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Scientists Ready Biggest Tornado Chase Ever

50+ researchers to go on monthlong twister hunt across middle US

(Newser) - Researchers from 19 universities in four countries are preparing for a massive $10.5 million tornado chase, LiveScience reports. The project, dubbed VORTEX2 (Verification Of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment), will send 50 scientists in 40 research vehicles chasing super-cell thunderstorms, which tend to generate the nastiest tornadoes, across South Dakota,...

Hurricane Forecast Gathers Strength

Early start to season could mean more and stronger storms

(Newser) - The 2008 hurricane season could be more intense than originally predicted, forecasters warned yesterday. July saw the earliest hurricane to ever form so far east in the Atlantic, prompting experts to up their season estimates from 15 to 17 named storms and from seven hurricanes to nine. Five of the...

Global Warming Caused by ... Cleaner Skies: Study

Pollution crackdown has let more sunlight in, making Europe toastier, scientists say

(Newser) - Reducing aerosols and other pollutants has been a major part of Europe’s campaign to reduce global warming, but a new study turns conventional thinking on its head, New Scientist reports. "The decrease in aerosols probably accounts for at least half of the warming over Europe in the last...

'Father of Chaos Theory' Dead at 90
'Father of Chaos Theory'
Dead at 90

'Father of Chaos Theory' Dead at 90

Edward Lorenz came up with concept of 'butterfly effect'

(Newser) - The MIT scientist whose pioneering of chaos theory revolutionized science, has died at the age of 90, MIT News reports. Meteorologist Edward Lorenz came up with the concept of chaos theory after meticulously analyzing weather data and discovering microscopic differences could have huge effects, leading to his paper "Predictability:...

Hurricane Chief Leaves Eye of the Storm

Center director ousted only 6 months into controversial stint

(Newser) - National Hurricane Center director Bill Proenza is out as of today, the Miami Herald reports, less than a week after half his staff demanded his resignation. The head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said the "disruption" caused by the controversial leader "threatens the center's ability to...

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