Mike Huckabee 2012

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Majority of GOP Now Birthers

 Majority of GOP 
 Now Birthers 
Poll Results:

Majority of GOP Now Birthers

And that's likely to hurt Mitt Romney's primary chances

(Newser) - The birthers are multiplying—and they could have a real impact on the Republican presidential primary. In a new survey, 51% of those who say they’ll vote in the primary also say they don’t believe President Obama was born in the United States, according to Public Policy Polling...

CPAC Kicks Off 2012 GOP Race

Contenders vie to define themselves in speeches, straw poll

(Newser) - The race to the 2012 GOP presidential nomination begins in earnest tomorrow, when the annual Conservative Political Action Committee shindig kicks off in Washington. Nearly all the party’s hopefuls will be there—with the notable exceptions of Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee—vying both to define themselves against the...

GOP's Got Nobody for 2012

 GOP's Got 
 for 2012 

GOP's Got Nobody for 2012

Not one of the slate of hopefuls is electable, writes Chris Cillizza

(Newser) - The GOP's presidential 2012 field isn't pretty. "All—that's A-L-L—of the Republicans considering runs carry at least one major flaw," writes Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post . Mitt Romney signed a health care bill similar to President Obama’s. Mississippi governor Haley Barbour “virtually invented lobbying....

I Won't Be 'Suckered Into' Early Debates: Huckabee

He's sticking to his own timeline, will decide on 2012 run by summer

(Newser) - Presidential debates are already scheduled for May, but Mike Huckabee won’t be pushed into participating. "I don’t want to get suckered into taking on the schedule because it’s what the media wants us to do," said Huckabee on Friday. Added the former Arkansas governor, who...

Republican Hopefuls for 2012 Taking It Slow

Don't expect formal candidates until February at the earliest

(Newser) - Five Republicans had filed to run for the presidential nomination at this time four years ago; right now, there isn’t one. We can’t expect any formal declarations until February at the earliest, reports the Wall Street Journal . Why? For one thing, the first primaries won’t happen until...

Palin Leads GOP Prez Poll
 Palin Leads GOP Prez Poll 

Palin Leads GOP Prez Poll

Just 43% believe Obama deserves second term

(Newser) - Sarah Palin can win the Republican nomination for 2012—but she can't win the presidency, according to the latest Quinnipiac poll . The nationwide poll found that Palin—who recently told Barbara Walters she could defeat President Obama —would narrowly win a primary involving the current most-likely GOP front-runners, but...

Poll: Palin Would Come in 4th in Alaska GOP Primary

Palin, Huckabee, Romney, and Gingrich frontrunners for 2012

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's Alaska would choose Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, or Mitt Romney over her in a GOP primary for 2012, according to a recent series of Public Policy Polling surveys. The four candidates were the top four choices in 17 of the 18 states surveyed, with Palin coming first in...

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