
Stories 81 - 90 | << Prev 

Shareholders OK Tribune Takeover
OK Tribune Takeover

Shareholders OK Tribune Takeover

But analysts say Zell's bid should be lowered

(Newser) - The Tribune Co.’s shareholders approved Sam Zell's $8.2 billion takeover today, nudging the publisher one step closer to private ownership. But some analysts remain skeptical that the deal will go through as planned—the company’s declining profitability since the April announcement has triggered speculation that the...

Senior Dem at SEC Will Call It Quits

Departure clouds outlook for shareholder input on directors

(Newser) - The SEC's senior Democrat, widely seen as tough on business and pro-shareholder, filed his walking papers yesterday. Roel Campos will quit the five-member panel next month after 5 years on the job and with a proposal pending that allows investors a greater say in appointment of company directors, the Washington ...

Major Bancroft Branch to Nix Murdoch Offer

Family trust may force mogul to raise price for Journal

(Newser) - An important faction within the Bancroft family will vote against Rupert Murdoch’s controversial $5 billion deal for Dow Jones, instead demanding a significant increase of his offer. The Denver branch of the family, which owns a crucial 9.1% of Dow Jones voting stock, wants an extra $120 to...

High Court Raises Bar for Investors' Suits

Companies trump shareholders for second time in a week

(Newser) - Investors who accuse companies of fraud based on executives' misdeeds must show that they acted intentionally, the Supreme Court ruled today, making it easier for corporations to have shareholder lawsuits dismissed. The decision helps protect companies against frivolous suits by clarifying a 1995 law, the Times reports, but critics say...

Yahoo! CEO Logs Off
Yahoo! CEO
Logs Off

Yahoo! CEO Logs Off

Semel leaves post as tempers flare over poor performance— and sky-high pay

(Newser) - Yahoo CEO Terry Semel is out. In a surprise announcement, Yahoo said today that co-founder Jerry Yang will take over from Semel as CEO, who will step down immediately. The embattled Semel, who's been the target of recent shareholder ire, will stick around as non-executive chairman; Susan Decker, former head...

Dow Jones Scenarios Multiply
Dow Jones Scenarios Multiply

Dow Jones Scenarios Multiply

Companies may join forces to counter Murdoch bid

(Newser) - Members of the Bancroft family would retain a stake in Dow Jones after selling a majority interest to GE and Pearson if one possible arrangement plays out, media outlets owned by the players are reporting. The Wall Street Journal outlines a venture incorporating Dow Jones, Pearson's Financial Times, and GE's...

Investors Clash With Yahoo CEO
Investors Clash With Yahoo CEO

Investors Clash With Yahoo CEO

Stockholders blast chief for $107M payday; nix change on company's China policy

(Newser) - Investors railed yesterday against Yahoo Inc.'s management team in an unusually rowdy session of the search engine's annual shareholders' meeting. Angry investors interrogated CEO Terry Semel over his $107.5M paycheck and the company's slumping stock price, which fell 9% in the last year. A third of shareholders mutinied...

Hillary Tied to Shady Donor
Hillary Tied to Shady Donor

Hillary Tied to Shady Donor

Lawsuit againt CEO reveals ethically questionable contributions

(Newser) - The CEO of infoUSA, a large consumer information broker, has given Bill and Hillary Clinton almost $3 million over the past four years. But a recent legal dustup between Vinod Gupta and his company's shareholders over extravagant spending and political donations is revealing a relationship with the Clintons that, according...

Clear Channel Board Takes Private Equity Bait

(Newser) - After months of stops and starts, Clear Channel's board today gave the green light to a $19.5 billion buyout offer. The communications giant bit after Thomas H. Lee Partners and Bain Capital, which have been bidding since November, gained the backing of two large shareholders. The successful offer was...

Tyco Ponies Up Record $3B in Shareholder Settlement

(Newser) - After years of legal wrangling, Tyco will pay a record $2.975 billion to shareholders who say the company used faulty accounting practices to defraud them. The settlement by Tyco, which became a poster child for executive excess in the wake of the Enron scandal, represents the largest amount ever...

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