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UBS to Lay Off 8,000, Add $11.4B to Writedowns

Swiss bank likely to announce cutbacks with earnings

(Newser) - Swiss banking giant UBS will lay off some 10% of its 83,000 workforce and scale back its investment banking arm in an attempt to reassure shareholders that it's taking actions to curtail losses associated with the subprime debacle, reports Bloomberg. Switzerland's largest bank says it will detail a further...

Thousands Line Up for Buffett's So-So News

Don't expect big Berkshire gains like before, he says

(Newser) - Thousands of stockholders descended on Omaha for today's annual Berkshire Hathaway meeting, but what they heard didn't send Blackberries abuzz, the Wall Street Journal reports. Warren Buffett said his iconic company won’t be pulling in double-digit returns anymore. “Anyone that expects us to come close to replicating the...

Rockefeller Clan Launches Green Revolt at Exxon

Demand new chairman, green agenda

(Newser) - Exxon Mobil is facing a shareholder revolt by most of John D. Rockefeller's 300 descendants, who are pushing for the mammoth company to go greener, reports the Wall Street Journal. The Rockefellers are campaigning for Exxon to develop new energy technology, cut greenhouse gas emissions and appoint a new independent...

IBM Raises Dividend 25%
 IBM Raises Dividend 25% 

IBM Raises Dividend 25%

Firm paying out $2.5B, expecting $12B in stock buybacks

(Newser) - IBM raised its quarterly dividend for the thirteenth consecutive year today after posting strong Q1 earnings two weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal reports. The firm expects to pay $2.5 billion to shareholders this year after raising its dividend 25%, from 40 to 50 cents. IBM also expects to...

In Q1, Yahoo Beats Estimates
 In Q1, Yahoo Beats Estimates 
earnings report

In Q1, Yahoo Beats Estimates

Positive numbers may translate into leverage against Microsoft

(Newser) - Yahoo posted an increase in net income and reported sales that beat estimates in the first quarter, the company reported today. The jump in profit to $542.2 million translates to 37 cents per share, up from 10 cents a share a year ago—a number reflecting a onetime $401...

Shareholder Revolt Strips WaMu Execs of Fat Pay

One resigns; chairman asked to step down

(Newser) - Washington Mutual shareholders got some of the blood they were out for yesterday, the Wall Street Journal reports, as the company backtracked on a pay scheme that would have shielded company executives from the subprime fallout. Board finance-committee head Mary Pugh also resigned, appeasing investors who blamed her for failing...

UBS Girds for Battle With Group Led by Ex-President

Investors tell ailing Swiss banking giant its time to cut dead weight, sell businesses

(Newser) - UBS, one of the banks hardest hit by the subprime collapse with $37.7 billion in writedowns, is under attack from an investor group led by one of its former presidents, reports the Wall Street Journal. The group wants the Swiss banking giant to spin off its investment bank, blaming...

Bear Stearns Jumps on Hope for Higher JPMorgan Bid

Likely stockholder holdout drives spike

(Newser) - Bear Stearns shares jumped 23% today on hopes that stockholders will reject JPMorgan's bailout offer in favor of a higher offer, Bloomberg reports. The surge moved the price to nearly three times the current value of the fire-sale bid, which one major stockholder termed "derisory." "There's every...

Gore to Net a Convenient Profit in IPO
Gore to Net a Convenient Profit in IPO

Gore to Net a Convenient Profit in IPO

Veep would net $48M on money-losing CurrentTV channel

(Newser) - CurrentTV is going public, and that means big money for founder Al Gore. But something about the deal rubs Rob Grover of BusinessWeek the wrong way. Gore is drawing a big salary, even though the little-watched channel is losing money, and the share distribution is decidedly undemocratic—Gore and CEO...

Steve Jobs: Brilliant Tyrant
Steve Jobs: Brilliant Tyrant

Steve Jobs: Brilliant Tyrant

Apple's mercurial CEO creates a risky rollercoaster ride for shareholders

(Newser) - Steve Jobs is an undisputed Silicon Valley superstar, but his genius has a price, Fortune reports. Jobs is a risk-taking, short-tempered tyrant, and those foibles make Apple a potential rollercoaster for investors. Jobs threatened the company—and his own freedom—in two separate backdating scandals, and, reports the magazine, risked...

