Gulf oil spill

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BP Stock Jumps on News of Leak Stoppage

Oil giant up 7% in late-day trading

(Newser) - BP's stock price jumped 7% on the news that the company had managed to plug the oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, TheStreet reports. Though the company still has 48 hours until it completes tests on its new cap (itself only a temporary solution), markets seemed to take the...

Oil Stops Flowing Into Gulf for First Time in 3 Months

It's not a permanent fix, but test is on track

(Newser) - A happy milestone for the Gulf of Mexico: BP says oil has stopped gushing into the water for the first time since its rig exploded 3 months ago. "It's too early to celebrate," said exec Doug Suttles, noting that the company has hours of testing to conduct before...

Poll: 73% Oppose Drilling Ban
 Poll: 73% Oppose Drilling Ban 

Poll: 73% Oppose Drilling Ban

Most consider Deepwater Horizon spill a fluke

(Newser) - Americans are furious with BP for sparking the largest environmental disaster in US history, but they largely consider it a “freak accident,” and oppose the Obama administration’s deepwater drilling moratorium, according to a new poll from Bloomberg . “A ban will destroy the economy in that area...

BP: We Fixed the Cap, Tests Begin Soon

Ready to begin testing to see if cap will hold

(Newser) - After fixing a leak on a cap designed to plug up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, BP engineers readied today to see if the new top is enough to contain the flow. Kent Wells, a BP vice president, said that the leak, which was discovered late yesterday, was fixed...

Valve Leak Delays Test of New Cap
 Valve Leak 
 Delays Test 
 of New Cap 
Here we go again

Valve Leak Delays Test of New Cap

(Newser) - BP engineers working to choke the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico found a leak on a line attached to the side of the new well cap and were trying to fix it this morning before attempting to stop the crude. BP said it had isolated the leak...

House Panel Votes to Block New BP Drilling

Firm facing 7-year ban on applying for new offshore leases

(Newser) - BP faces being banned from new offshore drilling for up to 7 years under a measure passed by the House Natural Resources Committee. The amendment to a sweeping oil reform bill doesn't mention BP by name, but bans firms that have had more than 10 fatalities at drilling facilities or...

Gulf Seafood Isn't Tested for Oil Dispersants

Current tests detect only the oil itself, and research is thin

(Newser) - Seafood lovers may want to keep this in mind: Anything coming from the Gulf of Mexico is being tested for contamination by oil, but not for contamination by chemical oil dispersants. BP has so far used 1.7 million gallons of one in particular, notes ProPublica . "There’s no...

BP Begins Crucial Test After US Gives Green Light

If it works, oil will stop flowing into the Gulf after 3 months

(Newser) - BP allayed last-minute government fears of making the disaster worse and began testing the new, tighter-fitting cap today that could finally choke off the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. "We sat long and hard about delaying the tests," said the Coast Guard's Thad Allen. He said...

Why the Oil in This Crab Could Be Very Bad News

Effects in small sea creatures could ripple upwards

(Newser) - Scientists are reporting early signs that the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is altering the marine food web by killing or tainting some creatures while spurring the growth of others more suited to a polluted environment. Near the spill site scientists have found a massive die-off of pyrosomes, which endangered...

BP Delays Tests on New Cap Do More Testing

Wants more time after initial seafloor mapping

(Newser) - The plan to start choking off the oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico was suddenly halted as government officials and BP said further analysis must be done today before critical tests could proceed. No explanation was given for the decision, and no date was set for when testing would...

BP: The Cap's On, Tests Under Way

Tests begin to see if it will hold

(Newser) - After securing a new, tight-fitting cap on top of the leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico, BP prepared today to begin tests to see if it will hold and stop fresh oil for the first time in nearly three months. The tests could last anywhere between six to 48...

New Containment Cap Reaches Oil Well
 New Containment Cap 
 Reaches Oil Well 

New Containment Cap Reaches Oil Well

Feds revise deepwater drilling ban

(Newser) - A new containment cap has just moved into position atop the ruptured oil well beneath the site of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, and officials are taking a wait-and-see attitude about the new equipment, MSNBC reports. "Until we have the cap on, securely fitted in place, and know it's operating...

BP: New Containment Cap Goes on Today

Fix could stop all the oil leaking into Gulf

(Newser) - BP expects to attach a tight, new cap today on its blown-out oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, but it will take 48 hours of testing to determine whether the fix will be enough to finally stop crude from gushing into the Gulf. The new cap, known as "...

Report: BP Looks to Unload Assets

'Sunday Times' says it's shopping stake in Alaska, elsewhere

(Newser) - BP is talking with Apache Corp. about possibly selling $18 billion worth of assets including a stake in Alaska's Prudhoe Bay oil field, the Sunday Times reports. BP spokesman Robert Wine and Apache spokesman Bill Mintz both said their companies would not comment on "speculation." The Sunday Times...

First Rig Leaves Gulf Over Drill Ban

It could be the first of many in response to Obama moratorium

(Newser) - President Obama's moratorium on deepwater drilling may be stuck in legal limbo for the time being, but it's already having a tangible effect: The first idled drilling rig has sailed away from the Gulf of Mexico to work off the coast of Egypt, reports the Houston Chronicle . Diamond Offshore, based...

BP Removes Cap as Oil Gushes Freely
BP Removes Cap as Oil Gushes Freely

BP Removes Cap as Oil Gushes Freely

It's part of a days-long plan to put a tighter cap in place

(Newser) - Robotic submarines removed the cap from the gushing well in the Gulf of Mexico today, beginning a period of at least two days when oil will flow freely into the sea. It's the first step in placing a tighter dome that is supposed to funnel more oil to collection ships....

Hopes High for New Cap on Gushing BP Well

New device, support ship could pump out 25K barrels a day

(Newser) - The effort to plug the gushing oil well in the Gulf of Mexico could make significant progress this weekend, as a larger containment cap and its support vessel arrive at the spill site. Coast Guard officials say a window of clear weather over the next few days could provide a...

BP: Spill May Be Fixed as Soon as July 27
  BP: Spill May Be Fixed 
  as Soon as July 27 
just in time for Q2 REport

BP: Spill May Be Fixed as Soon as July 27

New, earlier target date aimed at investors

(Newser) - The relief well that is supposed to finally stanch the oil flow from the Deepwater Horizon may be ready as early as July 27, BP is now telling the Wall Street Journal . That's weeks ahead of the mid-August schedule they’ve discussed until now, and just happens to be the...

27 Thousand Abandoned Wells Dot Gulf's Floor

And nobody's monitoring them for leaks

(Newser) - BP's Macondo oil well is the only one on anyone's mind right now, but there are literally thousands more like it littering the floor of the Gulf of Mexico. Some are only temporarily abandoned (as BP was attempting to do in the Deepwater Horizon fiasco), while others date back to...

Tar Balls Hit Battered Lake Pontchartrain

Gulf oil begins to seep into Louisiana's famed lake

(Newser) - Louisiana's Lake Pontchartrain first overcame pollution in the '90s so severe no one thought it could recover, then rallied after the Army Corps of Engineers dumped New Orleans' toxic floodwaters into it after Katrina. But now the fishing and tourism face tar balls and oil slicks as Hurricane Alex pushes...

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