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South Africa Bars Dalai Lama From Peace Conference

Move outrages fellow Nobel laureates

(Newser) - One notable Nobel laureate won’t be at this week’s peace conference in South Africa: The Dalai Lama. South Africa has denied the Tibetan spiritual leader entry, bowing to pressure from trading partner China, the Times of London reports. The Nobel laureates organizing the event are outraged, with Archbishop...

China Busts 100 Monks After Attack on Police

Protest sparked by alleged suicide of police escapee

(Newser) - China arrested almost 100 monks after hundreds of Tibetans attacked a Chinese police station, the AP reports. Police nabbed six while 89 others, almost all monks, turned themselves in, said the state news agency. The uproar appeared to be over a Tibetan who disappeared after he escaped from police, the...

Tibet's Long History of Isolation

Since 1800s, governments have secluded region from world

(Newser) - Isolation has long defined Tibet and fueled the region's exotic history, Edward Wong writes in the New York Times. While China's recent clampdown is purely political—this is the 50th anniversary of an attempted uprising—natural remoteness and anti-imperialist struggles have also sealed its borders. “A large element of...

Dalai Lama Marks 50 Years: China Made Tibet 'Hell on Earth'

Spiritual leader throws down gloves in anniversary speech

(Newser) - In an unusually stark speech, the Dalai Lama slammed China today, saying it had made Tibet “a hell on Earth,” the New York Times reports. Chinese officials see Tibetans as “criminals deserving to be put to death,” he said in an address marking the 50th anniversary...

Tibet Under Martial Law as Revolt Anniversary Nears

Protests are simmering under curfew and heavy police presence

(Newser) - China is quietly clamping down on Tibet ahead of twin anniversaries this month—the 50th of the Dalai Lama's failed revolt and the first of the violent riots that shook the region last year. Sandbag outposts, army convoys, and high police presence in Lhasa, Tibet's capital, indicate Beijing is readying...

China Detains 59 in Tibet for 'Spreading Hate'

Activists accused of targeting ethnic Han migrants via music

(Newser) - Chinese police have arrested 59 people in Tibet for downloading and selling banned “reactionary songs” they say fuel ethnic hatred against migrant Han Chinese, the New York Times reports. The detainees are accused of collaborating with the exiled Dalai Lama to fuel unrest in the troubled region. State media...

China Warns of Sanctions for Sarkozy-Dalai Lama Meeting

Dalai Lama criticism of China's lack of 'moral authority' sparks Beijing fury

(Newser) - China is making noises about possible trade sanctions against France to protest President Nicolas Sarkozy's plans to meet tomorrow with the Dalai Lama in Poland, reports the Times of London. Such a meeting threatens the "long-term development of ties" with France, warned a Chinese official. China has already pulled...

China Scraps Summit Over EU Meetings With Dalai Lama

Relations between Brussels and Beijing hit a new low

(Newser) - The Chinese government canceled a summit with leaders of the EU in response to the plans of several European countries to host the Dalai Lama next month, the Financial Times reports. The summit was to address the global financial crisis, and an EU statement expressed regret that China pulled out....

As Crisis Bites, UK Changes Stance on Tibet
As Crisis Bites, UK Changes Stance on Tibet

As Crisis Bites, UK Changes Stance on Tibet

After a century of hedging, Britain says region is part of China

(Newser) - Last month Gordon Brown called on China to pump more money into the International Monetary Fund, whose coffers are nearly bare as more nations succumb to the global financial crisis. Only a few days later, writes Robert Barnett in the New York Times, the British government quietly announced a change...

Tibetans Push Lama Toward Harder Stance on China

Even leader sees that time's running out on non-confrontational 'middle way'

(Newser) - Tibetans still support the Dalai Lama’s “middle way” policy of negotiating for greater autonomy under Chinese rule, the Christian Science Monitor reports, but a conference of Tibetan exiles that ended today in India revealed many are growing impatient with Beijing’s endless foot-dragging. Members of the conference said...

