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Right Should Cheer Obama's India Speech

It 'defended free trade, free markets, and free society,' writes Bret Stephens

(Newser) - It may “shock and dismay” his most faithful readers, but conservative Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens has to hand it to President Obama: He “gave a terrific speech yesterday to India’s parliament, perhaps the best of his presidency, and potentially a true compass for the rest...

Obama to UN: Give India Seat on Security Council

Trip drives $14.9B in trade deals, 50K US jobs

(Newser) - In a key diplomatic move, President Obama called for a permanent seat for India on the UN Security Council today. In a speech to the country’s Parliament, Obama fulfilled the country’s top wish for his visit, the AP reports, though it does not mean that India will join...

Obama Calls Ahmadinejad's Speech 'Offensive'

Especially because he made it so close to Ground Zero

(Newser) - Barack Obama was definitely not a fan of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s UN speech , in which he called for an inquiry into 9/11 conspiracy theories. “It was offensive. It was hateful,” Obama told the BBC today. “Especially for him to make the statement here in Manhattan, just a...

Obama Should Channel Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter
Obama Should Channel Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter

Obama Should Channel Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter

President can learn from his forebears for his speech tonight

(Newser) - Expectations are running high for President Obama's Oval Office speech tonight. James Fallows of the Atlantic proposes three presidential examples with which to evaluate it:
  • Himself: Obama has proven he knows how to use a big speech to "shift political momentum" and introduce long-term thinking about a policy problem.

Rat Crashes Obama Speech
Rat Crashes Obama Speech
watch the video

Rat Crashes Obama Speech

Rodent apparently supports Wall Street reform

(Newser) - No gatecrashers at President Obama’s second state dinner, but there was one yesterday as he spoke at the White House. A rodent, presumably a rat, ran across the Rose Garden steps just before Obama walked out to speak (watch the video at left—the rodent gets quite a reaction...

University of Wyoming Cancels Bill Ayers Lecture

President insists he didn't cave to public

(Newser) - The University of Wyoming has canceled a planned public lecture from famous ex-Weatherman and Obama compadre Bill Ayers, citing an “outpouring of criticism” and “security concerns.” The university says it had received 300 calls and emails as of yesterday, and the “vast majority” of them were...

Obama Unleashes Fiery Health Care Speech

Says insurance companies will raise rates 'as long as they can'

(Newser) - Barack Obama got downright fiery today, in a speech on health care at Arcadia University in Pennsylvania, lambasting insurance companies for their ever-higher premiums. “They will keep doing this for as long as they can get away with it,” he said. “How many more Americans have to...

Robert Gibbs Pokes Fun at Sarah Palin

Press chief writes grocery list on his hand

(Newser) - Robert Gibbs made fun of Sarah Palin's new memory aide by writing notes of his own on his palm, notes CNN . "I wrote eggs milk and bread, but I crossed out bread just so I can make pancakes for Ethan if it snows," the press secretary said at...

Obama, Please Don't Dumb It Down
 Obama, Please 
 Don't Dumb It Down 
state of the union

Obama, Please Don't Dumb It Down

He needs another speech on par with the one about Rev. Wright

(Newser) - If President Obama hopes to pull off a winning speech tonight, he might look back to candidate Obama for guidance, writes Johnathan Cohn. Remember the Jeremiah Wright controversy, when Obama faced the first "speech of his life"? Most candidates would have taken the politically easy route of disavowing...

Obama Speech Takes on Defensive Edge
 Obama Speech Takes on 
 Defensive Edge  


Obama Speech Takes on Defensive Edge

Favorite phrase—'Let me be clear'—now signals grim determination

(Newser) - One of President Obama's longest-running, most-used rhetorical standbys is the earnest phrase "let me be clear." It cropped up in his national debut speech at the 2004 convention, was deployed throughout the campaign, and continues. But let me be clear—Obama's use of the phrase has changed. During...

'Like' Is, Like, Not Going Anywhere... Um, OK?
 'Like' Is, Like, Not Going 
 Anywhere... Um, OK? 

'Like' Is, Like, Not Going Anywhere... Um, OK?

Yes, it's an annoying verbal tic—but it can also be useful

(Newser) - “Like” is, like, the biggest filler word since, um, “you know,” and it, basically, gets on Christopher Hitchens’ nerves. But though “it’s true that in some cases the term has become simultaneously a crutch and a tic, driving out the rest of the vocabulary as...

What Happened to Obama the Orator?
 What Happened to 
 Obama the Orator? 

What Happened to Obama the Orator?

Empathy is absent from Obama speeches, writes Michael Gerson

(Newser) - The golden age of presidential oration President Obama's more fervent supporters predicted has completely failed to materialize, writes former George W. Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson. Obama's speechmaking—once seen as his greatest strength—has been so uninspired and unmemorable that it now seems like a major weakness, Gerson writes in...

Race-Speech Obama Is MIA
 Race-Speech Obama Is MIA 

Race-Speech Obama Is MIA

Prez's actions failing to match his clear rhetoric of past

(Newser) - The moral clarity that Barack Obama revealed in his groundbreaking Philadelphia speech on race has been nowhere to be seen recently, writes Richard Cohen. The Obama who made that speech wouldn't have let the Chinese stage-manage his appearances, or allowed the civilian trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed go forward without...

Palin's Lost Concession Speech
 Palin's Lost Concession Speech 

Palin's Lost Concession Speech

Book reveals what McCain wouldn't let America hear

(Newser) - 'Twas a year ago tomorrow that John McCain’s team forbade Sarah Palin from delivering a concession speech, and a new book, Sarah From Alaska, gives you the chance to finally find out what she planned to say. Some highlights, from the Daily Beast :
  • “It would be a happier

Netanyahu Blasts UN for Ahmadinejad Speech

'Have you no shame?' cries Israeli PM

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu didn’t hold back today when he took the stage at the United Nations. The Israeli PM went on a tirade, berating the UN for allowing Holocaust denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak. “Have you no shame? Have you no decency?” he demanded, after recounting the horrors of...

Ahmadinejad Rips Israel, US, as Usual, in UN Speech

American, other delegations walk out of Iranian president's speech

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ripped Israel and the US in his speech today before the United Nations General Assembly, even as Iran’s president said his country was ready to work for peace and would shake hands “honestly extended to us.” The US and other delegations walked out—in protest...

The Seven Deadly Sins of Prejean's Speech

(Newser) - For some reason, people are still listening to Carrie Prejean. The Value Voters Summit even had her give a speech recently (see video). But Prejean made a few mistakes, or sins if you like, writes Oliver Miller for TheFasterTimes.com:
  • Pride: “You know who doesn’t feel the need

Carter: Wilson's Heckling of Obama 'Based on Racism'

(Newser) - Former President Jimmy Carter says Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst during President Obama's speech last week was an act "based on racism." Carter says Wilson's comment was part of an "inherent feeling" of some that a black man should not be president. In responding to a question at...

House Admonishes Wilson for 'You Lie!'

(Newser) - The House formally admonished Joe Wilson today for his "You lie" outburst during President Obama's speech. The vote was 240-179, with 12 Democrats and seven Republicans voting against party lines. "At issue," declared House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer during debate, "is whether we are able to...

Obama Using Tired Tricks of the Trail

The brouhaha followed by speech is getting old

(Newser) - President Obama’s strategy for dealing with fallout from political controversy is growing tired, writes Frank Rich in the New York TImes. First, Obama stays cool as the crazies and 24-hour news networks explode; then, at a “superdramatic moment,” he delivers a speech the media “reliably hypes...

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