gay marriage

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Gays Deserve Reparation Checks
 Gays Deserve 
 Reparation Checks 

Gays Deserve Reparation Checks

(Newser) - “The time has arrived to place economic reparations for gay and lesbian Americans on the political agenda,” Jacob Appel writes in the Detroit Free Press. Equality under the law is inevitable, if still a few years out; meantime, homosexuals must be compensated for their trouble. “While the...

Vermont Legalizes Gay Marriage
 Vermont Legalizes Gay Marriage 

Vermont Legalizes Gay Marriage

(Newser) - Vermont’s legislature became the first in the country to legalize same-sex marriage when it voted today to override Gov. Jim Douglas’ veto of a bill allowing gays and lesbians to wed, the AP reports. Three other states have legalized gay marriage, but Vermont is the first to do so...

Iowans Herald, Decry Gay Marriage Ruling

(Newser) - Gay marriages will begin taking place in Iowa on April 24, the Des Moines Register reports. The state supreme court’s ruling today that prohibiting the unions is unconstitutional applies to Iowans as well as visitors, because the state has no residency laws for marriage. “I’m off the...

Iowa Supreme Court Upholds Gay Marriage

(Newser) - Iowa’s Supreme Court unanimously struck down a statute limiting marriage to a union between a man and a woman, the Des Moines Register reports. The ruling upholds a lower court decision allowing six gay couples to wed. Iowa becomes the first Midwestern state to allow gay marriage, and the...

Vermont House Passes Gay Marriage Bill

Measure now headed for likely veto by governor

(Newser) - The Vermont House of Representatives has followed the state senate in voting to legalize gay marriage, reports the Wall Street Journal. The bill will now head to Gov. James Douglas, who has promised to veto it. The 95-52 House vote falls short of the two-thirds majority needed to override a...

Sweden Legalizes Gay Marriage
 Sweden Legalizes Gay Marriage 

Sweden Legalizes Gay Marriage

Parliament passes law 261-22

(Newser) - Sweden’s Parliament legalized gay marriage yesterday, becoming the fifth European country to do so, CNN reports. Registered partnerships were already permitted in the country, but the new law will allow same-sex couples to officially tie the knot starting May 1. The only party to oppose was the Christian Democrats,...

Bloomberg: We Will Pass Gay Marriage Bill

The change is inevitable, timing uncertain, mayor says

(Newser) - A New York state law allowing gay marriage is inevitable, but it's unclear when it will pass, said New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who vowed to throw his support behind such a bill. The Democrats who run the State Senate have not yet been able to round up enough...

Frank Calls Justice Scalia a 'Homophobe'

(Newser) - Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank called Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia a "homophobe" in a recent interview with the gay news Web site The Democratic lawmaker, who is gay, was discussing gay marriage and his expectation that the high court would some day be called upon to decide...

New York's Schumer Flips, Backs Gay Marriage

(Newser) - Sen. Charles Schumer now supports full marriage rights for same-sex couples, the New York Daily News reports. The New York Democrat, who was on the record as a proponent of civil unions, also wants to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, which he himself voted for. “It’s time,...

Prop. 8 Fix: Dump Legal 'Marriage' Altogether

Gov't could create civil unions, while marriage would be religious

(Newser) - Confirmations, bar mitzvahs—religious institutions mark a number of rites of passage, but marriage is the only one the government has mucked with. As the heated debate over gay marriage continues, two professors ask: Why not take the government out of the equation? Officially, any couple could have a civil...

Married California Gays Face Lonely Future

Banning gay marriage but allowing existing unions will leave couples on 'marriage island'

(Newser) - The California Supreme Court's expected decision to uphold a ban on gay marriage but still recognize existing unions will leave the state's 18,000 married gay couples in a strange situation, the Los Angeles Times reports. Couples are relieved that their marriages are likely to survive, but they see legal...

Judges Appear Likely to Let Prop 8 Stand

(Newser) - It looks like California's ban on gay marriage will stand. Based on their questions today during arguments over Proposition 8, justices on the state's Supreme Court seem inclined to uphold the voters' decision in November, reports the Los Angeles Times. However, the justices also appeared willing to allow same-sex marriages...

Calif. Supreme Court Hears Prop 8 Arguments

Court weighs constitutionality of ballot initiative, effect on couples married before the ban

(Newser) - California Supreme Court justices heard arguments today on lawsuits seeking to overturn the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage as thousands demonstrated outside the San Francisco courthouse. Gay-rights advocates are urging the court to overturn Proposition 8 on the grounds it was put before voters improperly, or at least prematurely....

Calif. Prop 8 Back in Court Tomorrow
  Calif. Prop 8 Back 
  in Court Tomorrow 

Calif. Prop 8 Back in Court Tomorrow

(Newser) - Protesters around California are gearing up for tomorrow's state Supreme Court session on the constitutionality of Proposition 8, the voter referendum that banned gay marriage, the Los Angeles Times reports. The decision isn’t due for 3 months, but the opinion is already written, and the court's stand may be...

Chinese Soften on Same-Sex Marriage
Chinese Soften on Same-Sex Marriage 

Chinese Soften on Same-Sex Marriage

Pressure to marry can trump opposition to homosexuality

(Newser) - Gay men and lesbians took to the streets of Beijing in tuxedos and wedding gowns last week to voice their support for same-sex marriage, the Guardian reports. Acceptance is growing in China, which only a decade ago criminalized gay sex and listed homosexuality as a mental illness. But the Chinese...

Lutheran Panel Backs Gay Unions, 'Married' Gay Clerics

Task force seeks compromise on issue of non-celibate gay clergy

(Newser) - A task force from the nation's largest Lutheran denomination has recommended the church give its blessing to same-sex unions, reports the Los Angeles Times. The panel also recommended that the Evangelic Lutheran Church in America allow gays—currently only permitted to serve as clergy if they are celibate—to serve...

Sykes to Roast Obama at Press Dinner

(Newser) - Wanda Sykes has been tapped to roast Barack Obama at this year’s White House Correspondents' Dinner on May 9. The lesbian comic will likely skewer the President’s anti-gay-marriage stance, but she has some skeletons of her own, the Los Angeles Times reports. After hearing about the engagement, “...

Iconic Mass. Gay Couple Splits
 Iconic Mass. Gay Couple Splits 

Iconic Mass. Gay Couple Splits

Goodridge suit legalized same-sex marriage in state

(Newser) - A lesbian activist couple well-respected for leading Massachusetts' gay marriage charge has filed for divorce, the Boston Herald reports. Hillary and Julie Goodridge's landmark lawsuit legalized same-sex marriage in the state six years ago. The couple married a year later—after nearly two decades together—and share custody of their...

Lesbian Fiction's Hot New Stars: Secret Service Agents

Security more desirable than love: Thomas

(Newser) - Secret Service agents have become popular protagonists in lesbian romance mysteries because they embody traits readers covet, June Thomas writes for Slate. "They are the ultimate strong, silent type—they fade into the background without hiding, they keep their mouths shut, and they have your back," she...

Huckabee Keeps On Running
 Keeps On

Huckabee Keeps On Running

Calls for great moral awakening

(Newser) - Almost a year removed from the presidential campaign trail, Mike Huckabee is as busy as ever, with a Fox News show, a book tour, and a crowded speaking schedule. Tagging along with "the most likable politician I've ever met" as he visits suburban New Jersey, AJ Jacobs of Esquire ...

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