Election 2012

Stories 1541 - 1560 | << Prev   Next >>

Americans Down on Economy, Blame Bush

86% cite 'poor' economy; 51% say it's Dubya's fault

(Newser) - Americans' views on the economy have dimmed this summer. But so far, the growing pessimism doesn't seem to be taking a toll on President Obama's re-election prospects. More people now believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, a new AP-GfK poll shows, and confidence in Obama'...

Romney Wrangles With Town-Hall Questioner

Two argue over federal budget-balancing

(Newser) - In a town-hall kerfuffle caught on tape, Mitt Romney trades heated words with a questioner in discussing a balanced-budget amendment he supports, notes Mediaite . When the questioner suggests that Romney is telling his audience “what (it) wants to hear,” adding that it’s “shameful” to pretend we...

Karl Rove: Palin Has 'Enormous Thin Skin'

If she doesn't like speculation, she can end it, he points out

(Newser) - The Karl Rove-Sarah Palin feud continues: Last night on Fox News, Rove called Palin “thin-skinned” a grand total of four times before being abruptly cut off for a breaking news update. Greta van Susteren repeatedly tried to get Rove onto a different track—she wanted to know why the...

Stripper Trouble Muddies Missouri Race

Penthouse pet may derail bid by GOP Lt. Gov. Kinder for state's top job

(Newser) - When the people of Missouri choose a governor next year, they may need to ask themselves: Would you believe a man who says he stopped at a "pantless bar" just to use the bathroom? Peter Kinder, the state's Republican lieutenant governor, has been caught up in the latest...

Perry Jumps to First in Two New Polls

Gallup has him leading with 29%, Public Policy Polling with 33%

(Newser) - It’s a good day for Rick Perry: Two national polls place him firmly at the front of the pack of 2012 GOP presidential contenders. Gallup has him leading with 29%, followed by Mitt Romney with 17%. Poor Michele Bachmann is all the way down in fourth, with 10%, behind...

Palin Haters Should Pray That She Runs

It's the only way to get rid of her

(Newser) - Odds are, Sarah Palin’s occasional gestures toward the 2012 race are “a long and tiresome tease,” and that’s a shame, writes Steve Kornacki of Salon , because a presidential run “may be the best way of making her disappear for good.” Palin would definitely suffer...

No. 1 Governor in Executions: Rick Perry

234 executions in 11 years sparks debate from death penalty opponents

(Newser) - Rick Perry holds one impressive record as Texas governor that even some of his competitors for the GOP's presidential nomination might not want—overseeing more executions than any governor in modern history, reports the Washington Post . With 234 people executed in Texas in Perry's 11 years as governor,...

Democrats Winning 2012 Money Race (Sort of)

But numbers don't include independent groups

(Newser) - Republicans appear to be on the ropes in the race to raise money for the 2012 election—depending on how you look at it. The Republican National Committee, Congressional Committee, and Senatorial Committee raised a combined $105 million through July—compared to $129 for their Democratic counterparts, Politico reports. The...

Election 2012: Rick Perry Trusts His Gut, Not His Brain, Writes Richard Cohen
 Perry's Problem: 
 He Doesn't Think 


Perry's Problem: He Doesn't Think

Governor's trust in his instincts reminiscent of George W. Bush: Richard Cohen

(Newser) - Rick Perry officially burst onto the presidential scene just days ago, but he already "clings to an ice floe of diminishing credibility," writes Richard Cohen in the Washington Post : Perry has quickly established himself as "intellectually unqualified to be president," most pointedly when he sided with...

Perry's 2010 Book Expresses 'Fringe Views'

Fed Up! comes under scrutiny now that Perry seeks nomination

(Newser) - Apparently, when Rick Perry wrote his book Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America from Washington, he did not anticipate running for president. (As proof, see the passage where he explicitly states that he did not write the book “because I seek higher office.”) Now that he...

