Bill de Blasio

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Police Turn Backs on NYC Mayor at Slain Officer's Funeral

Thousands turn out to honor Rafael Ramos

(Newser) - Thousands of police officers from across the nation packed a church and spilled onto streets today to honor Officer Rafael Ramos as a devoted family man, aspiring chaplain and hero, though an air of unrest surrounding his ambush shooting was not completely pushed aside. Although mourners inside the New York...

De Blasio Decries 'Assassination,' Cops Turn Backs

NYPD is irate over mayor's sympathy to protesters in Eric Garner case

(Newser) - A wall of NYPD blue three rows deep stood at attention last night as ambulances bearing the bodies of two of their fallen brethren, gunned down execution-style in their patrol car , made their way past a New York City hospital. And in video picked up by PIX11 , a wall of...

Garner Protests Spread Across Country

Thousands on NYC streets for 2nd night

(Newser) - Thousands of people were out on the streets of New York City last night protesting the Eric Garner decision for a second night, and demonstrations also took place in cities across the country, some targeting Christmas tree-lighting ceremonies. Thousands marched in Boston and hundreds of people staged "die-ins" in...

Mayor de Blasio a Groundhog Killer?

Staten Island Chuck died a week after Groundhog Day fall

(Newser) - Staten Island Chuck has died, and he apparently didn't just peacefully pass on to "that big farm in the sky," as one NYC lawmaker puts it. Rather, as per the rather breathless New York Post , "Mayor Bill de Blasio has groundhog blood on his hands!"...

FDNY 'Hero' Killed Seeking Victims 19 Floors Up

Gordon Ambelas got trapped in public-housing blaze

(Newser) - The Fire Department of New York is mourning the death of a lieutenant who became trapped while looking for victims in a public-housing high-rise blaze, the first to die in the line of duty in more than two years. Lt. Gordon Ambelas died yesterday after suffering multiple injuries while on...

Wrongly Convicted Central Park 5 to Get $40M

NYC settlement adds up to $1 million per year in jail

(Newser) - Five New York City men wrongly convicted in their teens for the rape and beating of a jogger in Central Park are to receive around $1 million per year of imprisonment. The black and Hispanic "Central Park Five"—who were aged 14 to 16 when they were caught...

LA Mayor Drops F-Bomb at Kings Rally

NYC's de Blasio sings 'I Love LA' over lost bet

(Newser) - There are two major rules for politicians, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti told a rally for the Stanley Cup-winning LA Kings yesterday. "They say never, ever be pictured with a drink in your hand and never swear. But this is a big f--king day—way to go guys,"...

De Blasio Drops Groundhog
 De Blasio Drops 

De Blasio Drops Groundhog

NYC coincidentally in for 6 more weeks of winter

(Newser) - Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, but his Big Apple counterpart saw his shadow take a tumble: As the Staten Island Advance reports, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio fumbled and dropped Staten Island Chuck at this morning's large-rodent-as-weather-prognosticator festivities. Chuck—full name Charles G. Hogg—appears unharmed, though...

De Blasio Tries to End Stop-and-Frisk

New mayor renounces practice, settles lawsuit

(Newser) - Is the fight over stop-and-frisk finally over? Bill de Blasio announced last night that he's moving to settle the lawsuits concerning the NYPD's controversial (and racially skewed ) practice, which he denounced as "broken and misused." To underline just how radically the city's position had...

De Blasio: 'We Won't Wait' for Equality

NYC's new mayor ceremonially sworn in by Bill Clinton

(Newser) - New York City got its 109th mayor officially just after the ball dropped , but saved the pomp of Bill de Blasio's public inaugural for this afternoon. In front of a who's-who of New York's political elite, de Blasio took the oath of office on the steps of...

De Blasio Sworn in as NYC's 109th Mayor

Bloomberg replaced after 12 years

(Newser) - Bill de Blasio was sworn in as the 109th mayor of New York City moments after midnight, becoming the first Democrat to occupy City Hall in more than two decades while vowing to pursue a sweeping liberal agenda for the nation's largest city. The 52-year-old took the oath of...

Swearing in De Blasio: Bill Clinton

Will use Bible that was once FDR's

(Newser) - Bill de Blasio will be sworn in as mayor of New York City by Bill Clinton. De Blasio will be inaugurated as the 109th mayor of the nation's largest city during a ceremony Wednesday on the City Hall steps. His transition team announced today that he will be sworn...

NY Post: Spitzer's Got a Girlfriend

Tabloid apparently stalking Client No. 9, worried he's not getting enough sleep

(Newser) - For you weary souls feeling bludgeoned by the whole Duck Dynasty saga , the New York Post is doggedly determined to make you think about something else, something you probably never wanted to scar your retinas with again: Eliot Spitzer's romantic life. Specifically, the affair that the somehow-still-married disgraced former...

De Blasio's Adviser No. 1: His Wife

NY Times sees 'little precedent' for their close partnership

(Newser) - When it came to tough campaign questions, Bill de Blasio relied on wife Chirlane McCray's counsel—and that relationship is poised to continue while he's mayor of New York City. "We are obviously not like any couple that has been there before," de Blasio tells the...

Cynthia Nixon&#39;s Next Gig: Politics?
 Cynthia Nixon's 
 Next Gig: Politics? 

Cynthia Nixon's Next Gig: Politics?

Sex and the City actress eyed for de Blasio post

(Newser) - New York City mayor-elect Bill de Blasio will soon get down to the business of filling his many administration posts, and rumor has it one of them might go to a Hollywood star. Sex and the City actress Cynthia Nixon, one of de Blasio's earliest supporters, is apparently in...

WaPo Columnist Links 'Gag Reflex,' Interracial Marriage

Richard Cohen catching flak over latest opinion piece

(Newser) - Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen is raising a lot of eyebrows today with his latest column , which is about Iowa's conservative Republicans and includes, well, this:
  • "People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the mayor-elect of New York—a white man married to a

Meet the de Blasios' 'Expressive' Hair

And their dance, the 'Smackdown'

(Newser) - If you followed the New York mayoral race, you probably noticed that the city's incoming first family is follicly diverse and they're not exactly putting a lid on it for political appearances, write Krissah Thompson and Lonnae O’Neal Parker in the Washington Post . Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio'...

Are NYC Candidates Finally Done 'Scaring White People'?

Alex Pareene hopes that's what Bill de Blasio's decisive win means

(Newser) - One surefire way to win an election in New York City: Scare the white population, which is almost big enough on its own to score a victory. Rudy Giuliani was the best at this, and it's also how Michael Bloomberg won, Alex Pareene writes at Salon . But with Bill...

7 Lessons From Election 2013
 7 Lessons From Election 2013 

7 Lessons From Election 2013

It was a bad night for Tea Party, good one for Chris Christie

(Newser) - The 2013 election is in the books, and while there weren't many surprises in this off-year affair, there's plenty to digest. Here are some bulleted thoughts to help your brain do just that:
  • Some polls had Terry McAuliffe ahead of Ken Cuccinelli by double digits, so his 3-point

Landslide: Liberal De Blasio Wins in NYC

He will be city's first Democratic mayor in a generation

(Newser) - The New York City mayor's race wrapped up with little suspense tonight: As expected, Bill de Blasio will replace Michael Bloomberg and become the city's first Democratic mayor in two decades, reports the New York Times . It called the race based on exit interviews as the polls closed...

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