Joe Biden 2020

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Jill Biden, Symone Sanders Protect Joe From Protester

Jill Biden and Symone Sanders are being praised on social media after the LA move

(Newser) - In one of the more awesome Super Tuesday moments, Jill Biden and Symone Sanders united to act as Joe Biden's bodyguards during a Los Angeles rally Tuesday night. An anti-dairy protester rushed the stage but was quickly blocked by Jill Biden and Sanders, who's a senior adviser to...

Takeaways From Super Tuesday
Takeaways From
Super Tuesday

Takeaways From Super Tuesday

Biden pulls off 'monumental' comeback

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders won the biggest prize on Super Tuesday —but the wider result was a stunning victory for Joe Biden, who scored wins in at least 9 of the 14 states that voted, including Texas, analysts say. "They don’t call it Super Tuesday for nothing," the...

Biden Scores Narrow Win in Texas
Biden Scores 
a Narrow Win
in Texas 

Biden Scores a Narrow Win in Texas

Bush grandson failed to make runoff in bid for Congress

(Newser) - Joe Biden ended a triumphant Super Tuesday with a narrow victory over Bernie Sanders in Texas, where Democrats are seeking a rare return to power in 2020. The former vice president's victory over the Vermont senator capped a string of victories across the South for Biden, who won at...

Joe Biden Racks Up Wins; Sanders Gets Biggest Prize

Senator wins California after former VP sweeps the South

(Newser) - The Super Tuesday polls are closed, and it's shaping up to be a good night for Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, not so much for Elizabeth Warren and Michael Bloomberg. Biden came out strong, particularly in the South, but Sanders took the night's biggest prize, California, as expected....

Big Hit for Warren: She Loses Her Home State
Elizabeth Warren Loses
Home State of Massachusetts
super tuesday

Elizabeth Warren Loses Home State of Massachusetts

Senator was behind both Biden and Sanders

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren has suffered a tough blow on Super Tuesday: She just lost her home state of Massachusetts. In fact, the senator likely won't even finish in second place. The AP called the race for Joe Biden about three hours after polls closed. Bernie Sanders was on track to...

Bloomberg Scores His First 2020 Victory. There's a 'But'

He won in American Samoa, with only 6 delegates at stake

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg can now boast that he won a 2020 race, but his first victory may not be the one he most wanted. The former New York City mayor won not a state but the territory of American Samoa, which has only six delegates at stake, reports the AP . Bloomberg...

Biden Campaign Gets an Endorsement It Doesn't Want

James Comey says he voted for the former VP

(Newser) - Ousted FBI Director James Comey, who left the Republican party in 2018 over President Trump, voted for Joe Biden on Super Tuesday—but the former VP's campaign apparently wasn't too jazzed by Comey's endorsement:
  • Comey: "Voted in first Dem primary to support party dedicated to restoring

One Super Tuesday Outcome Is 'Nightmare' for Democrats

That would be a second-place 'muddle' behind Sanders, writes one analyst

(Newser) - Super Tuesday is here, and the stakes are huge. More than a third of all pledged delegates are at stake as 14 states vote. Joe Biden is riding big momentum , Bernie Sanders is hoping to grab an insurmountable lead, Elizabeth Warren hopes for a surprise strong showing that keeps her...

Beto O&#39;Rourke Endorses Biden
Dems Are Circling the
Wagons Around Biden

Dems Are Circling the Wagons Around Biden

Beto O'Rourke just the latest candidate to endorse former VP ahead of Super Tuesday

(Newser) - If the only people voting on Super Tuesday were former Democratic presidential candidates, Joe Biden would probably win in a landslide. Beto O'Rourke, who dropped out of the race four months ago, joined more recent ex-candidates Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg in endorsing Biden on Monday, Politico reports. Texas,...

The Big Question: Who Gets the Buttigieg Bounce?

Polls are anything but clear, but an endorsment from Mayor Pete could clarify

(Newser) - Pete Buttigieg's decision to drop out of the 2020 race has the potential to "shake up the dynamics of the race," writes Alexi McCammond at Axios . But exactly how that plays out remained very much unclear Monday morning. A poll by Morning Consult in late February found...

