Republican candidates

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Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney Both 'Significantly Flawed': Charles Krauthammer
 Swallow and Pick One 
Charles Krauthammer

Conservatives: Swallow and Pick One

Gingrich, Romney both 'significantly flawed': Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - The Republican race now boils down to Gingrich vs. Romney, writes Charles Krauthammer in the National Review , and he doesn't sound very happy about it. They are "two significantly flawed frontrunners": Romney isn't a "core conservative" or really a core anything, while Gingrich has the conservative...

Jon Huntsman Delivers Brutal Romney Ad

'Mittstant Replay' puts the flip-flopping charges front and center

(Newser) - Yesterday, Ron Paul went after Newt Gingrich . Today, Jon Huntsman has Mitt Romney lined up. A barbed new ad that plays off Romney's recent Fox News interview plays up flip-flopping charges by juxtaposing old and new Romney clips on climate change, immigration, abortion, and Romneycare. Huntsman seems to be...

Ron Paul Skewers Gingrich in New Ad

It's called 'serial hypocrisy'

(Newser) - Dear Newt, Ron Paul would like to warmly welcome you to your new role as frontrunner, or at least almost-frontrunner, with this blistering new ad. It's called "Serial Hypocrisy," notes the Daily Caller , and it weaves together various clips (Gingrich talking health care with Nancy Pelosi, the...

Herman Cain Stays Defiant, Plans Decision in a 'Few Days'

He also blasts 'character assassination'

(Newser) - Whether Republicans will need a podium for Herman Cain at Saturday's debate won't be resolved today. He told CNN that he will make a decision on whether to continue in a "few days." Earlier, he gave a defiant speech in Ohio during which he blasted the...

If Herman Cain Drops Out of Republican Race, Who Benefits?
 Who Benefits 
 if Cain Quits? 


Who Benefits if Cain Quits?

Cain dropping out could work either way for Romney, pundits say

(Newser) - The news that Herman Cain is "reassessing" his campaign in the wake of allegations of an extramarital affair has left pundits wondering which candidate would come out on top if the Cain Train came to a halt. A look around the blogosphere:
  • Some of Cain's Tea Party and

Oops: Perry Makes 2 Gaffes in Only 19 Words

He gets the voting age and date of election wrong

(Newser) - Rick Perry said this today at the end of a speech in New Hampshire: "Those of you that will be 21 by November the 12th, I ask for your support and your vote." It's one short sentence with two glaring factual errors: The legal voting age is...

GOP Candidates: We Love the Constitution, Let's Change It

Republicans revere the document, but seek to change it

(Newser) - Republican presidential candidates have a complex relationship with the US Constitution, admiring it one day and bashing it the next, Politico reports. Several, for example, promise to appoint hard-line constructionist judges who will remain faithful to the Founders' vision. "The court should be particularly protective of our founding structure,...

Republican Debates Thrive in Reality TV Culture
 Why Do We Tune In? 
 'Cause It's Reality TV 
GOP Debates

Why Do We Tune In? 'Cause It's Reality TV

'Instantaneous' judgment reflects shows like 'Survivor'

(Newser) - The Republican presidential debates are exerting a strong influence on this year's race, and even seem entertaining—but why? It's not just Rick Perry's penchant for the deadly 53-second pause or Michele Bachmann's ability to reinterpret US history , analysts say. It's our reality-TV culture of...

Cain Was Already Struggling With Woman Voters

Women's group asks candidate to explain allegations

(Newser) - Herman Cain was in trouble with women voters even before sexual harassment allegations surfaced, the Washington Post finds. Recent polls found Mitt Romney to be around 10 points ahead of Cain with female votes. In Iowa, where the two are neck-and-neck, 26% of men support Cain and 18% support Romney,...

