Election 2012

Stories 1381 - 1400 | << Prev   Next >>

Thousands of 2008 Donors Abandon Obama

President loses supporters in Northeast, West Coast

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of donors to Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign are sitting this one out—or giving money to the other side—and it’s costing the president millions of dollars, the AP finds. With the help of the Democratic Party, Obama’s campaign has plenty of cash on...

Oops: Gary Johnson Nearly Blows NH Deadline

He took the red-eye to file in person

(Newser) - Gary Johnson complains he gets no respect in his longshot bid for the GOP nomination. Yeah, and this won't help: His campaign realized late yesterday it still hadn't filed for the New Hampshire primary, and today is the deadline, reports the Los Angeles Times . Johnson cleared his schedule...

Tea Party Group Calls for Bachmann to Drop Out

It fears she'll swing to the right, make movement look bad

(Newser) - “It’s time for Michele Bachmann to go.” So begins a statement issued yesterday by American Majority, a major Tea Party organization that, according to CNN , operates in seven states and trains thousands of activists. Bachmann’s campaign has become “about her personal effort to stay relevant...

Election 2012: Herman Cain Raised $3M in October, Says Mark Block
 Cain's October 
 Haul: $3M 

Cain's October Haul: $3M

That's more than 3 preceding months combined

(Newser) - Boasting 65,000 donors, Herman Cain’s campaign raked in $3 million over the past month, his chief-of-staff said. “We've actually doubled in a little over a month, and that's what we're seeing in our grassroots activism growth,” Mark Block told CNN . It’s more...

Poll: Only 42% Know Romney Is a Mormon

Evangelicals only group becoming more aware of his religion

(Newser) - Despite Mitt Romney's religion getting plenty of press—especially when a Rick Perry backer called it a cult —fewer than half of Americans know that he is a Mormon, according to a new poll. The Public Religion Research Institute poll found that 42% correctly identified him as a...

Big Obama Fundraisers Double as Lobbyists

Many bundlers 'indistinguishable' from traditional lobbyists, finds NYT

(Newser) - President Obama’s campaign has pledged not to take money from lobbyists—but some of its biggest fundraisers don’t look much different. Fifteen of the president’s powerful “bundlers,” who donate to the campaign and seek others’ donations, have raised some $5 million for Obama; while none...

New Third Party Looks to Join Primary Fray

Online voters can pick anyone—even if they don't want to run

(Newser) - A new “virtual third party” is hoping to shake up the 2012 presidential race with an unconventional process: It’s holding a non-partisan online primary, in which voters can “draft” any candidate they want. The group, dubbed Americans Elect, says it’s got the funds to put the...

Pundits, If You're So Sure Cain Will Lose, Take This Bet

If he proves you wrong, promise to stop writing about politics: Nate Silver

(Newser) - Modern politics has never seen the likes of Herman Cain, writes Nate Silver at the New York Times . He has few "fundamentals"—key GOP endorsements, big fundraising, etc.—and yet he's been at or near the top of polls for a while now. He is, in...

Cain's Smoking Aide Had to Be Drunk: Carville

And Rick Perry is 'incapable of running for president'

(Newser) - James Carville offered an entertainingly disparaging take on the GOP presidential race today, saying that nothing stood in Mitt Romney’s way to getting the nomination—he may be a “serial windsock,” constantly changing his positions, but his opponents are inept. “The best thing Rick Perry can...

Ex-Cain Staffers Bash Chaotic Campaign

Like he's 'running for sophomore class president'

(Newser) - Herman Cain is running on his managerial experience as a CEO, but his campaign doesn’t seem terribly well-managed, ex-staffers grouse to the New York Times . Staffers complain that Cain rarely campaigned and often skipped events at the last minute, and failed to provide supplies as basic as signs. “...

New 2012 Contender: Koran-Burner Terry Jones

Terry Jones announces his run for president

(Newser) - The Republican nomination race is already kinda like a reality show, according to some , so this should come as little surprise: Pastor Terry Jones is joining the fray. Jones, better known for his affinity for pairing Korans and matches, announced his 2012 plans yesterday, ABC Action News reports. His platform...

Lawmakers: We Hate Congress, Too

9% approval rating sounds too high to some members of Congress

(Newser) - You can add one more group to the long list of those who hate Congress—members of Congress. News that Congress' approval rating has hit a record low of 9% has left many lawmakers wondering just who the 9% are, Politico finds. “We’re below sharks and contract killers,...

Romney Backpedals: I Back Limits on Unions

He supports Ohio ballot measure to curb collective bargaining rights

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is backpedaling today after right and left slammed his stance—or lack thereof—on union powers in Ohio. Yesterday, Romney told listeners at a GOP phone bank that he was “not speaking about the particular ballot issues” in Ohio, including one that would allow the Republican governor...

GOP Ad War Begins
 GOP Ad War Begins 

GOP Ad War Begins

As first primaries near, TV ad blitz rolls out in key states

(Newser) - With less than 10 weeks to go until Republican primary voting, the campaign for the GOP nomination is stepping up to a whole new level—the level where you can't turn on your TV without hearing someone utter, "I approve this message." The first round of candidate...

Obama to Leno: GOP Race Like Survivor

He's waiting until they're voted off the island

(Newser) - President Obama made his fourth visit to the Tonight Show last night, his second as sitting president, and told Jay Leno he wasn't spending much time worrying about his potential Republican rivals—because the GOP race is kinda like Survivor. “I'm going to wait until everybody’s...

Economy Spells Defeat for Obama Re-Election Campaign
Recession Spells Doom
for Obama Re-Election
economists say

Recession Spells Doom for Obama Re-Election

...Assuming Republicans nominate someone competent

(Newser) - Barack Obama could be in trouble. An election model from economic advisory firm IHS Global Insight is predicting a “heavy defeat” for the president, with Obama collecting a measly 43.5% of the vote, MarketWatch reports. Obama still has a shot, the firm noted, if Republicans nominate an “...

Perry: 'It's Fun to Poke' Obama

He formally rolls out tax plan in South Carolina

(Newser) - Rick Perry's busy day, one being perceived as his camp's attempt to recharge his flagging campaign , continues in South Carolina as he rolls out his flat tax plan. A key quote from his speech:
  • “Taxes will be cut across all income groups in America, and the net

On Campaign Trail, Some Dems Dodging Obama

Few say so publicly, but congressional reps are steering clear

(Newser) - The official message from Democratic leadership is that no one considers President Obama to be a political liability. However, as next year's election race heats up, there are growing signs that Democrats in battleground states aren't exactly clamoring for the president's help. In Obama's trips to...

For Obama, Populist Fighting Is &#39;Suicide&#39;
 For Obama, Populist  
 Fighting Is 'Suicide' 
David Brooks

For Obama, Populist Fighting Is 'Suicide'

He's a conciliator, and he looks fake trying otherwise: David Brooks

(Newser) - With trust in government at an all-time low and independent voters identifying with Republicans over Democrats by a two-to-one margin, it's "suicide" for President Obama to try being a partisan fighter, writes David Brooks in the New York Times . Obama was elected to be a conciliator, not a...

'Holy Grail' of Campaign Cash: Cell Phone Donations

Donations made via mobile are an untapped resource, so far

(Newser) - With presidential election cycles now topping $1.7 billion, you might think fundraisers have tapped every possible way of raking in money. You'd be wrong. The "holy grail" of fundraising remains the mobile phone, and, with 83% of adults owning one, political operatives are working furiously to add...

Stories 1381 - 1400 | << Prev   Next >>