crimes against humanity

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ICC Seeks Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu, Hamas Leaders

Karim Khan says he's seeking arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Israel defense chief, Hamas leaders

(Newser) - The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said Monday he's seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in connection with their actions during the seven-month war. Karim Khan said that he believes Netanyahu, his defense minister Yoav Gallant, and three Hamas...

We Talk Ukraine and Gaza, but Not This 'Living Hell'

International community's silence on civil war in Sudan speaks volumes, some note

(Newser) - There's been understandable outrage from all corners over the wars in Gaza and Ukraine , with media covering frantic aid negotiations and threats of famine . But when it comes to the nearly year-old civil war in Sudan, a continent away, there's been relative silence—silence now becoming deafening, according...

UN Expert: Gaza Destruction Ought to Be a War Crime
It's Time to Make
'Domicide' a War Crime

It's Time to Make 'Domicide' a War Crime

UN expert decries the destruction of civilian homes in Gaza and elsewhere

(Newser) - We've all seen the photos showing Gaza turned to rubble. What's not always conveyed "is the profound effect of this loss at a human level," writes Dr. Balakrishnan Rajagopal, UN special rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, at the New York Times . As Rajagopal writes,...

US Already Slammed Russia for War Crimes. Now, 'a Step Further'

VP Harris: 'There is no doubt' that Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine

(Newser) - The United States has determined that Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine, Vice President Kamala Harris said Saturday, insisting that "justice must be served" to the perpetratrors. Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Harris said that the international community has both a moral and a strategic interest...

In Final Minutes of Term, UN Commissioner Releases Uighur Report

In it, UN accuses China of serious human rights violations

(Newser) - The UN accused China of serious human rights violations that may amount to "crimes against humanity" in a long-delayed report examining a crackdown on Uighurs and other mostly Muslim ethnic groups. Beijing on Thursday denounced the assessment, which was released late Wednesday, as a fabrication cooked up by Western...

Brutality in Ethiopia Is 'Absolutely Shocking'

Amnesty International says government is using rape as weapon of war

(Newser) - Ethiopia's military is guilty of war crimes, including using rape as a weapon of war, according to Amnesty International, which shares horrific accounts from victims in a new report . The group says "overwhelming evidence" shows rape has been rampant in Ethiopia's northern Tigray region since fighting between...

Scathing Report Details Atrocities in Venezuela

Experts allege crimes against humanity have been committed there since 2014

(Newser) - Independent experts commissioned by the UN’s top human-rights body have alleged the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has committed crimes against humanity since 2014. The experts issued a scathing, in-depth report on Wednesday that said the people responsible for crimes that include extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances, arbitrary detentions,...

Man Who Oversaw Torture, Killings of 16K Dead at 77
Khmer Rouge
Dead at 77

Khmer Rouge Executioner Dead at 77

Kaing Guek Eav had been hospitalized after having difficulty breathing

(Newser) - The Khmer Rouge’s chief jailer, who admitted overseeing the torture and killings of as many as 16,000 Cambodians while running the regime’s most notorious prison, has died. Kaing Guek Eav, known as Duch, was 77 and had been serving a life prison term for war crimes and...

Surprise Deal Is Bad News for a Brutal Former Dictator
Surprise Deal Is Bad News
for a Brutal Former Dictator
the rundown

Surprise Deal Is Bad News for a Brutal Former Dictator

Omar al-Bashir of Sudan may be handed over to a world court to face war crimes charges

(Newser) - A surprise development in Africa means an autocrat who ruled for decades might be handed over to a world court to face war crimes charges. Coverage:
  • Who: Omar al-Bashir, 76, ruled Sudan from 1989 until his ouster last year , and he did so with an "iron fist," per

Justice Years After Disemboweled Bodies Found in Field

ICC finds Bosco Ntaganda guilty of war crimes committed in the Democratic Republic of Congo

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court came into being in 2002. Seventeen years later, it notched its fourth conviction. Former Congolese rebel leader Bosco Ntaganda, known as the "Terminator," was convicted on Monday of war crimes and crimes against humanity, among them, sexual slavery—the first time the ICC has...

