military coup

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Chile Exhumes Allende to Settle Suicide Mystery

Country hopes to lay past to rest with Allende investigation

(Newser) - "Placed at a historical crossroads, I will pay with my life for the loyalty of the people," vowed Chilean President Salvador Allende as forces loyal to army chief Augusto Pinochet closed in on the presidential palace in a 1973 coup. Allende was found dead from gunshot wounds hours...

Military Coup Topples Niger's President

Mamadou Tandja's whereabouts unclear after violent takeover

(Newser) - Renegade soldiers in armored vehicles stormed Niger's presidential palace with a hail of gunfire in broad daylight today, kidnapping the country's strongman president, then appearing on state television to declare they staged a successful coup. The soldiers also said Niger's constitution had been suspended and all its institutions dissolved. The...

Honduras Unity Deal Fails
 Honduras Unity Deal Fails 

Honduras Unity Deal Fails

Plan to reinstate Zelaya falls apart as deadline passes

(Newser) - The US-brokered deal to end the political standoff in Honduras has collapsed, says ousted president Manuel Zelaya, although the interim president installed after Zelaya's ouster doesn't agree even on that. "The accord is dead," Zelaya said from the Brazilian Embassy, where he has been holed up since slipping...

Righty Site Yanks Post on US Military Coup

Newsmax scribe said Obama overthrow 'gaining possibility'

(Newser) - A Newsmax columnist—the conservative mag says he's a mere “unpaid blogger”—suggests that a military coup against the Obama administration is “gaining possibility.” “Imagine a bloodless coup to restore and defend the Constitution through an interim administration,” writes John Perry in a column...

Fearing Bloodshed, Zelaya Leaves Honduras

Ousted prez takes action after negotiations fall apart

(Newser) - Ousted President Manuel Zelaya took a symbolic step into his homeland today, vowing to reclaim his post a month after soldiers flew him into exile. But he stayed less than 30 minutes before returning to Nicaragua, saying the risk of bloodshed was too great. He said he would give talks...

Honduras Quits OAS
 Honduras Quits OAS 

Honduras Quits OAS

(Newser) - Honduras beat the Organization of American States to the punch by quitting the organization today before its membership could be suspended, the New York Times reports. The OAS has been critical of what it calls an illegal coup in Honduras and was to meet today to consider expulsion. Honduras’ perhaps-President...

Honduras Refuses OAS Order to Reinstate Prez Zelaya

'Now the OAS has to decide what it will do' says supreme court leader

(Newser) - Honduras' Supreme Court today rejected an ultimatum to restore ousted President Manuel Zelaya to power. Court spokesman Danilo Izaguirre says the head of the Organization of American States asked the president of the court to reinstate Zelaya, but he said no. Izaguirre said today: "Now the OAS has to...

Pentagon Cuts Ties With Honduras

Central American nation isolated as OAS sets ultimatum

(Newser) - As thousands of Hondurans protested yesterday in dueling rallies backing both ousted President Manuel Zelaya and the military-backed government that came to power last weekend, the Central American nation grows further isolated, reports the AP. The Pentagon yesterday suspended joint US-Honduran military operations and the World Bank said it was...

Obama's Honduras Response Defuses Ch&aacute;vez Bluster
Obama's Honduras Response Defuses Chávez Bluster

Obama's Honduras Response Defuses Chávez Bluster

Condemnation of Honduran coup parries accusations of US complicity

(Newser) - President Obama confounded Hugo Chávez’s attempts to implicate Washington in the Honduran coup by calling for President Manuel Zelaya’s reinstatement, Simon Romero writes for the New York Times. When the coup was announced, Chávez immediately suggested that the US was financing Zelaya’s opponents or, as...

OAS Issues Ultimatum to Honduras
OAS Issues Ultimatum
to Honduras

OAS Issues Ultimatum to Honduras

President installed by coup says only invasion will depose him

(Newser) - If its deposed president isn’t reinstated within 72 hours, Honduras will be kicked out of the Organization of American States, the group’s secretary-general said today, in the latest sign of Manuel Zelaya’s overwhelming international support. Zelaya spoke before the UN yesterday, and the General Assembly voted by...

