vice president

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Clinton and Biden Should Switch Jobs—Seriously

She'd be a better VP, he'd rather run State

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden really ought to have each other’s job, argues Sally Quinn in the Washington Post . All the arguments against giving Hillary Clinton the VP job—that she might not be happy, that Bill would be a problem, etc.—have effectively evaporated, and certainly haven't...

Al and Tipper Gore Separate
 Al and Tipper Gore Separate 

Al and Tipper Gore Separate

Ex-VP and wife, married 40 years, were college sweethearts

(Newser) - Two weeks after celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary, Al and Tipper Gore are separating, Politico reports . The Nobel laureate and former vice president and his wife, a photographer and sometime activist, broke the news to friends in an email saying "that after a great deal of thought and discussion,...

Joe Biden Jokes About Blumenthal's War Record

Vice president takes a dig at veterans' hospital

(Newser) - It's politically volatile territory, so someone cue up the vice president for a joke. During a barbecue today at the Walter Reed Medical Center, Joe Biden just couldn't help himself, reports the Hill . "I didn't serve in Vietnam. I don't want to make a Blumenthal mistake here," he...

Beau Biden Has Mild Stroke
 Beau Biden Has Mild Stroke 

Beau Biden Has Mild Stroke

Vice president's son said to be doing well

(Newser) - Beau Biden—the vice president's son and the attorney general of Delaware—suffered what appears to have been a mild stroke today. The 41-year-old is now "fully alert" and has full motor and speech skills, said a White House statement. He's expected to make a complete recovery. Parents Joe...

Cheney: Dropping F-Bomb Was 'Best Thing I Ever Did'

Not exactly remorseful over telling Leahy to "f--- yourself"

(Newser) - As potty-mouthed vice presidents go, Dick Cheney is utterly unrepentant about his 2004 slip of the F-bomb in which he told Pat Leahy to go "f--- yourself." Dennis Miller on his radio show yesterday thanked the former veep for "almost kicking Patrick Leahy's a--," reports...

Biden: Obama Was 'Laughing Like the Devil' at F-Bomb

Vice president tells 'The View' he's a little embarrassed

(Newser) - Joe Biden recounted his infamous F-bomb moment during an appearance on The View today, telling the ladies that President Obama was "laughing like the devil" about it afterward. Biden said he had no idea the microphone would pick up his "big f---ing deal" comment at the health care...

In Poll, Most Say Biden's F-Bomb No Big Deal

Fox News survey has 57% calling it 'not offensive'

(Newser) - Americans don't seem all that concerned about Joe Biden's "big f---ing deal" comment. In a poll by Fox News, 57% of respondents said his remark about health care reform was "not offensive," vs. 37% who thought it was. Fox News "went bonkers" over the comment, Greg...

Dick Cheney Had 'Mild Heart Attack'

Former VP doing well, in 'good spirits'

(Newser) - Dick Cheney suffered his fifth heart attack yesterday but is reportedly in good condition. Cheney went to the hospital with chest pain, and "lab testing revealed evidence of a mild heart attack," a statement from his office said. "He is feeling good and is expected to be...

CPAC Crowd: 'Run, Cheney, Run'

But former VP says he 'ain't a-gonna do it'

(Newser) - The CPAC crowd greeted surprise visitor Dick Cheney with chants of "run, Cheney, run" today, though the former VP demurred. The raucous welcome at the conservative convention is "almost enough to make me want to run for office again," said Cheney, who showed up on stage to...

Scott Brown: Joe Biden's Swipe 'Insulting'

New senator highly unamused by veep's lecture on lawyers

(Newser) - Joe Biden's suggestion yesterday that Scott Brown study up on military tribunals has the junior senator from Massachusetts livid and slamming the veep's comments as "off base" and "insulting." In the latest salvo between the White House and Brown over legal representation for suspected terrorists, he tersely...