Report: Obama Told Biden He's Holding Off on Endorsements

Former president wants to be a 'unifier,' source says

(Newser) - The Democratic field is narrowing —but Barack Obama is in no rush to endorse a candidate. CNN , citing sources "close to Obama," report that the former president called Joe Biden, his former vice president, to congratulate him on his big win in the South Carolina primary , but...

Biden Makes a Big Claim After SC Win
Biden Makes
a Big Claim
After SC Win
sunday talk shows

Biden Makes a Big Claim After SC Win

Joe Biden and Sen. Sanders both hit the talk-show circuit

(Newser) - Joe Biden said Sunday he can "unite this country, the whole country" after scoring a comeback victory in South Carolina’s Democratic primary that could force moderate rivals out of the race and blunt the rise of progressive leader Bernie Sanders, the AP reports. Biden vowed he would improve...

Trump Weighs In on SC, Bloomberg's 'Joke' Campaign

Bloomberg wasn't on the ballot

(Newser) - Never mind that Mike Bloomberg wasn't on the ballot in South Carolina, President Trump has weighed in on the results and pronounced his campaign moribund in the wake of Saturday's primary results , reports Fox News . "Sleepy Joe Biden’s victory in the South Carolina Democrat Primary should...

Biden Romps to a Crucial Victory in South Carolina

In early returns, Sanders was in a much-distant second and Steyer third

(Newser) - South Carolina was seen as a must-win state for Joe Biden, and it turned out to be just that. In fact, it wasn't even close. Major outlets including CNN , ABC , and NBC called the race for the former VP as soon as polls closed at 7pm. Bernie Sanders was...

Polls Show Biden Way Ahead in South Carolina

Polls show former vice president leading closest rivals by around 20 points

(Newser) - A new poll shows that Joe Biden, who needs a victory in South Carolina's Democratic primary Saturday, has nothing to worry about. He leads Bernie Sanders, 36% to 26%, in a Monmouth University poll and Tom Steyer, 35% to 17%, in a Clemson University Palmetto Poll. Steyer was third...

Obama, Biden Have Same Word for GOP Super PAC Ad


(Newser) - Barack Obama has remained relatively quiet on the political scene in the years since he left the Oval Office—but he's voicing his displeasure with an ad attacking his former VP. CNN reports that the law office representing Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter Wednesday to a GOP super PAC...

Biden Gets the Endorsement He Needed Ahead of Saturday

Rep. Jim Clyburn backs the VP for president

(Newser) - South Carolina has been described as a "must-win" state for Joe Biden , and he just got a major boost in his quest to take the state's primary on Saturday. Rep. Jim Clyburn, the House majority whip and a longtime Biden ally, has endorsed the former vice president. Clyburn...

Winners, Losers From Democratic Debate
Winners, Losers From
the Democratic Debate

Winners, Losers From the Democratic Debate

Biden had the good night he needed, analysts say

(Newser) - Tuesday night's Democratic debate in Charleston, SC, was a raucous affair—so much so that Vox declares chaos to be the only true winner. In the last debate before the state's Saturday primary—and Super Tuesday—candidates desperate for speaking time talked over each other and shouted at...

Sanders Faces Onslaught in South Carolina Debate
Sanders Faces Onslaught
in South Carolina Debate

Sanders Faces Onslaught in South Carolina Debate

7 candidates clashed in fiery debate

(Newser) - Seven Democrats took part in a fiery debate in South Carolina on Tuesday night—one more than in last week's primary debate. Tom Steyer joined Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and Michael Bloomberg in the Charleston debate, co-hosted by CBS News and the Congressional...

Biden Needs a Win, and He May Get a Big Endorsement

South Carolina 'kingmaker' Jim Clyburn will announce his pick Wednesday

(Newser) - Joe Biden is riding momentum from his second-place finish in Nevada as he heads into what Politico sees as a "must-win" state for him, South Carolina. It now appears that Biden will get the influential endorsement of longtime ally Rep. Jim Clyburn, the House majority whip. Clyburn will announce...

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