
Stories 21 - 29 | << Prev 

Waking Up to a Cigarette Raises Cancer Risk

So try to hold off for at least an hour

(Newser) - You probably already know that smoking is bad for you, but a new study shows that smoking first thing in the morning is apparently even worse. Among the 7,610 smokers studied—62% of whom had lung cancer—those who lit up within 30 minutes of waking were 79% more...

Iceland Debates Making Cigarettes Prescription-Only

Country will consider banning normal sales

(Newser) - In Iceland, you may soon need to head to the pharmacy to get your cigarettes. The country is considering a counter-intuitive measure that would make cigarettes a prescription-only product. The bill would ban the sale of cigarettes anywhere except pharmacies, and would initially require pharmacies to sell cigarettes only to...

Here Are the Gross Images Coming to Your Pack of Cigs

Feds hope damaged teeth, lungs will deter smokers

(Newser) - The new cigarette package labels are out, and they’re not pretty. Federal health officials today released the nine warning labels that will cover the top half of all cigarette packages manufactured after September 2012, and they include graphic photographs of damaged teeth and lungs and an autopsied body as...

Jan Brewer Wants to Charge Medicaid 'Fat Fee'

Arizona governor's plan would charge smokers, obese people $50

(Newser) - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has an idea for how to raise money for the state’s Medicaid program: charge obese people and smokers. Brewer’s proposal would require smokers or obese people who don’t follow a doctor’s weight loss program to pay a $50 fee if they are...

Honduras Will Bust Smokers ... at Home

Controversial law bans smoking within 6 feet of a non-smoker

(Newser) - There's no place like home—except for Hondurans looking to have a smoke. Starting yesterday, it is illegal to smoke in any closed or indoor space, or within 6 feet of any non-smoker, even outdoors. And although the law does not explicitly ban smoking in your own home, it does...

More Hospitals Refuse to Hire Smokers

Puffing on a cigarette can be grounds for dismissal

(Newser) - A new trend in hospital jobs: Smokers need not apply. In what some call “tobacco-free hiring,” medical businesses are refusing employment to smokers, insisting on blood tests for nicotine along with applications, the New York Times reports. The policy—which, the Times notes, treats a legal habit like...

Smoking in Bhutan? Cops Can Raid Your Home

New law is quite unpopular

(Newser) - It’s not a good time to be a smoker in Bhutan: In an effort to become the world’s first smoke-free nation, the Buddhist country will now allow police to raid homes in an effort to smoke out illegal smokers. Bhutan banned sales of tobacco in 2005, but it's...

Paris to Ban Heaters in Outdoor Cafes

It's more bad news for smokers

(Newser) - Since 2007, the French have not been allowed to smoke indoors in public places. So they have fled to the outdoor spaces of cafes. These can get a little chilly in winter, so the obliging proprietors have provided giant outdoor heaters to make sure that smokers are comfortable. No more....

Fla. Jury: Philip Morris Must Pay Ex-Smoker $300M

Tobacco company found negligent in state's largest verdict

(Newser) - A South Florida jury today ordered Philip Morris to pay $300 million to a former smoker, agreeing that the tobacco company's negligence was the cause of her emphysema. The award for Cindy Naugle, 61, is the largest to date among thousands of lawsuits filed in the state against tobacco companies....

Stories 21 - 29 | << Prev 
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