
7 Stories

The 'Naughty Way' to Eat Caviar: in 'Bumps'
Foodies Go Crazy
for Caviar 'Bumps'

Foodies Go Crazy for Caviar 'Bumps'

It's the traditional way to sample roe, but with an illicit-sounding name

(Newser) - You don't need some fancy cheese board or crudite to enjoy a spoonful of caviar, also known as roe from sturgeon fish. As Alyson Krueger writes at the New York Times , "caviar bumps"—in which a spoonful of caviar is licked off of one's fist between...

'Putin Must Pay a Price': Biden Unveils New Penalties

West moves to downgrade Russia's trading status; caviar and vodka banned from the US

(Newser) - The US and the West continue to turn the screws on Russia financially, and one tangible effect of Friday's moves is that Russian vodka and caviar will no longer be allowed into the US, reports CNN . The bans are part of newly announced penalties announced by President Biden. At...

Prosecutors Tie Biologist to Alleged Caviar Scheme

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources employees accused of trading eggs

(Newser) - For 16 days or so each February, fisherman are permitted to catch sturgeon in Wisconsin's Lake Winnebago system, with each one they catch registered at a state-run station. Inspectors will also take the egg-filled reproductive glands from adult female sturgeon in order to study them. Now, allegations of a...

Cops: Speeding Russian Hearse Full of Illicit Caviar

(Newser) - Police in Russia's far east stopped a hearse speeding on a highway—only to find half a ton of caviar stashed inside. The Interior Ministry said on Tuesday the hearse was caught speeding on the road connecting Khabarovsk, not far from the Chinese border, to a city further north....

Biologist Has Found Way to Make Caviar Cheap

We could see 'greener' delicacy for $20 an ounce

(Newser) - A biologist in Germany is ready to revolutionize caviar, and her plan could save fish lives even as it cuts costs for consumers. Caviar comes from sturgeon—"an animal as old as dinosaurs, today nearly extinguished from its natural habitats," as Dr. Angela Köhler's company puts...

Wendy's Debuts $16 Caviar Burgers

Sorry, they're only in Japan

(Newser) - Bacon and cheese too old-hat for you? Wendy's has a solution: Its new burger toppings include caviar and lobster. Unfortunately, you'll have to head to Japan to sample the offerings, and you'll have to do it quickly—the burgers are part of a limited-time offer. They follow...

NYC Restaurant Offers $1K Caviar Pizza

Other toppings include Maine Lobster

(Newser) - Have an extra $1,000 lying around and a craving for a decadent snack? Pop in to Nino's Restaurant in New York City and order the Bellisima Pizza. The luxurious pie, going for a thousand bucks, is smothered with six different types of caviar, reports Yahoo . You'll also...

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