Elizabeth Warren

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Poll: In 2020 Race, Trump Would Lose to Any Old Dem

But not specifically to Elizabeth Warren

(Newser) - Democrats are already eyeing the 2020 presidential race, and Elizabeth Warren has broken out of the pack as an early favorite who can persist against President Trump—but a recent poll indicates it may not be her persistence the Dems should be looking toward. The Politico/Morning Consult survey of 1,...

In Silencing Warren, McConnell Gave Dems a New Battle Cry

'Nevertheless, she persisted'

(Newser) - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appears to have inadvertently handed Democrats—and feminists—a new rally cry with his move to silence Sen. Elizabeth Warren Tuesday night. "She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted," McConnell said, using an arcane rule to ban Warren from...

McConnell Used Century-Old 'Arcane Rule' to Silence Warren

Rule 19 was put into place in 1902 after two Democratic senators got into fistfight

(Newser) - The Senate GOP shut down Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday night as she attempted to quote from old letters penned by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy and the late Coretta Scott King to protest the nomination of Jeff Sessions for attorney general, prompting the #LetLizSpeak and #SilencingElizabethWarren hashtags and leading Warren...

Senate Votes to Silence Elizabeth Warren

She read letter from MLK's widow

(Newser) - Sen. Elizabeth Warren read a letter from Martin Luther King's widow outside the Senate chamber Tuesday night—after she was banned from speaking inside. In what the Washington Post calls an "extraordinarily rare move," the GOP-controlled Senate voted to silence Warren for impugning the character of attorney...

Trump Health Pick 'Offended' by Questions About Stocks

Tom Price grilled by Franken, Warren

(Newser) - Donald Trump's choice for health secretary declared himself to be "offended" by Sen. Elizabeth Warren's questions about his investments during Wednesday's Senate Health Committee hearing. Warren was one of numerous Democrats who pressed Rep. Tom Price about his stock transactions in health care companies, the Washington ...

Top 5 Democratic Presidential Candidates for 2020

Elizabeth Warren tops the list

(Newser) - “It appears we’re going to have an old-folks’ home," New York Magazine quotes Sen. Harry Reid as saying about hypothetical Democratic 2020 presidential contenders. "We’ve got Warren; she’ll be 71. Biden will be 78. Bernie will be 79.” Regardless, the Hill has ranked...

Elizabeth Warren Slams Wells Fargo CEO as 'Gutless'

Says he should 'be criminally investigated'

(Newser) - Sen. Elizabeth Warren went after Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf during a Senate hearing Tuesday with the kind of heat she usually reserves for Donald Trump tweetstorms . "You should resign ... and you should be criminally investigated," NPR quotes Warren as saying. Stumpf was in front of the Senate...

Trump Under Fire for &#39;2nd Amendment&#39; Remark
 Trump Under Fire for 
 '2nd Amendment' Remark 

Trump Under Fire for '2nd Amendment' Remark

'Give me a break,' he says

(Newser) - Donald Trump's campaign is once again on damage control, this time over remarks that critics say hinted at Hillary Clinton's assassination . His comment that "Second Amendment people" could "maybe" do something about Clinton picking Supreme Court justices if she wins was widely condemned Tuesday, though he...

Warren to Trump: America &#39;Is Not Falling for It&#39;

 Warren to Trump: 
 America 'Is Not 
 Falling for It' 

Warren to Trump: America 'Is Not Falling for It'

Don't even try to fill America with hate, Mass. senator warns—it will never happen

(Newser) - Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who's made a part-time job of sorts taking on Donald Trump on social media, laid out two choices for the American people Monday night in Philadelphia. "On one side is a man who inherited a fortune from his father and kept it going by...

Beyoncé Says Police Killings Are a 'War'

Obama, Drake, others address deaths of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling

(Newser) - With two deadly shootings of black men at the hands of police caught on tape this week, the country is reacting with outrage, sadness, and protests. Here's how some politicians, celebrities, and others—including President Obama and Beyoncé—addressed the deaths of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton...