Palin's Camp to Rove: You Know Nothing

...about Sarah Palin's 2012 intentions, at least

(Newser) - Karl Rove has said it and said it again in recent days: Sarah Palin will run. Apparently, that wasn't inside information gleaned from his BFF, Sarah Palin. Politico spotted another "Setting the Record Straight" post on the SarahPAC website that doesn't name Rove, but clearly takes a...

Poll: Obama in Dead Heat With GOP Candidates

Bachmann, Romney, Paul, Perry all roughly even with prez

(Newser) - If the election were held today, it would be too close to call between President Obama and any of the GOP front-runners, according to the latest Gallup poll . Obama would be in a dead heat within the margin of error against Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, or Rick Perry,...

Huntsman: I'd Be Bachmann's VP, Not Mitt's

'There'd be too many jokes,' he laughs

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman is stirring the GOP's pot, telling Piers Morgan that he'd be open to running as Michele Bachmann's vice presidential candidate—or as VP to pretty much any GOP candidate, save Mitt Romney. "If you love this country, you serve her," he says in...

Paul Ryan: I'm Not Running

Wisconsin GOP congressman puts rumor to rest

(Newser) - So much for rumors that Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan will enter the GOP fray for the Oval Office. He nixed that today, the Wall Street Journal reports. "While humbled by the encouragement, I have not changed my mind," he said. Ryan has slammed the current crop of Republican...

Get Ready for Earful From Obama Aides

President needs trash-talking surrogates ahead of election 2012: Michael Scherer

(Newser) - Amid press conferences and big speeches, President Obama spent his first two years in office as “his own messenger.” But expect that to change in the run-up to the next election, writes Michael Scherer in Time . In those first two years, Obama lacked a solid team of spokespeople;...

President Obama Leads Sarah Palin by 17% in Poll
 Obama Would Wallop
 Sarah Palin: 50% to 33%

Obama Would Wallop Sarah Palin: 50% to 33%

Generic GOP candidate still leads Obama by 6 points

(Newser) - President Obama should be rooting for Sarah Palin to join the race and take her mama grizzly act all the way to the Republican nomination. A new Rasmussen Reports survey shows that if Election Day were today, Obama would trounce Palin 50% to 33%, better than the 47% to 38%...

Ron Paul Raises $1.8M in One Day

And wins a straw poll on his birthday, to boot

(Newser) - Ron Paul had a very, very happy 76th birthday: He raised $1.8 million in 24 hours and he won Saturday's New Hampshire Young Republicans Straw Poll. The $1.8 million was the result of an online “money bomb” staged for his birthday on Saturday, the Hill notes,...

Forget 'Humble Service'— Ego Prods Politicians to Run

Vanity, swag inspire presidential candidates: Frank Bruni

(Newser) - Investment bankers admit to greed and actors confess their vanity, but "politicians feel compelled to perform an elaborate pantomime of unalloyed altruism," groans Frank Bruni in the New York Times . Michele Bachmann was called to run by God? Rick Perry by his wife? "Oh please," writes...

Former New York Governor George Pataki Considering 2012 Run for President
 Pataki Considering 2012 Run 

Pataki Considering 2012 Run

Sources say announcement could come next week

(Newser) - Add another name to the list of possible 2012 presidential contenders: George Pataki, former governor of New York, is seriously considering a run, a spokesperson confirms to NY1 . Sources say he could announce as early as next week. Pataki, a critic of President Obama’s health care overhaul, left office...

McCain: Gadhafi Has &#39;Days or Hours&#39;
 Has 'Days 
 or Hours'

McCain: Gadhafi Has 'Days or Hours'

And Jon Huntsman isn't sure Michele Bachmann's ideas originate on planet Earth

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's gig is up, according to John McCain , who today told Face the Nation that Libyan rebels' victory is "a matter of hours, if not days." "I believe that it's nearing the end," McCain said, who cautioned about the difficulties in transitioning to...

Stories 1541 - 1560 | << Prev   Next >>