NSA phone records

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NSA Whistleblower Outs Himself

29-year-old defense contractor Edward Snowden is now hiding out in Hong Kong

(Newser) - The whistleblower who leaked details of the NSA's secret surveillance programs has revealed himself as 29-year-old Edward Snowden, a former technical assistant with the CIA who has been working at the NSA for four years for a number of outside contractors. Snowden asked the Guardian to unveil his identity...

Phone Spying Prevented NYC Subway Attack: Sources

When House intel chief said phone records foiled terrorist attack, this is what he meant

(Newser) - On Thursday, Rep. Mike Rogers defended the NSA's phone and Internet snooping program with the claim that, "Within the last few years, this program was used to stop a terrorist attack in the United States." Now we (likely) know which one he meant: The 2009 subway bombing...

They 'Bristled,' but Google, Facebook Did Help Feds

NYT: No direct access to servers, but something like a 'locked mailbox'

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg, Google's Larry Page, and other tech executives have been loudly denying they gave the government "direct access" to their servers under the newly revealed PRISM program . ("We hadn't even heard of PRISM before yesterday," wrote Zuckerberg in his post . The "government does...

David Simon of The Wire: Calm Down on Surveillance

This is a 'faux scandal' driven by people who don't have a clue

(Newser) - David Simon created The Wire and presumably knows a thing or two about surveillance. One thing he's sure of: All this noise about the feds snooping on Americans is a "faux scandal," he writes at his website . The column opens with a question: "Is it just...

Greenwald: I'm Not the One You Should Investigate

People who reveal government's secrets are heroes, he argues

(Newser) - Glenn Greenwald isn't worried about the prospect of a Justice Department investigation —and he thinks it's vile that the Obama administration is going after the people behind the NSA leaks in the first place. "The people who do this are heroes," he writes at the...

Obama: 'Nobody Is Listening to Your Phone Calls'

President defends the government's surveillance programs

(Newser) - President Obama tried to defuse the growing surveillance controversies during a speech in San Jose today, reiterating that anything the government does is limited in scope and necessary to keep the country safe, reports the Washington Post . (Pretty much the argument that the New York Times bashed him about.)...

AT&T, Sprint Users: Yep, NSA Tracks Your Calls, Too

And it has collected credit card, web-browsing data: insiders

(Newser) - It's not just Verizon customers who face government surveillance: The NSA has also been keeping track of phone records from the other two biggest phone networks, AT&T and Sprint Nextel, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Journal puts it starkly: When most Americans make a call, the NSA...

NSA Accesses Servers of Internet Firms: Reports

Guardian, Washington Post have scoop: Feds tapping in via secret 'PRISM' program

(Newser) - Charges that we live in a surveillance state are about to get much louder. The Guardian and the Washington Post are separately reporting about a previously unknown program known as PRISM that gives the federal government access to the servers of all the big Internet companies, including Facebook, Google, Yahoo,...

New York Times: Obama Has 'Lost All Credibility'

Scathing editorial calls out White House over phone records

(Newser) - Well, the White House did say it welcomes debate about the revelation that the NSA was grabbing phone records of Verizon customers in the name of national security. Cue the New York Times , which posted a scathing editorial this afternoon declaring that "the administration has lost all credibility."...

Phone Records Foiled Attack, Says Lawmaker

House intel chief defends NSA; Obama 'welcomes' debate

(Newser) - Mike Rogers has one-upped his colleagues on Capitol Hill in defending the NSA's use of phone records from Verizon . The chairman of the House intelligence panel says the strategy is not only legal but has foiled at least one terror attack, reports the Hill . Rogers did not provide details,...

Phone Files: Why You Should, Shouldn't, Be Angry

Reaction is all over the map to Verizon story

(Newser) - So just how creeped out should we be that the NSA has been collecting phone records about Verizon users? Reaction ranges from shrugs to outrage:
  • Alex Pareene, Salon : It's "equal parts shocking and unsurprising." That the NSA can do this under the Patriot Act is old news,

NSA's Verizon Monitoring Has Gone on for 7 Years: Senators

It's 'nothing new,' and has been successful

(Newser) - The leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee today downplayed the revelation that the NSA is collecting millions of phone records from Verizon, Politico and CNN report:
  • "As far as I know, this is the exact three-month renewal of what has been in place for the past seven years,"

NSA Is Seizing Millions of Verizon Phone Records

White House defends 'ongoing, daily' surveillance as a 'critical tool'

(Newser) - A new report in the Guardian suggests the Obama administration isn't so different from its predecessor when it comes to domestic phone surveillance: The National Security Agency has been gathering the phone records of millions of US Verizon users thanks to a secret court order . The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance...

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