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Kremlin Comments on Trump's Letter to Turkey

'You don’t often encounter such language in correspondence between heads of state'

(Newser) - Count the Kremlin among those puzzled by the personal letter President Trump sent to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “You don’t often encounter such language in correspondence between heads of state," says spokesman Dmitry Peskov. "It's a highly unusual letter." Among other things, Trump...

Big-Name CEOs to Congress: You Need to Act Now

Heads of Twitter, Uber, others write letter asking for tougher gun laws

(Newser) - The CEOs of nearly 150 companies are stepping into the nation's gun debate, imploring Congress to expand background checks and enact a strong "red flag" law. In a letter sent to the Senate on Thursday, CEOs from businesses including Airbnb, Twitter, and Uber asked Congress to pass a...

Top Navy SEAL Warns: 'We Have a Problem'

Addressing 'good order and discipline problem' is 'top priority'

(Newser) - The commander of the Naval Special Warfare Command put the words "We have a problem" in bold font. "I don't know yet if we have a culture problem, I do know that we have a good order and discipline problem that must be addressed immediately," reads...

Man Who Wrote Message in a Bottle in 1969 Is Found

Too bad Paul Gilmore is at sea, again

(Newser) - Crossing the world on a steamship in 1969, 13-year-old Paul Gilmore decided he'd seek out a new penpal. He now has one, in the form of a 9-year-old boy who discovered Gilmore's message in a bottle on a beach in South Australia. The yellowed note on Sitmar Line...

Why Ariana Cried at Concert: 'I'm Still Processing a Lot'

Fans were concerned after singer broke down during set Saturday in Missouri

(Newser) - The past couple of years have been rough ones for Ariana Grande: Ex-boyfriend Mac Miller died , she split with fiance Pete Davidson , and a suicide bomber killed nearly two dozen people at her May 2017 concert in Manchester, England. So when videos started circulating online showing Grande crying during the...

Benedict Emerges to Pin Sex Abuse on Sexual Revolution

He publishes a 6K-word letter 'to assist in this difficult hour'

(Newser) - Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has emerged from the shadows with a new letter that assigns blame for the clergy abuse crisis. In a 6,000-word letter whose authenticity was confirmed by Benedict's personal secretary, Benedict begins by writing that his remarks are intended "to assist in this difficult...

Celebs Threaten State Over New Abortion Bill

Alyssa Milano spearheads petition against Georgia's 'heartbeat' bill

(Newser) - Hollywood has Georgia on its mind—and not in a good way. Fifty actors have signed a petition threatening to urge film and TV production away from the state if it passes a new abortion bill, the Huffington Post reports. Alyssa Milano spearheaded the petition, which says "billions of...

Harper Lee Groused About Town Trying to Exploit Her

'They are trying to turn Harper Lee into a tourist attraction like Graceland and Elvis Presley'

(Newser) - To Kill a Mockingbird author Harper Lee railed against her Alabama hometown for trying to exploit her success, registering her complaints in a letter that helps explain later legal battles involving commercialization of her novel. The writer's bitter assessment of Monroeville comes in a three-page letter that's being...

Einstein's 'God Letter' Expected to Fetch 7 Figures at Auction

1954 note declares religion as 'superstitition'

(Newser) - "The word God is for me nothing but the expression of and product of human weaknesses." Even now, more than 60 years later, Albert Einstein's words carry some shock value—which is why auction house Christie's expects to nab up to $1.5 million with the...

Inmates Pen Surprising Note on Slain Cop

'We present this communication that may serve to bring healing'

(Newser) - The last people you'd expect to praise cops are doing just that following a police officer's shooting death in Georgia. "Though law enforcement and criminals may be considered opposites, the intrinsic value of a human life transcends those boundaries by far," inmates at the Gwinnett County...

His Suicide Failed, But His Note? It's Worth a Lot

Charles Baudelaire apparently tried to kill himself in 1845

(Newser) - A suicide letter by one of France's most famous poets has fetched $267,000 on the French auction website Osenat, the BBC reports. Charles Baudelaire, the 19th-century poet revered for his original style of prose-poetry, wrote the note on June 30, 1845, to his lover Jeanne Duval. "By...

Law Professors: Kavanaugh Doesn't Belong on Top Court

More than 1K say he lacks 'judicial temperament'

(Newser) - During last week's Senate Judiciary Committee, Brett Kavanaugh showed a lack of judicial temperament that would be "disqualifying for any court," not just America's highest, a letter to the Senate signed by more than 1,000 law professors states. The letter—which can be seen in...

Leak Seems to Show Assange Seeking Russian Visa in 2010

The AP has obtained tens of thousands of files related to WikiLeaks

(Newser) - Julian Assange had just pulled off one of the biggest scoops in journalistic history, splaying the innards of American diplomacy across the web. But technology firms were cutting ties to his website, WikiLeaks, cable news pundits were calling for his head, and a Swedish sex-crime case was threatening to put...

Terry Crews Gets 'Accountability' From Alleged Assaulter

Actor posts apology from agent Adam Venit after announcement of Venit stepping down from WME

(Newser) - Terry Crews long ago got his apology from the Hollywood agent he says groped him at a 2016 party. Now he's sharing Adam Venit's atonement letter, which Crews says he received in March, with the world. On Twitter Friday, Crews posted the full letter , in which Venit notes...

Papa John Gets Serious in His Fight for Papa John&#39;s
First the N-Word, Now a
'Love Letter' From Papa John
the rundown

First the N-Word, Now a 'Love Letter' From Papa John

Runs full-page open letter to company's 120K team members

(Newser) - Who gets the kids in the divorce? John Schnatter is hoping it's him. The former Papa John's chairman, ousted in the wake of his use of the n-word while on a conference call , has published a full-page ad—or "love letter," as the Louisville Courier Journal ...

1.4K Google Workers on Secret China App: 'Urgent Ethical Issues'

Employees sign letter demanding to know what they're working on amid censorship hubbub

(Newser) - There had already been rumblings of Google employees who'd complained or defected from the company altogether to avoid having to work on a censorship-friendly search app reportedly being made for China. Now about 1,400 employees who are still there have banded together in a more cohesive way, penning...

Trump Letter to Putin Gets Special Delivery

Sen. Rand Paul hands it over to Putin's reps while visiting Russia

(Newser) - A rep for Vladimir Putin says visiting GOP Sen. Rand Paul has presented a letter from President Trump to the Russian leader, though he added that the letter has not yet been examined by the Kremlin, reports the AP . "We expect that in the nearest time it will come...

Trump Thanks Kim for 'Nice Letter,' Teases Meeting

President also expresses gratitude to NK leader for his 'kind action'

(Newser) - President Trump teased an upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un on Thursday as the White House confirmed the North Korean leader sent him a letter "aimed at following up on their meeting in Singapore." In a tweet , Trump thanked Kim for the "nice letter" and for keeping...

The AP Uncovers Secret Trump Memo on Comey

The note was sent to special counsel Robert Mueller

(Newser) - Lawyers for President Donald Trump unleashed a blistering attack on former FBI Director James Comey in a confidential memo last year to the special counsel, casting him as "Machiavellian," dishonest, and "unbounded by law and regulation" as they sought to undermine the credibility of a law enforcement...

Charles Krauthammer: I Have Just Weeks to Live

Pundit writes that his cancer has returned, aggressively

(Newser) - A stunning revelation from pundit Charles Krauthammer, who's been off the commentating beat for months now: "This is the final verdict. My fight is over." A note to readers penned by Krauthammer appeared Friday in the Washington Post , and the news wasn't good. He informed readers...

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