Fast-Food Chain Introduces New Pickle-Based Drink

Get your pickle juice slushes this June at Sonic

(Newser) - Pickle juice is having a bit of a moment (a disgusting, disgusting moment), Food & Wine reports. You can get your whiskey shot with a pickle juice back at hip bars, and pickle juice sports drinks are apparently a thing. Now USA Today brings news of a brine too far:...

ICC Looks Into Claims Duterte Ordered Mass Murder

He welcomes preliminary investigation into crimes against humanity, rep says

(Newser) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte welcomes a preliminary investigation into allegations of crimes against humanity now underway by the International Criminal Court, a spokesman said Thursday, marking an about-face for a man who once described the ICC as "bulls---." Duterte is "sick and tired of being accused" and...

Panel Reveals Chilling Details From Camps in N. Korea

One judge who survived Auschwitz says conditions are just as bad, if not worse

(Newser) - Three international judges have been digging into conditions at North Korea's infamous labor camps , and one of them gives a damning assessment to the Washington Post : "I believe that the conditions in the [North] Korean prison camps are as terrible, or even worse, than those I saw and...

Amnesty: Horrors at Syrian Prison Include Weekly Mass Hangings

Report details up to 13K executions at Saydnaya Prison

(Newser) - Every week, sometimes twice a week, a military facility in Syria executes more people than the United States executes in a year, according to a hard-hitting Amnesty International report on the "human slaughterhouse" that is Saydnaya Prison. Syria has been secretly killing up to 50 people at a time,...

Chad's Ex-Dictator Convicted of Crimes Against Humanity

Hissene Habre's lawyer says he will appeal

(Newser) - Chad's former dictator Hissene Habre was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity, war crimes, torture, and sex crimes during his time in power, Judge Gberdao Gustave Kam said Monday, ending the trial that began in July 2015. Whoops of joy and tears greeted the...

UN Report Details South Sudan's Use of Rape as 'Instrument of Terror'

'One of the most horrendous human rights situations in the world'

(Newser) - A UN report describing sweeping crimes like children and the disabled being burned alive and fighters being allowed to rape women as payment shows South Sudan is facing "one of the most horrendous human rights situations in the world," the UN human rights chief said Friday. Zeid Raad...

Sudan's Leader Evades Arrest Once Again— via Private Jet

Leader is wanted by ICC for war crimes

(Newser) - For six years and counting, Omar al-Bashir has evaded arrest and a trial at the International Criminal Court on genocide and crimes against humanity charges stemming from the Darfur conflict , and it appears he may have slipped through the cracks again—this time in South Africa. The Sudanese leader was...

UN: North Korean Leaders Should Be Prosecuted

Non-binding resolution passes; China, Russia stand in way

(Newser) - North Korea's leaders should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, according to none other than the UN. In a 111-19 vote, with 55 abstentions, UN members made what the New York Times calls the organization's strongest-ever move against the North, saying its leaders had violated human rights and...

Syria Likely Gassed Civilians 8 Times in April: UN

Independent commission also says country is plagued by 'crimes against humanity'

(Newser) - The Assad regime likely used chlorine gas eight times on its own people in northern Syria villages in April, according to a report released today by an independent UN commission, the AP reports. The report also indicates that the Syrian people have been besieged by crimes against humanity at the...

UN: Punish N. Korea, Kim for 'Unspeakable Atrocities'

Report urges prosecution, crimes against humanity for Kim Jong Un

(Newser) - A hard-hitting United Nations report out today is expected to contain hundreds of pages of details of the horrors people have suffered under the North Korean regime—and call for those behind the "unspeakable atrocities" to be punished. That includes Kim Jong Un, who got a personal letter from...

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