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31 Killed in Iraq Market Car Bombings
 Iraq Market Bombings Kill 31 

Iraq Market Bombings Kill 31

Dozens injured in two Shiite areas

(Newser) - Four car bombs struck two outdoor markets in predominantly Shiite areas of Iraq today, killing at least 31 people and wounding dozens at a time of mounting discontent among minority Sunnis. The bombings in Baghdad and a town south of the capital were the latest attacks by suspected Sunni insurgents...

Blasts Again Sweep Iraq; 26 Killed

Latest coordinated wave appears to be al-Qaeda handiwork

(Newser) - Bombs striking Shiite neighborhoods, security forces, and other targets across Iraq killed at least 26 people today, in the latest instance in which insurgents launched coordinated attacks in multiple cities in a single day, apparently intending to rekindle widespread sectarian conflict. The deadliest attack came in the town of Taji,...

Iraq Toll Tops 100 as Bombs Hit Baghdad

Second round of bombings kill 51 more in Baghdad

(Newser) - Six more car bombs in Shiite neighborhoods in Baghdad yesterday evening killed at least 51 more people, bringing the day's death toll to 109, as Sunni militants reacted fiercely to the death sentence given to a prominent Sunni vice president, reports NBC News . A series of attacks earlier in...

In Fox Sports' Olympics Headline, a Geography Goof

It was a bit fuzzy on the Mideast yesterday

(Newser) - They're not bad at puns, but the writers at Fox Sports may need some geography lessons. Fox Sports ran a photo yesterday of Iranian athlete Hamid Soryan after he won his gold medal for Greco-Roman wrestling with the headline: "It's in the Baghdad," Gawker noticed. That...

Katie Couric: Perky Face of Iraq's Spotty Electricity?

Iraq ministry uses unwitting anchor's face in marketing campaign

(Newser) - Iraq's electricity ministry is trying to put a happy face on its inability to provide adequate power—a very happy face. Around Baghdad, the ministry has erected billboards for its electricity news bulletin, bearing the beaming mug of Katie Couric. No, Couric doesn't have anything to do with...

Bombs Across Iraq Kill 63 Pilgrims

Attacks target Shiite pilgrims headed to Baghdad site

(Newser) - A series of coordinated car bombs went off in at least five Iraqi cities today, killing 63 people in one of the deadliest attacks since US forces left the country. The blasts appeared to be the third attack this week targeting Shiite pilgrims en route to the Baghdad neighborhood of...

Iran Balks at Nuclear Offer
 Iran Balks at Nuclear Offer 

Iran Balks at Nuclear Offer

Talks in Baghdad continuing today

(Newser) - Talks between Iran and six world powers about Iran's nuclear program yesterday yielded only an agreement to keep talking today. During the talks in Baghdad , negotiators offered Iran a package of benefits for freezing uranium enrichment, but the country's official news agency slammed the package as "outdated,...

Iran Nuclear Talks Begin With 'New Offer'

The six nations' goal: a shutdown of higher-grade uranium enrichment

(Newser) - Today's the day: Iran is sitting down with six nations to talk nukes, an event that has been described in terms of cautious optimism for days. Now that it's actually here, what's worth knowing, and what should you be watching for? A primer:
  • The talks began about

Iraq Hit by First Major Attacks in Month

At least 30 dead as bombs strike six cities

(Newser) - Bombings struck several areas in Baghdad and five other cities today, killing at least 30 people in the first major attacks in Iraq in nearly a month. Nearly 100 people were wounded in the rapid-fire explosions that unfolded over an hour and 15 minutes. Half of the bombs struck at...

Bombings Sweep Iraq on Anniversary of US Invasion

And comes ahead of next week's Arab League summit

(Newser) - Car bombs exploded in cities across Iraq today, including Baghdad, Fallujah, and Kirkuk, in a spate of violence that both marks the ninth anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, and presages the Arab League's summit in Baghdad next week. The attacks struck eight cities in all, killing at...