Warren Wants a New Job—at Wizard School

She wants to fight dark magic, aka 'Trump'

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren: wizard professor? In a tweet to Harry Potter author JK Rowling—who revealed details about a fictional wizarding school in Massachusetts this week—Warren says she would be up for teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, the class that prepares students to fight dark magic and Lord Voldemort'...

Scott Brown: Elizabeth Warren 'Can Take a DNA Test' to Prove Cherokee Roots

No, it's not 2012 again

(Newser) - Former Massachusetts senator Scott Brown is not letting the Elizabeth Warren Native American controversy go. For those of you who don't remember, Warren's claims of Native American ancestry made waves during the 2012 senate race ( she's reportedly only 1/32 Cherokee ), and Brown made sure to...

'Slayer-in-Chief' Warren and Clinton Tag-Team on Trump

Mass. senator makes fun of his 'goofy' hat, says he would 'crush you into the dirt' to get his way

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's eventual running mate or not, as Elizabeth Warren headed out on the campaign trail Monday, she embraced a role she's already been practicing on her own: the "chief public antagonist" against Donald Trump, as CNN describes it (or the "Trump slayer-in-chief," per...

Here Are the VP Contenders Clinton Is Vetting (Spoiler: Not Sanders)

But Elizabeth Warren is on the list

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal has revealed a list of potential running mates being vetted by Hillary Clinton, and it doesn't include Bernie Sanders. Possible future vice presidents currently in the early stages of vetting include Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Labor Secretary Tom Perez, Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro,...

Trump Apologizes ... to Pocahontas
 Trump Apologizes 
 ... to Pocahontas 

Trump Apologizes ... to Pocahontas

He says Mitt Romney 'choked like a dog'

(Newser) - Meet the new Trump, same as the old Trump: On Friday night, Donald Trump held his first rally since the end of the GOP primaries and it resembled his primary rallies right down to attacks on Jeb Bush, the Guardian reports. More than 100 gathered outside the event in Richmond,...

Warren: I'm Ready to Work My Heart Out for Clinton

She endorses Hillary, praises Bernie on 'Maddow'

(Newser) - Things are falling into place for Hillary Clinton: Her endorsement from President Obama Thursday was followed by that of Elizabeth Warren, the progressive senator who could be key to winning over Bernie Sanders supporters. "I'm ready. I am ready to get in this fight and work my heart...

Warren Plans to Endorse Clinton, Hasn't Ruled Out Vice President

And Clinton is open to an all-woman ticket

(Newser) - Sen. Elizabeth Warren—notably the only female senator not to endorse Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders—plans to officially back Clinton in the coming weeks, Reuters reports. An endorsement from Warren, who is popular with progressives, could bring Sanders' supporters over to Clinton's side. Reuters cites sources close to...

'Goofy' Elizabeth Warren Spent Friday Twitter- Attacking Trump

She's not impressed with his new nickname for her

(Newser) - Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warren took to the gladiator arena of our modern age—Twitter—to do battle Friday night. Politico reports it actually started with a tweet from Warren on Tuesday that called Trump racist and narcissistic, among other things. He finally fired back Friday, calling her "goofy,...

Warren: I'll Fight 'Toxic' Trump Every Step to White House

Mass. senator goes on Facebook rant against presumptive GOP nominee

(Newser) - Donald Trump is now the GOP's presumptive nominee , and that has some moving straight into "defeat Trump" mode. Count Elizabeth Warren among their number with what Fortune calls an "epic" social-media rant Tuesday night following Trump's big win in Indiana. In her Facebook diatribe against the...

Elizabeth Warren: Donald Trump Is a 'Loser'

Massachusetts senator goes on the attack

(Newser) - Looks like Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump won't be getting cozy anytime soon. The Massachusetts senator today called Trump "a loser" on Facebook and Twitter, just days after he was quoted in an interview mocking her claim to Native American heritage. "Let’s be honest—Donald Trump...

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