Poll: Only 42% Know Romney Is a Mormon

Evangelicals only group becoming more aware of his religion

(Newser) - Despite Mitt Romney's religion getting plenty of press—especially when a Rick Perry backer called it a cult —fewer than half of Americans know that he is a Mormon, according to a new poll. The Public Religion Research Institute poll found that 42% correctly identified him as a...

Pundits, If You're So Sure Cain Will Lose, Take This Bet

If he proves you wrong, promise to stop writing about politics: Nate Silver

(Newser) - Modern politics has never seen the likes of Herman Cain, writes Nate Silver at the New York Times . He has few "fundamentals"—key GOP endorsements, big fundraising, etc.—and yet he's been at or near the top of polls for a while now. He is, in...

Obama to Leno: GOP Race Like Survivor

He's waiting until they're voted off the island

(Newser) - President Obama made his fourth visit to the Tonight Show last night, his second as sitting president, and told Jay Leno he wasn't spending much time worrying about his potential Republican rivals—because the GOP race is kinda like Survivor. “I'm going to wait until everybody’s...

GOP Erasing Dems' Twitter Advantage

Republican candidates have embraced social media

(Newser) - President Obama's campaign had the edge over the GOP on Twitter and other social media tools in 2008 but Republicans have now embraced Twitter warmly, the New York Times finds. House Republicans in particular are moving ahead of their Democratic rivals on Twitter, beating their counterparts by more than...

GOP Hopefuls Face Off in 'Well-Mannered' Debate

Herman Cain gets plenty of attention

(Newser) - The latest Republican debate has wrapped up, this one focused mostly on the economy and on the newest darling of the polls, Herman Cain. If Rick Perry was hoping to land a knockout punch on Mitt Romney, it never arrived. In fact, the night was "exceedingly well-mannered," notes...

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to Endorse Mitt Romney

Christie Endorses Romney

New Jersey governor gives front-runner a big boost

(Newser) - If you needed any further proof that Chris Christie isn't running, here it is: He endorsed Mitt Romney for president today, reports Fox News . "America cannot survive another four years of Barack Obama, and Mitt Romney is the man to lead America," the New Jersey governor said....

Sarah Palin: GOP Candidates Already Calling

Alaskan 'didn't want to make a big darn deal' out of non-candidacy

(Newser) - Republican hopefuls didn't waste any time getting in touch with Sarah Palin after she announced that she isn't going to run for president . Several candidates have already called and Todd Palin is setting up some meetings, Palin told Fox's Greta Van Susteren in an On the Record...

Poll: Cain, Perry Tied for 2nd
 Poll: Cain, Perry Tied for 2nd 

Poll: Cain, Perry Tied for 2nd

Perry's loss is Cain's gain

(Newser) - A surge in support for Herman Cain and an equally dramatic drop in support for Rick Perry has left the pair tied in second place among GOP candidates with 12% each, according to the latest Washington Post poll, which finds Mitt Romney in first place with 25%. Support for the...

Christie Is Considering Run: New Jersey Paper

Governor listening to donors, wife listening to Barbara Bush: Star-Ledger

(Newser) - As the will-he-or-won't he—and the maybe-he's-too-heavy —speculation continues to build, a source tells Chris Christie's hometown paper that the New Jersey governor may soon stop saying no. Pressure from Republicans—including major donors unhappy with the current field—is beginning to pay off and Christie...

'Nuisance Candidate' Rises Yet Again for GOP

Herman Cain is only the latest version: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Feeling a little deja vu over the latest GOP poll , the one that shows Herman Cain surging as Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann sink? You should, explains Steve Kornacki at Salon , because Republicans have once again embraced the "nuisance candidate." It's a pattern they've been repeating...

Gingrich Offers New 'Contract With America'

Newt updates his plan for 21st century

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich gained fame in the 1990s with his original Contract With America, and now he hopes to re-energize his humdrum poll numbers with a retooled version for the 21st century. Gingrich will unveil his new contract today, and the Des Moines Register says it mirrors the original with its...

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