Beck, Drudge Blast Obama for... Opposing a Coup?
Beck, Drudge Blast Obama for... Opposing
a Coup?

Beck, Drudge Blast Obama for... Opposing a Coup?

It's yet another way the president's a commie

(Newser) - Glenn Beck found a new and creative way of insinuating that President Obama is a commie last night, attacking him for—of all things—opposing the military coup in Honduras. See, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro also opposed the coup, which means clearly any right-thinking non-pinko would support it. “...

Ousted Honduran Leader Plans Return

(Newser) - Honduras' ousted president, bolstered by international support, said he will return home to regain control and urged soldiers to stop cracking down on thousands of supporters who have protested his overthrow. Flanked by Latin American leaders who have vowed to help him regain power, Manuel Zelaya said yesterday he would...

Obama: 'Terrible Precedent' if Honduras Coup Stands

(Newser) - President Barack Obama today declared that the US still considers Manuel Zelaya to be the president of Honduras and assailed the coup that forced him into exile as "not legal." "It would be a terrible precedent if we start moving backwards into the era in which we...

Honduran Coup an Opportunity for Obama
Honduran Coup an Opportunity for Obama

Honduran Coup an Opportunity for Obama

President should demonstrate US commitment to democracy: expert

(Newser) - The Honduran military coup overthrowing President Manuel Zelaya offers the Obama administration a chance to rehabilitate the battered reputation of the US in Latin America, Reuters reports. "This is a golden opportunity to make a clear break with the past and show that he is unequivocally siding with democracy”...

Georgia Sees Russian Hand in Mutiny, Coup Attempt

Tbilisi says Russia-backed revolt was set to topple government

(Newser) - A revolt has broken out at an army base near the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, which the government is calling a Russian-backed military coup, the Guardian reports. The Georgian defense minister says the soldiers were being confined in their barracks, and at least one person has been arrested. The Georgians...

Fiji Dictator Defies Calls for Democracy

Commodore flouts deadline, says he needs another 5 years

(Newser) - The military leader of Fiji, where a coup overthrew the elected government in 2006, defied international demands for a restoration of democracy. Frank Bainimarama had been given a deadline of today to announce an election date, but the commodore said that he would not allow a return to democracy for...

Ex-DJ Takes Over Madagascar
 Ex-DJ Takes Over Madagascar 

Ex-DJ Takes Over Madagascar

Military hands power to opposition leader after president steps down

(Newser) - Madagascar's military has handed control of the country over to youthful opposition leader Andry Rajoelina, the BBC reports. The 34-year-old former DJ—who installed himself in the president's office yesterday—promised elections within two years. President Marc Ravalomanana stepped down yesterday after a military raid on his palace, and officers...

Madagascar Prez Hands Country to Military

Troops stormed palace yesterday

(Newser) - Madagascar's president has handed over power to the nation's military, Reuters reports, following a months-long power struggle that culminated in a military raid on Marc Ravalomanana’s palace yesterday and the opposition's seizure of his offices today. "He came to the conclusion this is best for the country. He...

Georgia's Outgunned Leader Keeps the Faith

'We cannot compete' with Russia, but don't forget: 'Finland fought this kind of war in 1939'

(Newser) - After 5 years of risky political brinksmanship with Russia, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili now finds himself in the fight of his life, the Wall Street Journal reports. The pro-Western leader says he has no regrets about his tactics, which seem finally to have set off long-simmering tensions between his state...

Army Seizes Power in Mauritania
Army Seizes Power in Mauritania

Army Seizes Power in Mauritania

African nation's first democratically elected president captive

(Newser) - Soldiers in the West African nation of Mauritania mounted a coup d'etat today, arresting the president and prime minister and shutting down state radio and television, the Guardian reports. Troops entered the capital and apprehended Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, the country’s first democratically elected president, after he began taking...

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