Mitt Romney 2012

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Aide: Romney 'Retroactively Retired' From Bain

Leave of absence became permanent, Gillespie tells CNN

(Newser) - Senior Romney adviser Ed Gillespie muddied the waters further while trying to clear up the question of when Mitt really left Bain Capital. "There may have been a thought at the time that it could be part-time," Gillespie told CBS' Face the Nation when asked about Romney's...

Obama: Romney's Attacks Make Total Sense to Me

President admits he would argue over the economy, too

(Newser) - President Obama doesn't begrudge Mitt Romney's attacks over economic policy—not one bit, CNN reports. In fact, Obama says he would do it himself if he were battling an incumbent president. "If I was in his shoes I would be making the same argument," said Obama...

Florida Is a &#39;Coin Toss&#39;
 Florida Is a 'Coin Toss' 

Florida Is a 'Coin Toss'

Which isn't great news for Romney: Tampa Bay Times

(Newser) - Gallup's latest poll once again shows a dead heat between President Obama and Mitt Romney on the national stage, and the Tampa Bay Times says the same holds true in pivotal Florida. Obama's up 46-45 in the newspaper's survey, and even if Romney picks favorite son...

Tough Ad Hits Romney on Outsourcing (and Singing)

But has found fault with similar ads

(Newser) - Mitt Romney wanted the Obama camp to apologize . Instead, he got this: a brutal new ad that doubles down on the charge that Romney is an outsourcing fiend. It features Romney singing "American the Beautiful" as words pop up saying things like, "In business, Mitt Romney’s firms...

Romney Defends Bain Role, Wants Obama Apology

Attacks are 'beneath the dignity of the presidency,' he says

(Newser) - Mitt Romney went on the offensive in a big way today over his tenure at Bain, giving a series of TV interviews to insist that he stopped having any management role in 1999 and to demand that President Obama apologize because of his advisers' "disgusting" attacks on him over...

Romney&#39;s Bain Explanation Doesn&#39;t Fly
 Romney's Bain 
 Doesn't Fly 

Romney's Bain Explanation Doesn't Fly

Steve Kornacki: A clean break in 1999? That's not what he said before

(Newser) - So did Mitt Romney stop running the show at Bain in 1999 or 2002? Romney would have us believe 1999, and Bain backs him up with the explanation that it took time for all of the formalities to take effect. At Salon , however, Steve Kornacki sees a problem with that...

Condi Could Save This Dull Election
 Condi Could 
 Save This 
 Dull Election 

peggy noonan

Condi Could Save This Dull Election

In a crucial year, neither candidate has inspired: Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - We're in the middle of "a crisis election like 1932 or 1980," yet supporters of both candidates can't seem to muster much enthusiasm. We need to inject some inspiration and excitement into this race, and Condoleezza Rice could be just the person to do it, writes...

Obama Camp: Romney May Have Committed a Felony

SEC docs could have 'very serious legal consequences'

(Newser) - If Mitt Romney wasn't actually Bain Capital's CEO in 2002, there could be "very, very serious legal consequences," an Obama campaign lawyer told reporters yesterday. Romney has said publicly that he left Bain in 1999, but the Boston Globe yesterday reported that Bain SEC filings indicate...

Now Republicans Call for Romney Tax Returns

Business dealings amount to 'legitimate question': GOP rep

(Newser) - President Obama has some unlikely new allies in his effort to get Mitt Romney to release his tax returns. Members of Romney's own party, from Haley Barbour to Michael Steele, are calling on the candidate for financial disclosure. "His personal finances, the way he does things, his record,...

Globe to Romney: We Won't Correct Bain Article

But allegations may not hold water, Fortune finds

(Newser) - The Boston Globe has rejected a request from the Romney campaign to issue a correction to a story which found that the candidate was CEO of Bain Capital for years after he said he left the firm, Politico reports. The story was based on SEC documents filed by Bain itself...

Drudge: Condi Tops Mitt's VP List

Despite Rice saying no, speculation swirls about her candidacy

(Newser) - She's given some pretty emphatic denials , but Condoleezza Rice has still emerged as Mitt Romney's No. 1 choice for vice president, according to the Drudge Report . Despite her repeated statements that elected office is not for her, Rice wowed the conservative establishment with her speech at a Romney...

In Obama Attack, Romney Ad Cites... Hillary Clinton

Spot accuses Obama of dishonest campaigning

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign is looking to Barack Obama's own buddies for help attacking the president. A new ad shows Hillary Clinton slamming Obama for negative ads in 2008, the New York Daily News notes. "Shame on you, Barack Obama," she says. The narrator says Obama lied...

Biden to NAACP: GOP Attacks Civil Rights

Veep: 'This ain't your father's Republican party'

(Newser) - Joe Biden's reception at Houston's NAACP convention was a far cry from Mitt Romney's . Amid much audience enthusiasm, Biden warned the crowd that today's GOP is threatening the very thing the NAACP was created to protect: civil rights. "Remember what this (group), at its core,...

NAACP Boos Actually Helped Mitt Romney

John Dickerson says NAACP did Romney a favor by generating a headline

(Newser) - The NAACP actually did Mitt Romney a favor by showering him with boos yesterday. Sure, Romney's campaign pointed out that the audience applauded as well, "but it's in their candidate's interest to get booed," argues John Dickerson at Slate . For one thing, "quiet golf...

Romney's Bain Story Doesn't Match SEC Filings

He told the SEC he was CEO until 2002, not 1999

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was Bain Capital's CEO up until 2002, or about three years longer than he's been publicly saying he was, according to documents filed with the SEC. Romney has said he left the firm in February 1999, in part to shield himself from criticism about Bain's...

20% of Voters Less Likely to Pick Mitt Due to Wealth
20% of Voters Less Likely
to Pick Mitt Due to Wealth
survey says

20% of Voters Less Likely to Pick Mitt Due to Wealth

New Gallup poll finds that for most, it makes no difference

(Newser) - It's usually good to be the rich guy, but money can't buy Mitt Romney love among some 20% of the electorate: A new Gallup poll finds that one in five registered voters is less likely to vote for Romney because of his $200 million-plus net worth. On the...

Romney's New Fundraising 'Star': Dick Cheney

Romney tries to appeal to GOP base with controversial ex-VP

(Newser) - Mitt Romney hasn't exactly snuggled up to the George W. Bush administration—he's made a point of avoiding even mentioning Dubya's name, usually referring to him only as Obama's "predecessor," for example—but he's not going to let that stand in the way...

Romney Booed in NAACP Speech

Crowd jeers when he talks about repealing ObamaCare

(Newser) - Mitt Romney spoke to the NAACP national convention today, and most of the headlines are centering on the boos he got when he started talking about ObamaCare and the president himself. He endured three rounds of jeering in all, which amounted to the "most hostile reception of his campaign...

Romney Could Reveal VP Pick Soon

Early choice would double campaigning power

(Newser) - Mitt Romney may give his campaign a boost by naming a running mate much earlier than usual. Naming his pick now, weeks ahead of the convention, would allow the Romney campaign to open up a new front against President Obama, with two people on the stump and raising money instead...

Poll Gives Obama 6-Point Lead
 Poll Gives Obama 6-Point Lead 

Poll Gives Obama 6-Point Lead

Obama up because 'nothing bad has happened,' Reuters pollster says

(Newser) - Americans are feeling a little more optimistic and that has translated into better poll numbers for President Obama, according to the latest Reuters /Ipsos poll. Obama is leading Mitt Romney 49% to 43%, up 5 points from a month ago, according to the poll, which found that the percentage of...

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