Desiree Rogers

10 Stories

It's Over Between Oprah, Michelle
 It's Over Between 
 Oprah, Michelle 

claims book

It's Over Between Oprah, Michelle

Winfrey-Obama relationship breaks down, Edward Klein alleges

(Newser) - BFFs no more? A new, unauthorized, and contentious Barack Obama biography alleges that the relationship between Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey has been deteriorating ever since the early days of Obama’s presidency, the Telegraph reports. According to The Amateur, by former New York Times Magazine editor Edward Klein, Obama...

The Real Reason Desiree Rogers Is Leaving

Obama's social secretary thinks he hung her out to dry

(Newser) - Desirée Rogers is leaving the White House with a chip on her shoulder. In a profile in today’s New York Times , a host of sources close to Rogers say that Obama’s outgoing social secretary feels the administration hung her out to dry in the Salahi dust-up. “...

Obama's New Social Secretary Is Veteran Fundraiser

Julianna Smoot has strong ties to donors

(Newser) - The new social secretary of the White House is a Washington insider and veteran political fundraiser. Julianna Smoot, who served as finance director for President Obama's 2008 campaign, will replace the outgoing Desiree Rogers , reports the Hill . The move is good news for the president's wealthy donors, says Ben Smith...

White House Social Secretary Will Step Down

Desiree Rogers presided over state dinner that drew party crashers

(Newser) - White House social secretary Desiree Rogers will leave her position next month. Rogers says she feels comfortable leaving because her principle goal—changing the White House into a more open "people's house"—had largely been achieved, she tells the Chicago Sun-Times . But her tenure will be best remembered...

Resolutions for Obama and Co.
 Resolutions for Obama and Co. 
Karl Rove

Resolutions for Obama and Co.

Rove has suggestions for everyone in Washington this new year

(Newser) - With the New Year mere hours away, Karl Rove offers up some 2010 resolutions for the White House in the Wall Street Journal. They go a little something like this:
  • Barack Obama should worry less about making everyone think he agrees with them, and more about meaning what he says.

House Subpoenas Gate-Crashers

But the Salahis say they'll take the Fifth

(Newser) - A House committee followed up on its threat to force the couple who crashed President Obama's State Dinner last month to testify. Lawmakers voted to subpoena Tareq and Michaele Salahi, who refused to appear voluntarily. Even now, the Salahis say they will take the Fifth when they show up, the...

Secret Service Agents Face Firing for Salahi Slip

Two agents on leave, face disciplinary action

(Newser) - The two Secret Service agents who let Michaele and Tareq Salahi crash last week’s state dinner have been placed on administrative leave and may be fired, agency chief Mark Sullivan told Congress today. Testifying before the House Homeland Security Committee, the Secret Service director took full responsibility for the...

Party Crashers Make Desirée Rogers Look Bad
 Party Crashers Make 
 Desirée Rogers Look Bad 

Party Crashers Make Desirée Rogers Look Bad

Is White House social secretary to blame for Michaele and Tareq Salahi?

(Newser) - A week’s worth of finger-pointing over how Michaele and Tareq Salahi managed to crash a state dinner has now turned the spotlight on a controversial figure: White House social secretary Desirée Rogers. Unlike demure secretaries before her, the attention-grabbing Rogers “arrived in Washington this year to great...

Building 'Brand Obama' Falls to Ex-Mardi Gras Queen

White House social secretary brings marketing savvy to the role

(Newser) - The White House is the jewel in the crown of the Obama brand and it’s her job to promote it, White House social secretary Desirée Rogers tells Amy Chozick of the Wall Street Journal. Rogers has taken the event-organizing role to a new level, Chozick writes, and unlike...

Party's About to Start for Obamas' Social Secretary

Desirée Rogers brings tradition and inclusiveness to the party

(Newser) - As White House social secretary, Desirée Rogers will not only organize all social events and ceremonies, she'll help people imagine what Barack Obama’s presidency represents. Catching up with the “the most eligible woman in Washington" for Vogue, William Norwich finds the former Chicago businesswoman and Obama...

10 Stories
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