Syrian uprising

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

UN Chief to Syria's Assad: Stop Killing Your People

Ban Ki-moon says 'old order is crumbling'

(Newser) - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon demanded today that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stop the slaughter of his own people, and said the "old order" of one-man rule and family dynasties is over in the Middle East. In a keynote address at a conference on democracy in the Arab world, Ban...

Arab League Boss: I Fear a Civil War in Syria

Would pose threat to 'neighboring states,' says Nabil Elaraby

(Newser) - As Arab League observers begin to bail on their Syria mission—frustrated over their own failure to end the government crackdown against protesters—the leader of the League says he's concerned the crisis could escalate. "I fear a civil war and the events that we see and hear...

Syria Monitor Quits, Calls Mission a 'Farce'

And a second says he's on the verge of doing the same

(Newser) - An Arab League monitor has bailed on the Syria mission, and another says he's on the verge of doing so, amid frustrations about how ineffectual the mission has been. On Tuesday, Algerian observer Anwar Malek told al-Jazeera he was resigning because the mission was a "farce" and unable...

Syria's Assad Makes Rare Public Appearance

Bashar al-Assad tells supporters he wants to 'draw strength' from them

(Newser) - President Bashar al-Assad hasn't exactly been a man of the people since the Syrian uprising began, but today he joined thousands of supporters at a Damascus rally, the AP reports. "I wanted to be with you so I can draw strength from you in the face of everything...

Assad Vows to Meet 'Terrorists' With 'Iron Fist'

He condemns Arab League as hypocrites for pushing democracy

(Newser) - Bashar al-Assad gave a rare speech on state-run TV today, in which he lashed out at the Arab League and vowed to deal harshly with violent unrest. The Syrian president asked what right the Arab League, which includes absolute monarchies, had to preach about democracy and reform. "Their situation...

Arab League Sending 135 New Monitors to Syria

League hopes more observers will lead to decreased violence

(Newser) - Amid concerns that its monitors are not making much of a difference in Syria, Arab League officials have decided to almost double the number of observers in the country in an effort to put more pressure on the regime. At a meeting yesterday, League members decided to bring the total...

Torture Kills Hundreds of Syrian Prisoners

 Torture Kills Hundreds 
 of Syrian Prisoners 
says group

Torture Kills Hundreds of Syrian Prisoners

Prisoners are deprived of sleep, shocked, claims human rights group

(Newser) - A suicide bomb in Syria's capital, reportedly aimed at a police bus, killed and wounded dozens today, the AP reports, as the country's political turmoil continues. And more disheartening news: A human rights group yesterday claimed that the government regularly tortures hundreds of prisoners; according to its research...

Activists: Syria Is Tricking Monitors

Even as Syria releases another 500 prisoners

(Newser) - Arab League observers in Syria have been claiming as their chief triumph the regime's evacuation of its troops from protest-prone cities. But activists say that hasn’t actually happened—the regime is just using some cheap tricks to make it look like it has, Reuters reports. Activists say the...

Syrian Rebel Leader Vows 'Surprise' for Regime

Colonel Riad al-Asaad says he's frustrated with Arab League's lack of results

(Newser) - The head of the Free Syrian Army is fed up with the ineffectual Arab League observer mission, and if it doesn’t show some progress soon, he’s going to “take a decision which will surprise the regime and the whole world,” he told Reuters in an interview...

Arab League Calls Emergency Meeting on Syria

It may pull observers out of the country amidst bloodshed

(Newser) - The Arab League is considering yanking its observers out of Syria, as the regime there continues to kill protesters despite its presence, the AP reports. The League today announced an emergency meeting, to be held Saturday in Cairo, to discuss the matter. That meeting won't result in a final...

Arab League: Syria 'Killings Continue'

But chief praises progress, says tanks have been pulled from cities

(Newser) - Syria's government has withdrawn heavy weapons from inside cities and freed about 3,500 prisoners, but security forces continue to kill protesters even with foreign monitors in the country, the Arab League chief said today. Nabil Elaraby said pro-regime snipers also continue to operate in Syria. But despite the...

Arab Body Calls for Pullout of Monitors in Syria

Arab Parliament angered by ongoing killings

(Newser) - A pan-Arab body called today for the immediate withdrawal of the Arab League monitors in Syria because President Bashar Assad's regime has kept up killings of government opponents even in the presence of the observers. The 88-member Arab Parliament said that Arabs are angered by the Syrian regime's...

Syria's 'Eye of Truth' Records Own Death

Fearless cameraman dies recording government crackdown in Homs

(Newser) - A Syrian citizen journalist who repeatedly risked his life to document the country's crackdown on protests died with his camera in his hand after being shot by a sniper. Basil al Sayid, 24, was killed while trying to film security forces firing randomly civilian areas in Homs, the city...

10 Killed, Thousands Protest in Syria

But Arab League monitors fuel activists' hope

(Newser) - Tens of thousands—perhaps hundreds of thousands—of protesters rallied across Syria today in an effort to show Arab League monitors the extent of opposition anger. At least 10 were reported killed in ensuing clashes with security forces, the BBC reports; the deaths follow up to 40 others yesterday. But...

Syrian Activists Lambaste Arab League Observers

Say violence rages despite their presence

(Newser) - Arab League observers are scheduled to visit Daraa today, but activists are quickly losing faith that their presence will make much difference. Human rights activists had criticized the Arab League’s choice to lead the mission—former Sudanese military intelligence head Mohammed al-Dabi—from the start, the New York Times...

As More Die, Syria Frees 755 Prisoners

6 killed in Hama, which Arab League observers are to visit tomorrow

(Newser) - At least six people are dead after Syrian troops fired into a crowd of thousands of protesters gathered in Hama, say activists. Arab League observers are scheduled to arrive in that city tomorrow, and the protesters were apparently working their way toward the main square to participate in a sit-in...

Syrian Army Leaving Homs
 Syrian Army Leaving Homs 

Syrian Army Leaving Homs

Arrival of Arab League observers leads to withdrawal

(Newser) - Soldiers and tanks began pulling out of Homs this morning, in response to the arrival of Arab League observers in Syria yesterday. Prior to the army’s retreat, fighting in Homs had been on the rise , with 34 civilians reportedly killed there yesterday. “The government’s goals haven’t...

Arab League Observers Land in Syria

Team of 60 likely headed for Homs

(Newser) - Arab League monitors are officially on the ground in Syria, reports Reuters . The Arab League delegation includes some 50 monitors and 10 other officials, and will eventually number 150 people working to ensure that Bashar al-Assad is in fact backing off his nine-month-long crackdown on protesters. The monitors come not...

Suicide Bombs Shake Syrian Capital: Report

 Suicide Bombs Rattle 
 Syria; 40 Dead 

Suicide Bombs Rattle Syria; 40 Dead

Attacks come as Arab League observers arrive

(Newser) - More than 40 people are dead and 100 injured after two suicide car bombings in Damascus, the Syrian government says. The blasts seemed to be targeted against government intelligence buildings, reports AP , and they come a day after Arab League observers arrived amid an increasingly violent government crackdown on dissent....

Syrian Army Guns Down Deserters

More than 70 reportedly gunned down in one province

(Newser) - Syria finally agreed to allow Arab League observers into the country yesterday, in a deal that is supposed to help usher in the end to the crackdown on anti-government protesters—but even as it did so, troops yesterday slaughtered army deserters who were attempting to leave their bases. More than...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>