leg lengthening

4 Stories

Patients Clamor to Grow Taller With 'Magical' Surgery

LA Times profiles Dr. Kevin Debiparshad, who performs leg-lengthening surgery in Las Vegas

(Newser) - If you're a guy who's long yearned to be just a few inches taller, Dr. Kevin Debiparshad says he's your man. The Harvard-educated surgeon based in Las Vegas is the subject of a profile by Brittny Mejia for the Los Angeles Times on the time-consuming and often...

He Paid $75K to Get 3 Inches Taller
He Wanted to Be Taller.
Agony, $75K Got Him There

He Wanted to Be Taller. Agony, $75K Got Him There

Inside the world of surgical leg lengthening

(Newser) - For the next five years, John Lovedale will be paying $1,200 a month back to SoFi bank to pay off the loan he got in order to pay for cosmetic leg lengthening. The procedure is what it sounds like: one's femurs are broken and adjustable titanium nails are...

Elective Limb-Lengthening Is Getting More Common
Some Men Are Opting
to Get Taller—Surgically

Some Men Are Opting to Get Taller—Surgically

It's not cheap or easy, but some see it as a life-altering opportunity

(Newser) - It’s not a stretch to say short guys have it tough sometimes. Think Napoleon: sure, he conquered Europe, but he also got a complex named after him because—evidently—being short made him fighting mad. In a recent BuzzFeed article, reporter Elamin Abdelmahmoud lays out research that shows modern-day...

Where People Get Legs Lengthened on the Cheap

But specialists in India are divided over the procedure

(Newser) - Wish you were a little taller? Well, doctors in India have been lengthening limbs for years at relatively low cost—but the industry is unregulated and the procedure pretty gruesome, the Guardian reports. For a few thousand dollars, patients have a bone broken in each leg (usually the tibia) and...

4 Stories
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