Kellyanne Conway

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Conway: I Misspoke About 'Bowling Green Massacre'

At least Twitter is entertained

(Newser) - Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway caused a stir in an interview on MSNBC by justifying the president's new travel ban with a reference to "the Bowling Green massacre." As countless media outlets—including CNN , the Guardian , and the Hill —along with seemingly all of Twitter were quick...

Conway: Ban Is &#39;a Small Price to Pay&#39;
Conway: Ban Is
'a Small Price to Pay'

Conway: Ban Is 'a Small Price to Pay'

Trump's order sees some pushback from Republicans

(Newser) - Kellyanne Conway says that a federal judge's emergency order late Saturday temporarily barring the US from deporting people from nations subject to President Trump's travel ban "really doesn't affect the executive order at all." Conway says Trump's order is about "preventing, not detaining"...

Pence to Marchers: 'Life Is Winning'

Kellyanne Conway promises 'new dawn for life' at March for Life

(Newser) - For the first time in the 43-year-long history of DC's annual March for Life, White House officials attended the event . Vice President Mike Pence promised the crowd Friday that "life is winning again in America," and noted that there is a "pro-life [majority]" in Congress. He...

Might Conway Become Most Powerful Woman Ever in US Government?

How Conway
Met Trump:

How Conway Met Trump: Condo Meetings

She hopes to transition from public role to an insider one: profile

(Newser) - Tired of seeing Kellyanne Conway on TV seemingly 24 hours a day? She knows the feeling. "Have I told you how sick I am of me?" reads one of her texts to Newser founder Michael Wolff, who profiles her in the Hollywood Reporter . Conway's official title is now...

1984 Tops Best-Seller List
 1984 Tops Best-Seller List

1984 Tops Best-Seller List

Orwell selling fast after 'alternative facts' remark

(Newser) - If George Orwell were alive today, he would probably be less than thrilled to find that his vision of a dystopian future at the top of best-seller lists. Orwell's 1984, first published in 1949, is now at No. 1 on's best-seller list and publisher Penguin is...

Kellyanne Conway 'Punched Man at Inaugural Ball'

'No one was hurt except maybe the dude she smacked'

(Newser) - Senior Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway took matters into her own hands when two tuxedo-clad men started fighting at the inaugural Liberty Ball on Friday night, according to witnesses including Fox Business host Charles Gasparino. "We see a fight between two guys in tuxes and then suddenly out of...

Conway: No Trump Tax Returns Coming. WikiLeaks: Oh, Yeah?

Website would love to release president's tax returns for him, encourages leakers

(Newser) - Amid Kellyanne Conway's busy morning of sparring with Chuck Todd over "alternative facts," came this new tidbit about President Trump's much-discussed tax returns: "The White House response is that he’s not going to release his tax returns," she told ABC News' This Week,...

Chuck Todd, Conway Throw Down Over 'Alternative Facts'

'Alternative facts are not facts—they're falsehoods'

(Newser) - If the first 48 hours of the Trump administration are anything to go by, it's going to be a testy four years between the White House and the Fourth Estate. Following Saturday night's press conference in which press secretary Sean Spicer lambasted media reports about the size of...

Kellyanne Conway: Trump 'Wasn't Aware' of Allegations

She discusses explosive claims with Seth Meyers

(Newser) - Kellyanne Conway managed to keep her cool Tuesday night on Late Night With Seth Meyers after the host confronted her with explosive new allegations against her boss . The former campaign manager, now Donald Trump's special counselor, told Meyers that claims that Russian intelligence services are holding compromising personal information...

Meryl Streep Gets Called Out by the Right

Kellyanne Conway, Ann Coulter, others bash Meryl Streep

(Newser) - Donald Trump was quick to jump on Meryl Streep after the actress spoke out against him during her Golden Globes acceptance speech, and now other reactions are trickling in. On Monday's Fox & Friends, Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway accused Streep of "inciting people’s worst instincts" with her...

