has found it more egregious than that of a couple of guys named George. Referring to his old boss, Rove says the Bush White House...

Planned Homeland Security HQ a Total Fiasco

It's running a decade behind schedule, $1.5B over budget

(Newser) - What America was supposed to have as soon as this year, at a cost of $3 billion: a sprawling headquarters for the Department of Homeland Security, a complex of more than 50 buildings that would allow easier coordination of the department's agencies. The plan, announced by former DHS Secretary...

Bushes Mourn Miss Beazley
 Bushes Mourn Miss Beazley 

Bushes Mourn Miss Beazley

Prez posts photo of pooch who died of cancer

(Newser) - It's not every beloved pet whose death is accompanied by a presidential statement, but George W. Bush's remaining Scottish terrier from his White House days got one. Miss Beazley died yesterday at age 9 after a fight with lymphoma, reports Politico . "She was a source of joy...

Stop Laughing at Bush&#39;s Awful Art
 Stop Laughing 
 at Bush's Awful Art 

Stop Laughing at Bush's Awful Art

Artist Molly Crabapple argues that we shouldn't overlook Bush's tragedies

(Newser) - The media loves George W. Bush's paintings . "They're ideal clickbait-kitsch," and "the benign cherry on his lifetime sundae of fail," observes artist Molly Crabapple at Politico . And she admits that they're fascinating, though not as works of art. "Bush paints like a...

Bush Unveils His 24 Portraits of World Leaders

And it is as amazing as one might predict

(Newser) - This interview has pretty much everything one could ever hope for out of a Today segment: awkward banter between a former president and his interviewer-slash-daughter, cringe-inducing art puns, Jenna Bush Hager pronouncing "Putin" like "Poodin," a rather amusing anecdote about "Poodin" dissing the Bush family dog,...

Suspect: I'm 'Working on a Relationship' With Bush Daughter

Secret Service steps in

(Newser) - A man from upstate New York has been charged in a bizarre case involving George W. Bush and his daughter Barbara . Secret Service nabbed Benjamin Smith in Manhattan and say he was sitting in a car with a loaded rifle, a machete, and a can of gasoline, reports Reuters . The...

Cops: We Got Hacker Who Leaked Bush Paintings

Romania police say they've caught 'Guccifer'

(Newser) - It appears that the run of Guccifer, hacker of the rich and famous, has come to an end. Police in Romania say they arrested 40-year-old Marcel Lazar Lehel this morning at his home in Arad, reports Romania-Insider . Guccifer is probably best known in the US for hacking into the emails...

Bush Archives Now Open to Public

Library now taking Freedom of Information Act requests

(Newser) - The George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum is set to begin accepting Freedom of Information Act requests for records from Bush's presidency. The Dallas library will start taking requests today, which marks five years from the end of Bush's presidency. Access to the records is governed by...

How 60 Words Created a 'War Without End'

A law approved after 9/11 has greatly expanded the president's powers

(Newser) - In the haze of 9/11, lawmakers empowered the US president to fight back—and may have given him more power than they bargained for, writes Gregory Johnsen at BuzzFeed . Congress overwhelmingly approved a 60-word law called the Authorization for the Use of Military Force , which empowered President George W. Bush...

Ala. Kicker Gets Condolence Letter —From Dubya

Bush pens letter of support after 3 botched kicks in Iron Bowl loss

(Newser) - From one No. 43 to another: Alabama Crimson Tide kicker Cade Foster, who has been receiving death threats since missing three field goals in his team's 34-28 Iron Bowl loss to Auburn a few weeks ago, has received words of encouragement from somebody who knows a thing or two...

Bush, Clinton, Obama to Attend Mandela Service in South Africa

Obama, Bush will travel together on Air Force One

(Newser) - President Obama and his two immediate predecessors will all head to South Africa as it memorializes Nelson Mandela , CNN reports. "President and Mrs. George W. Bush have gratefully accepted the president and Mrs. Obama's invitation to accompany them to South Africa on Air Force One," says a...

Hey, Pundits: Think Before You Say 'Nazi,' 'Katrina'

Bush was no member of Third Reich; ObamaCare is no deadly storm: Kathleen Parker

(Newser) - Ask a pundit, and you might learn that ObamaCare is this president's Katrina; or, as Sarah Palin recently attested, that that national debt is like slavery. Plenty of others have called George W. Bush and/or President Obama a "Nazi." It's time to rein in these comparisons,...

George W. Bush&#39;s Latest Painting: Jay Leno
 George W. Bush's 
 Latest Painting: 
 Jay Leno 
'tonight show'

George W. Bush's Latest Painting: Jay Leno

Former president interviewed on 'Tonight Show'

(Newser) - George W. Bush sat down with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show last night, making what NPR calls a "relatively rare appearance on national TV." (As he explained to Leno, with the late night host "about to head out to pasture ," the former president "just...

Obama's New Hurdle: Ticked-Off Democrats

Opposition has centered on Syria, NSA, Summers

(Newser) - House Republicans haven't made things easy for President Obama—but now, he's facing hurdles within his own party. The New York Times notes that liberals have lately disagreed with Obama on Syria, NSA surveillance, and the consideration of Larry Summers for the Fed chairmanship; they're also unhappy...

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