Biden, Cheney Trade Punches
 Biden, Cheney 
 Trade Punches 

Biden, Cheney Trade Punches

Veep, ex-veep argue over whose boss is tougher on terror

(Newser) - The current vice president and his predecessor are snarling fiercely at each other all over the Sunday talk show dial. Topic: Which administration is waging a better war on terror. Joe Biden kicked off the fireworks last night, telling Meet the Press in a taped interview that Dick Cheney in...

Biden Will Counter Cheney on Sunday Shows

Vice presidents will make separate appearances

(Newser) - It won't exactly be a face-to-face showdown, but Dick Cheney and Joe Biden will engage in a sort of vice presidential debate on the Sunday talk shows. When the White House learned that Cheney will appear on ABC's This Week—presumably to bash the Obama administration as soft on terror—...

White House Peace Reigns Despite Woes
 White House Peace 
 Reigns Despite Woes 

White House Peace Reigns Despite Woes

Obama, Biden have forged smooth working relationship

(Newser) - The nation's fraught mood hasn't translated into friction at the White House, writes David Brooks. President Obama and Joe Biden's working relationship got off to a rocky start but it's now remarkably smooth. Biden isn't the butt of jokes in the White House like he is on late-night TV. He's...

Joe Biden's Mother Dead at 92
 Joe Biden's Mother Dead at 92 

Joe Biden's Mother Dead at 92

VP says Jean Biden taught family 'the dignity of hard work'

(Newser) - Jean Biden, the mother of VP Joe Biden and a familiar presence on the 2008 campaign trail, died today in WIlmington, Del. She was 92. On her deathbed, she was "surrounded by her children, her grandchildren, her great-grandchildren and many loved ones," Joe Biden said in a statement....

Shut It, Cheney: White House
 Shut It, Cheney: White House 

Shut It, Cheney: White House

'Bellicose rhetoric' about war failed before, fails now: Pfeiffer

(Newser) - Dick Cheney’s “bellicose rhetoric” and “clearly untrue” claims following the Christmas terror attempt aren't sitting well at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and the new administration isn't shy about telling the ex-veep off. Echoing the sentiment—and the words, even—of a “senior Democrat” yesterday in Politico , Communications...

Cheney: Obama 'Won't Admit We're at War'
 Cheney: Obama 'Won't 
 Admit We're at War' 

Cheney: Obama 'Won't Admit We're at War'

President is too soft on terrorism, says former VP

(Newser) - Dick Cheney is steamed at what he perceives as President Obama’s downplaying of the Christmas air terrorism attempt. The US is “at war and when President Obama pretends we aren’t, it makes us less safe,” he tells Politico , becoming the latest Republican to take up the...

Biden the Second Most Powerful Vice Prez

He's scaling back from Cheney, but a major player in his own right

(Newser) - Joe Biden is surely not as powerful as Dick Cheney was, writes James Traub. But because Cheney so radically expanded the office of vice president, Biden has been able to scale it back and still become arguably the second most powerful VP in history. Biden has no portfolio—he acts...

Worst Modern VP Picks
 Worst Modern VP Picks 

Worst Modern VP Picks

Don't be so quick to judge Palin

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's critics say she was unqualified to be vice president, but don't be too quick to label her the worst pick ever, writes Matthew Cooper. In the Atlantic , he runs down others since WWII who need to be part of the conversation:
  • Spiro Agnew: Nixon's VP had to resign

Reid 'Optimistic' About 60 Votes

Majority leader thinks he's got the support to send bill to the floor

(Newser) - Harry Reid is “cautiously optimistic” about the success of his frantic attempts to unite the 60 votes of his caucus behind the Senate health care reform bill. “I think we’re together,” he says. But the majority leader was positively voluble about the bill itself, notes the...

Biden Yuks It Up With Stewart
 Biden Yuks It Up With Stewart 

Biden Yuks It Up With Stewart

Jon quizzes Joe on the state of the economy and more

(Newser) - Joe Biden discussed his transition to vice president, the economy, and Amtrak with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show last night. “The Republican Party has nothing but hardcore conservatives. There’s no moderates left. The Democratic Party has moderates, liberals, and conservative Democrats,” Biden said. “And Communists,...

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