Investors Angered as WaMu Shields Exec Bonuses

Bank's board of directors extracts subprime losses from bonus formula

(Newser) - Washington Mutual’s directors have decided to limit the hit its executive management team can take from the subprime credit fiasco, setting cash bonus targets that exclude costs from foreclosures and mortgage-related losses, reports the Wall Street Journal. The move angered some shareholders who’ve seen their investment shrink as...

Apple Shareholders Demand Say on Executive Pay

Union proposal OK'd at annual meeting

(Newser) - Apple shareholders have approved a motion giving them some input into executive pay levels, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. "I hope it will help me with my $1 a year salary," quipped CEO Steve Jobs after the vote at the company's annual meeting—though Jobs bags millions of...

Move to Nationalize UK Bank Sparks Fury

Shareholders expected to battle public ownership

(Newser) - Furious shareholders concerned about the risk to their investments are blasting the British government's decision to nationalize ailing Northern Rock bank. The British Treasury is expected to face lengthy legal action from investors once the government formally announces details of the takeover today. Trading in bank shares is being suspended,...

Yahoo Loses Leverage as Google Ad Deal Fades

Microsoft-Yahoo merge looks more likely

(Newser) - A potential advertising deal linking Google and Yahoo is losing steam because of Google's concerns over regulatory scrutiny, reports the Wall Street Journal, and that in turn removes one lever Yahoo hoped to use to boost Microsoft's buyout bid. Yahoo’s second largest shareholder, meanwhile, said yesterday that Microsoft’s...

Yahoo Searches for Answer to Microsoft Bid

Company would like to stay independent, but the odds look bad

(Newser) - Yahoo is struggling to find shareholder-pleasing alternatives to Microsoft's buyout bid, reports the Wall Street Journal. Selling Yahoo Japan is one possibility. An outsourcing deal with Google for its search ads that could boost revenue 25% is another, yet would raise regulatory issues. And shareholders would need to be convinced...

Microsoft-Yahoo Draws Huzzahs From Analysts
Microsoft-Yahoo Draws Huzzahs From Analysts

Microsoft-Yahoo Draws Huzzahs From Analysts

Some see bid turning hostile if Yang balks at Ballmer offer

(Newser) - First reaction to Microsoft's bid to buy Yahoo for $44 billion has been generally positive, especially among Wall Street analysts. Silicon Alley Insider's Henry Blodget, an ex-analyst, quotes several who predict regulators and shareholders will have no problems with the deal. Meanwhile, New York Times blogger Steven M. Davidoff says...

Northern Rock Bailout Plan a Money Shuffle

Deal pays back government loans, but public still on the hook

(Newser) - The British government today unveiled its last-gasp plan to hand off the Northern Rock hot potato and prevent nationalization, the London Times reports. Under the plan, the bank would immediately pay back the £25 billion it owes the government by selling the debt to private investors as bonds. But...

SEC Web Push Faces Hurdles
SEC Web Push Faces Hurdles

SEC Web Push Faces Hurdles

Cox's tech crusade meets resistance from older shareholders, bureaucrats

(Newser) - SEC Chairman Christopher Cox's campaign to make corporate information available to investors electronically sounds like a no-brainer, but it's beset with resistance on multiple fronts. That's because such proposals as online shareholder forums and making corporate data interactive—which would allow investors to sort and compare information—could give an...

Google Stock Passes $600 in Monthlong Surge

Shares reach new high ahead of third-quarter report

(Newser) - Google's stocks have shot past $600 for the first time, kindling investor hopes as the cyber giant eyes a possible buy of ad distributor DoubleClick. CNN Money reports that stocks peaked at $610.26 in New York today and closed at $609.92, a 2.6% gain. The rise extended...

Billionaire Takes Huge Stake in Bear Stearns

Josephe Lewis becomes largest shareholder with $860M buy

(Newser) - Billionaire Joseph C. Lewis has bought enough stock to become the largest single shareholder in embattled investment bank Bear Stearns, Reuters reports. The reclusive British-born currency trader bought up $860.4 million in shares over the last month, nabbing a 7% stake. Putnam Investing, the second largest shareholder, owns a...

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