Trump's New WH Counselor: Kellyanne Conway

Former campaign manager 'played a crucial role in my victory': president-elect

(Newser) - Kellyanne Conway was devoted as Donald Trump's campaign manager (so much so she says she's getting death threats as a result), and her loyalty has now been rewarded. The president-elect announced Thursday that Conway will serve as his counselor in the Oval Office, Reuters reports, noting in a...

Kellyanne Conway: Headline About Me Led to Death Threats

Donald Trump senior adviser says it needs to stop

(Newser) - "Incendiary" pro-Clinton "rhetoric" is leading to death threats against Kellyanne Conway, the senior adviser to Donald Trump said in an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC Thursday. "Somebody ... in the Washington Post today has a scathing headline about me, which is not true but did lead to...

Thiel's Costume for Posh Party? Hulk Hogan, per Sources

Trump, campaign manager Kellyanne Conway were also in attendance

(Newser) - Hulk Hogan, with funding from frequent Gawker target Peter Thiel, helped bring the media group to bankruptcy via his sex-tape lawsuit, so Thiel's choice of costume at a posh Long Island party might not be terribly surprising: He reportedly dressed as the Hulkster on Saturday night, when the PayPal...

Conway: Search for SecState Expanding
Search for

Conway: Search for SecState Expanding

And might add Jon Huntsman to the list

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Bob Corker, and David Petraeus: Donald Trump's shortlist for secretary of state is evidently not as short as previously thought, reports Politico . "It is true that he’s broadened the search," said Kellyanne Conway, who's made no secret of her personal contempt...

Meeting of Clinton, Trump Aides Turned Nasty Fast

'You guys are bitter'

(Newser) - The post-election forum at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government has traditionally been a respectful meeting of rival campaign strategists. This year, it's a miracle they didn't start throwing chairs. The forum turned into a shouting match as six Hillary Clinton aides and six Donald Trump aides...

Trump Adviser Piles on Romney, Gets Piled On

Sources tell MSNBC Trump isn't pleased with Kellyanne Conway's comments

(Newser) - It's been called a "searing attack" and escalation of "war." Now Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway's harsh words about Mitt Romney on Sunday are allegedly ticking off her boss, at least according to two top transition team sources who spoke with MSNBC . They tell the network...

Bernie Sanders: &#39;Nothing Wrong&#39; With Recount
Bernie Sanders:
'Nothing Wrong'
With Recount

Bernie Sanders: 'Nothing Wrong' With Recount

Though it's not likely to change anything, he says

(Newser) - Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders says "there's nothing wrong with" pursuing recounts to ensure the legitimacy of President-elect Donald Trump's Nov. 8 victory. The former Democratic presidential candidate addressed the looming recount in Wisconsin—and the prospect of others in Michigan and Pennsylvania—Sunday morning on CNN's...

Ryan: We Are Not Planning Deportation Force
Ryan: We Are
Not Planning
Deportation Force

Ryan: We Are Not Planning Deportation Force

Says 'we don't want' racist elements in the GOP

(Newser) - House Speaker Paul Ryan says the people generating racist graffiti in the wake of Donald Trump's election are "not Republicans," reports the AP , and "we don't want them in our party." The Wisconsin congressman told CNN's State of the Union on Sunday that...

Trump Campaign Chief Denounces 'Jew-S-A' Chant

(Newser) - The Trump campaign is denouncing a nasty moment at a rally in Arizona Saturday in which a supporter began chanting "Jew-S-A" at reporters. (You can see video at BuzzFeed .) "That man's conduct was deplorable, and had I been there, I would have asked security to remove...

Clinton Campaign Assails FBI's 'Unprecedented' Move

Podesta wants answers from Comey, as Pence underscores that Clinton a 'risky choice'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman says FBI Director James Comey should explain the "unprecedented" step of announcing an agency review of new Clinton-related emails just days before a national election, reports the AP . John Podesta told CNN's State of the Union that Comey should have reviewed the information...

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