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Petraeus Testimony Doesn't Resolve Questions

He provided fodder for both Republicans and Democrats

(Newser) - David Petraeus finished his testimony on Capitol Hill about what transpired in Benghazi, but don't expect an end to the controversy:
  • "His appearance actually seemed to provide both Democrats and Republicans with additional evidence to bolster their own narratives of the attacks and their aftermath," says the

Petraeus: I Always Thought It Was a Terrorist Attack

Ex-CIA director gives his side of the story on Benghazi consulate attack

(Newser) - David Petraeus believed from day one that the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi was a terrorist attack, he told lawmakers at a much-hyped closed-door hearing today, according to lawmakers in attendance. Petraeus said that the CIA talking points written immediately after the incident referred to it as a...

Rice Got Flawed Benghazi Intelligence: CIA Deputy

Yesterday's congressional hearings offered little clarity

(Newser) - When Susan Rice gave reporters an inaccurate account of the Benghazi attack five days after it occurred, she was simply repeating the assessment she had been given at the time, according to the CIA's deputy head. The UN ambassador had been briefed on the attack, and the intelligence she...

Petraeus Breaks Silence: I Didn't Pass Classified Info

Meanwhile, report surfaces that Petraeus wanted to go public regarding Benghazi

(Newser) - David Petraeus has finally spoken to the media, telling an HLN reporter that he had not passed any classified info to Paula Broadwell and that his resignation had nothing to do with the Benghazi attack. The interview was off-camera, but reporter Kyra Phillips says that he "told me he...

Petraeus to Testify on Libya Friday

Capitol Hill hearing will be closed to the public

(Newser) - David Petraeus will indeed testify on Capitol Hill about the Benghazi attack, reports AP . The former CIA chief will appear before the House Intelligence committee on Friday, though the hearing will be closed to the public. Petraeus visited Libya secretly last month, and lawmakers are antsy to hear his own...

Obama: I Don't Know of Any Classified Leaks in Petraeus Mess

President also defends Susan Rice in press conference

(Newser) - President Obama has wrapped up his first press conference since the election, with, surprise, surprise, the David Petraeus scandal and the fiscal cliff at the top of the agenda, reports the AP . But he also made headlines with a strong defense of UN ambassador Susan Rice. The full transcript is...

McCain Wants Watergate-Style Libya Probe

And says he'll do everything in his power to block Susan Rice as secretary of state

(Newser) - John McCain is still fighting mad about the Obama administration's inconsistent statements about the Benghazi attack, and is calling for a Watergate-style congressional investigation into them. "We need a special committee, a select committee, like we did in Watergate, like we did in Iran-Contra … to get to...

Petraeus Secretly Visited Libya After Benghazi Attack

Congress wants to know what he learned there

(Newser) - Resignation or not, Democrats and Republicans alike are clamoring for David Petraeus to testify at this week's congressional hearings about the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, and this could be why: Petraeus took a secret trip to Libya last month, in the wake of the Sept. 11...

Feinstein: We Still Want Petraeus to Testify on Benghazi

Former CIA director isn't off the hook, she says

(Newser) - Dianne Feinstein to David Petraeus: We still want you to testify about the Benghazi attack. The Senate Intelligence Committee chairwoman said today she will seek his testimony in hearings about the September attack that killed four Americans at the consulate in Benghazi, Libya, NBC News reports. "I have no...

Petraeus Mistress: I Had Access to State Secrets

Paula Broadwell may have leaked classified info in speech

(Newser) - David Petraeus' biographer and mistress says she had inside information on CIA activities—a piece of which she may have revealed in a speech last month. In a panel chat this summer, she said she would "sit in on high level meetings with General Petraeus" during which she'd...

Romney Rips Obama Over Little Matter of 'Revenge'

The president advised voters that 'voting is the best revenge'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has stirred up a few headlines today over a little matter of revenge. Stumping in New Hampshire, Romney criticized President Obama for urging supporters to vote because "voting is the best revenge." Romney said, "Vote for revenge? Let me tell you: Vote for love of...

CIA Played Central Role in Benghazi Response

Intelligence officials offer most detailed account yet

(Newser) - The CIA played a bigger role in the response to the Sept. 11 attacks in Benghazi than was previously known, say US intelligence officials, rebutting media claims that the agency was slow to send help. Security agents were on the scene in 25 minutes, taking charge of evacuations, the Washington ...

Officials: No Warning of Benghazi Compound Attack

But State Dept was aware security situation was getting worse

(Newser) - The State Department received plenty of warnings about deteriorating security in Libya before the deadly attack on the Benghazi consulate last month, but there was no specific warning that the compound would be a target, the New York Times reports. But while interviews with officials and a review of State...

Suspect in Benghazi Attack Dies in Raid

He was killed by his own bomb in Cairo, security officials say

(Newser) - A Libyan man suspected of taking part in the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi has died during a raid by Egyptian security forces, reports Reuters . Karim Ahmed Essam el-Azizi was killed by a bomb he was trying to use against the forces. Four others were detained in the...

Clinton May Not Step Down
 Clinton May Not Step Down 

Clinton May Not Step Down

She hints as much in 'Wall Street Journal' profile

(Newser) - With the end of her tenure at the State Department seemingly consumed by the controversy over Libya, Hillary Clinton is considering staying on a bit longer, she tells the Wall Street Journal . "A lot of people have talked to me about staying," Clinton says. Until now, Clinton has...

Tunisia: We Arrested Suspect in Benghazi Attack

Ali Harzi in custody, though role is unclear

(Newser) - Tunisia says it has a 28-year-old Tunisian national in custody who is linked to the attack on the US consulate in Libya that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens, reports the AP . Details are sketchy, but the suspect has been identified as Ali Harzi. It's unclear exactly what role he played,...

Emails: Militants Quickly Took Credit for Libya Attack

But Hillary Clinton notes it was just a Facebook post

(Newser) - More information about the confusion in the days following the Sept. 11 attack on the US consulate in Libya: Emails obtained by Reuters show that scarcely more than two hours after the attack, the White House, Pentagon, and FBI were informed by the State Department's Operations Center that a...

It&#39;s Time to Talk About al-Qaeda
 It's Time to Talk About al-Qaeda 

It's Time to Talk About al-Qaeda

PJ Crowley thinks it's time to reassess the US strategy in the war on terror

(Newser) - All right, America. It's time we had a talk about terrorism. "We've been at war with al-Qaeda for at least 11 years and still don't know how to have an effective political or, more important, strategic conversation about it," writes PJ Crowley in the Daily...

For 10 Days, CIA Told Obama Libya Attack Was Protest

Despite conflicting evidence

(Newser) - New details are emerging revealing the confusion surrounding the attack on the US consulate in Libya that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead: For 10 days after the attack, the CIA told President Obama in his daily intelligence briefing that the siege came out of a spontaneous...

New York Times Issues Silliest Correction Ever

Apparently, militants like fruity drinks

(Newser) - The elite journalists at the New York Times want to make sure they get it right every time—even when it comes to, say, an alleged militant's taste in fruity beverages. The Times ran a surreal interview this morning with Ahmed Abu Khattala, who officials suspect helped lead the...

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