Abu Ghraib Ex-Soldier: Prisoners Got Better End of Deal

Unremorseful Lynndie England 'won't apologize to enemy'

(Newser) - Poor Lynndie England. The female soldier linked to shocking abuse at the infamous Abu Ghraib military prison remains steadfastly unremorseful about what happened, and apparently believes the prisoners ended up faring better than she has. Prisoners' "lives are better. They got the better end of the deal,” Lynndie...

Al-Sadr Militia Releases US Hostage Held in Iraq

Randy Michaels appears on TV in military uniform

(Newser) - An Iraqi militia linked to Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr released a former US soldier today after keeping him prisoner for nine months, Reuters reports. Identified as Randy Michaels, the American appeared on television in a US military uniform without insignia, alongside two lawmakers from al-Sadr's movement. Speaking briefly...

Sweeping Attacks Kill 50 Across Iraq

String of coordinated bombings strike 12 cities

(Newser) - A rapid series of bombings and shootings exploded across 12 Iraqi cities today, in what appeared to be a large, coordinated al-Qaeda attack. The attacks hit government offices, restaurants, and in one case exploded close to a primary school, though security forces appeared to be the primary targets, the AP...

Another Iraqi Blast Kills Dozens

Suicide bomber hits Shiite funeral

(Newser) - A suicide bomber detonated an explosives-packed car near a funeral procession in southeastern Baghdad today, killing at least 28 people in the latest brazen attack since the US troop withdrawal. Police officials said the blast occurred at 11am in the predominantly Shiite neighborhood of Zafaraniyah, where mourners had gathered for...

Brit Busted for Hawking the Butt of Saddam Statue

Brit firm founder an ex-soldier who removed section of toppled Baghdad statue

(Newser) - A British company official has been arrested after auctioning a buttock section of the massive Saddam Hussein bronze statue toppled when US forces stormed Baghdad in 2003. The arrest was made after the Iraqi government issued a complaint to British police following an auction in Derby, where the two-foot hunk...

Wave of Bombings Targets Iraq's Shiites, Killing 72

Heightens fears that attacks will increase now that US has withdrawn

(Newser) - A wave of bombings targeting Shiites in Iraq killed 72 people today, deepening sectarian tensions that exploded just after the last American troops left the country in mid-December. The bombings began early in the morning when explosions struck two Shiite neighborhoods in Baghdad, killing at least 27 people. A few...

63 Dead as Explosions Rip Baghdad

First major violence after US troop pullout rattles Iraq

(Newser) - At least 63 people have been killed as powerful explosions ripped Baghdad early today in the first major violence in Iraq since US troops left. Nearly 200 people were wounded as bombers believed linked to Al-Qaeda in Iraq targeted schools, grocery stores and government buildings, reports the New York Times...

Lawn-Chair Balloonist Plans Flight Over Iraq

Kent Couch will lift off from Baghdad later this month

(Newser) - If all goes well, an Oregon gas-station owner will fly over Iraq in his balloon-powered lawn chair later this month. Kent Couch boarded a flight today to the Middle East in preparation, reports the Los Angeles Times . An Iraqi man plans to go up with him on his own chair...

25 Killed in Bomb Spree Targeting Baghdad Cops

25 killed in attack that hit even an al-Sadr-controlled Shiite neighborhood

(Newser) - A slew of bombings targeted Iraqi police in Baghdad this morning, including blasts by two suicide bombers who tried to ram their vehicles through police station gates. Iraqi officials said 25 people died and dozens more were wounded in the carnage. Police are generally considered the weakest section of the...

WikiLeaks Cables May Imperil Baghdad Jews

'The older ones are refusing to leave,' priest says

(Newser) - Baghdad's few remaining Jews are being warned to flee after WikiLeaks published cables including their names last month, McClatchy reports. An Anglican priest working with the US embassy is trying to persuade the city's last Jewish members—all nine of them—that they are in danger. "Most...

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