Tibet Strategy 'Failed': Lama
Tibet Strategy 'Failed': Lama

Tibet Strategy 'Failed': Lama

Leader to meet 600 exiles on Monday; he may relinquish power or take harder stance

(Newser) - Nearly five decades since the Dalai Lama fled Tibet, he and his followers are growing restless. Last month, the Lama announced that the “middle way” strategy he pursued for 30 years—an attempt to negotiate autonomy for Tibet rather than pure independence—had failed. “As far as I’...

China Offers to Restart Talks With Dalai Lama

Tibetan leader should 'treasure this opportunity': Beijing

(Newser) - China has offered a fresh round of negotiations with the Dalai Lama on Tibet’s political status, the BBC reports. The religious leader should “treasure this opportunity,” according to an announcement in Chinese state media, which added that Beijing was willing to overlook the violent Tibetan protests that...

Himalaya Adventurers Find 'Yeti Tracks'

Traces aren't animal, experts say, 'look human'

(Newser) - The legendary abominable snowman of the Himalayas remains camera-shy, but a Japanese team has made a breakthrough, discovering what the lead researcher says are yeti footprints. "Myself and other team members have been coming to the Himalayas for years and we can recognize bear, deer, wolf and snow leopard...

Dalai Lama Breezes Through Gall Stone Surgery

Operation follows latest trip back to hospital with abdominal pain

(Newser) - The Dalai Lama underwent gall stone surgery today in India after he was rushed to a hospital again suffering from abdominal pain, reports the Times of London. The 73-year-old spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists spent four days in a hospital with similar pains in August. The operation went off "...

50 Years On, Tibet's Secret War Simmers

Dalai Lama's brother was key to CIA-backed anti-China insurgency

(Newser) - The little-known Tibetan resistance struggle after China's 1950 invasion still affects its politics today, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Dalai Lama's brother played a vital role in the CIA-backed armed movement, largely made up of Buddhist monks, and Chinese suspicion still lingers over how much the spiritual leader himself...

Dalai Lama Cancels Trips Due to 'Exhaustion'

Spiritual leader takes rest after months of traveling the globe

(Newser) - Citing "exhaustion," the Dalai Lama has canceled plans to travel, the AP reports. A spokesman said the Tibetan spiritual leader would not go to Mexico and the Dominican Republic, and instead would rest and undergo medical tests for the next three weeks. The 73-year-old has had an intense...

US Urges China to Free 8 Yanks
 US Urges China to Free 8 Yanks

US Urges China to Free 8 Yanks

Pro-Tibetan demonstrators to be released next weekend

(Newser) - Washington is seeking the release of eight US protesters held by China during the Olympics, Reuters reports. Two were collared Thursday for posting a "Free Tibet" banner near an Olympic event; six others were members of Free Tibet Reporters detained the day before. Beijing vows to release all eight...

China Blocks iTunes Over Pro-Tibet Album

Compilation was offered free to Olympians

(Newser) - The Chinese government has blocked access to Apple’s iTunes music store for providing free downloads of a pro-Tibet compilation to Olympic athletes, the Telegraph reports. Users reported a blackout Monday, shortly after the Campaign for Tibet notes that 40 Olympians had downloaded the record. Only the Chinese iTunes store...

China Likely to Use Georgia War to Justify Crackdowns

Beijing sees conflict as new lesson to keep minorities in line

(Newser) - The Chinese government will likely seize upon the Georgia conflict to justify crackdowns on its own separatists in Tibet and Xinjiang, according to a Bloomberg analysis. Chinese officials view the Georgia conflict "as the result of Russia's inability to control the country," and they don't want to make...

Bush: 'Deep Concerns' on Rights in China

President lands in Beijing for opening ceremonies

(Newser) - President Bush landed in Beijing today for the Olympics’ opening ceremony, but not before outlining his “deep concerns” about human rights in the Chinese regime. “America stands in firm opposition to China's detention of political dissidents, human-rights advocates, and religious activists,” Bush said in a speech in...

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