Bernie Sanders 2016

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DNC Cuts Off Sanders' Access to Voter Files

He's fired a staffer for snooping on Clinton campaign

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders' Thursday wasn't quite as awesome as previously believed: His campaign suffered what the Washington Post says could be a "devastating blow" after it emerged that at least one staffer improperly accessed Hillary Clinton's campaign data. The staffer was able to access the Clinton data because...

Bernie Nabs Historic Win in Time's Person of the Year Poll

Too bad he didn't even make the editors' short list

(Newser) - He beat Malala, the pope, and even his biggest competition for the Democratic nomination. Voting for Time magazine's annual Person of the Year award ended Sunday at midnight, and Bernie Sanders emerged as the victor with 10.2% of reader votes, pulling off what the Daily Dot observes is...

After Low Ratings, Dems Accused of 'Hiding' Debate

Only 8.5m tuned in on Saturday night

(Newser) - A smaller-than-expected number of Americans decided to spend their Saturday night with Hillary Clinton, Martin O'Malley, and Bernie Sanders, and the latter two campaigns are crying foul. Critics—both Democratic and Republican—have accused the Democratic National Committee of "hiding" the debates at inconvenient times to make Clinton'...

Attacks on Paris Dominate Democratic Debate

Sanders criticizes Clinton over Iraq war

(Newser) - The Democratic debate Saturday night opened with a moment of silence in the wake of the Paris terror attacks and remained on the theme for much of the early going. As a result, Hillary Clinton found herself on the defensive from both Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley on foreign...

O'Malley Gets Big Cheer With Imaginative Slam of Trump

'Immigrant-bashing carnival barker'

(Newser) - The Democratic debate Saturday night has been a relatively subdued, substantive affair, but Martin O'Malley roused the crowd by labeling Donald Trump an "immigrant-bashing carnival barker." O'Malley made the slam when asked about whether the US should be worried about securing its border from undocumented immigrants....

'Price-Gouging' Drug CEO Not Happy With Bernie Sanders

Presidential candidate rejected Martin Shkreli's donation

(Newser) - Martin Shkreli, possibly America's most-hated drug CEO, is "SO ANGRY AT @BernieSanders I COULD PUNCH A WALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1." That's what Shkreli, CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, tweeted Sunday night after Bernie Sanders rejected a $2,700 donation from Shkreli . Though Shkreli may have been kidding about that...

Sanders Rejects Donation From Price-Hiking Drug CEO

Campaign turns down $2.7K from Martin Shkreli

(Newser) - The nation's most notorious drug CEO tried to give Bernie Sanders a $2,700 campaign donation—but Sanders is giving it to a clinic instead, reports the Boston Globe . Martin Shkreli, whose Turing Pharmaceuticals made headlines for raising the price of a drug 5,000%, gave the Sanders campaign...

Debate Seen as Massive Win for Clinton

Chafee gave one of the worst debate answers ever

(Newser) - After a rocky few months for Hillary Clinton's campaign, she needed a strong debate performance on Tuesday night—and it looks like she knocked it out of the park. Here's what the pundits are saying:
  • "This was the best two hours of her candidacy to date,"

Enemy You're Most Proud Of? Jim Webb Makes It Personal

'The enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me'

(Newser) - In the final question of the night at Tuesday's debate, Anderson Cooper asked the candidates which enemy they're most proud to have made over the years. The responses, as rounded up by the Guardian :
  • Jim Webb: “The enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me, but

Sanders' Line on Clinton's Emails Gets Huge Applause

He defends her: 'People are sick and tired of hearing about the damn emails'

(Newser) - The issue of Hillary Clinton's emails came up about an hour into the Democratic debate Tuesday night, giving Bernie Sanders a prime opportunity to pounce. Instead, he defended her and called it a non-issue with a line that drew long applause and even laughter:
  • " Let me say something

Bernie Sanders Breaks Obama's Fundraising Record

He's raising money faster than Obama did in 2008

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders is raising a lot more money than many people expected, and he's doing it a lot faster. His campaign announced just before the Wednesday filing deadline that it has received more than a million online donations, making him the first 2016 candidate to pass that milestone and...

Clinton Falling Behind in 'Critical' New Hampshire

New poll gives Bernie Sanders 16-point lead

(Newser) - Things aren't looking good for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, a state seen as "vital" for the success of her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, the Wall Street Journal reports. A new CNN poll puts Bernie Sanders 16 points ahead of Clinton in the first Democratic primary...

WSJ: Cost of Bernie Sanders' Agenda: $18T

But 'Washington Post' thinks that figure is nonsense

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders' populist message has him surging in the polls, but his vision comes at a price: $18 trillion over a decade, to be specific, according to the Wall Street Journal . The newspaper crunched the numbers on his various proposals to arrive at that eye-popping total, one that would amount...

Bernie Sanders Speaks ... to Evangelicals

Gets 'polite, if tepid' applause from students

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders may be running for the Democratic presidential nomination, but that didn't stop him from addressing a group of Christian conservative students today. Sanders appeared at Liberty University, the Virginia evangelical college founded by Jerry Falwell, the Hill reports. "A Southern evangelical university is an unlikely place...

That Edge Clinton Had? It Vanished

New poll shows Hillary losing ground in Dem race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's email controversy may be hurting her more than she anticipated. In a new CNN/ORC poll revealed last night that surveyed 1,012 adults from Sept. 4 to Sept. 8, support for Clinton dropped 10 percentage points since last month among Democrats and independent voters who lean Democratic....

In a First, Bernie Sanders Leads Clinton in Iowa

It's a big turnaround since July

(Newser) - A Quinnipiac poll out today brings an unwelcome milestone for Hillary Clinton: She trails for the first time in Iowa to Bernie Sanders, 41% to 40%. That's within the poll's margin of error but still a notable shift from July, when she was way out in front 52%...

Bernie Sanders' Pacifist History Resurfaces

He applied for conscientious objector status during Vietnam War

(Newser) - With rising poll numbers comes rising scrutiny, and critics are starting to take note of Bernie Sanders' pacifist ways as a young man. Sanders applied for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War, reports ABC News , which notes that a Hillary Clinton supporter raised the issue in a Des Moines ...

Bernie Sanders' Average Donation: $31.30

He won't accept support from super PACs

(Newser) - No modern candidate can run a legit campaign without help from a super PAC with deep pockets, yes? The New York Times reports that Bernie Sanders is providing a real test of that accepted wisdom. He's managed to build a "formidable" sum of $15.2 million while eschewing...

Clinton Loosens Up in Iowa, Even Jokes About Email

Politico thinks she's learned a lesson from past campaign appearances

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton paid the obligatory visit to the Iowa State Fair today, and Politico sounds impressed that she could be seen "embracing the masses that engulfed her." It's a contrast to campaign events in the past, including her team's now-infamous use of a moving rope line...

Bernie Sanders Has One Giant Problem
 Bernie Sanders 
 Has One Giant Problem 

Bernie Sanders Has One Giant Problem

'People get more pragmatic the closer they get to an actual vote'

(Newser) - He's drawing far more people to his rallies than any candidate in either party, but Bernie Sanders still has a big political problem that can be summed up in one sentence, writes Ezra Klein at Vox . "People get more pragmatic the closer they get to an actual vote....

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