Election 2012

Stories 941 - 960 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Women Increasingly Sweet on Santorum

Birth control issue hasn't driven them away

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's controversial positions on issues like birth control and prenatal screening haven't alienated women voters, contrary to predictions , a Washington Post poll finds. Santorum's favorability rating among Republican women has surged over the last few weeks to 57%, just four points below Romney's. Even among...

Marco Rubio Was Mormon for a Few Years

When he was a kid; but revelation could complicate shot at VP nom

(Newser) - Marco Rubio is seen by many as the GOP's frontrunner for the 2012 vice presidential nod—but that could change for the faction of the GOP that's ill at ease with the Mormon church. BuzzFeed reveals that the Florida senator was once a Mormon, having been baptized into...

Obama's Next Singing Gig: Inauguration Day?

White House press secretaries joke about what that means, though

(Newser) - President Obama has been singing a lot lately—first soul , then the blues —so when can we expect him to bust out in song again? White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has one cheeky theory, USA Today reports: "at the inauguration next year." Of course, that drew...

GOP Hopefuls Would Pile on US Debt
 GOP Hopefuls 
 Would Pile on US Debt 

GOP Hopefuls Would Pile on US Debt

...except for Ron Paul's plan

(Newser) - The GOP presidential candidates do an awful lot of talking about fiscal conservativism, but when their budgets meet the road, there seems to be plenty of rubber involved. The budget plans of Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich would all greatly expand the national debt, independent analysts find. The...

Super PAC Leaders Paying Themselves Handsomely

Santorum PAC head Nick Ryan funnels $570K to his business

(Newser) - Super PAC leaders have found a great use for all the unbridled cash pouring into their campaigns: paying themselves. The pro-Rick Santorum Red White and Blue Fund may be the most egregious offender; according to the LA Times , it paid $570,000 last month—a third of its total expenditures—...

Obama Campaign Co-Chairs: Eva Longoria, Kal Penn

Hollywood VIPs will play role in Election 2012

(Newser) - The Obama campaign has released a list of campaign co-chairs, and it includes some big names … from Hollywood. Harold and Kumar actor Kal Penn, who has already spent some time working at the White House , and Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria are both named, Politico reports. "The president’...

Tonight&#39;s Debate Could Change the Race
 Tonight's Debate 
 Could Change the Race 

Tonight's Debate Could Change the Race

Santorum's on the hot seat, Romney's back is to the wall, Gingrich needs a comeback

(Newser) - It's been a while, but America's favorite political game show is back. Yes, the Republican presidential candidates will square off in Mesa tonight for their first debate in nearly a month. Here are the storylines in play:
  • The final showdown—The stakes are "about as high as

Bachmann Bounced Out of Redrawn District

She rips 'liberal bias' in new boundaries

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann's Minnesota congressional district has been redrawn out from under her. New district lines unveiled by a panel of judges yesterday have put the 6th District congresswoman's home in the 4th District, which is currently represented by Democrat Betty McCollum, reports the Star Tribune . Bachmann—who dropped...

'Outrageous' Santorum Cries Hitler All the Time

'Evil' metaphors landing candidate in hot water

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's evil metaphors are not playing well: While the Drudge Report berated Santorum for warning that Satan is after America's soul , Dana Milbank of the Washington Post is now skewering him for hinting that there's a Nazi in the White House. Santorum compared the 2012 election...

Gingrich Insists Obama Is a Threat to National Security

Newt is also not really impressed with electric cars

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is zinging President Obama with all the zeal of a Republican nominee, charging that the president "routinely only obeys laws that he deems fit" and sticking with a stance he took yesterday that defeating the incumbent is a "duty of national security." Gingrich took aim...

Gingrich's Rich Guy: The Rich Shouldn't Sway Elections

...but Sheldon Adelson may give Newt $100M

(Newser) - Sheldon Adelson doesn't like America's campaign finance rules—but that won't stop him from exploiting them. "I'm against very wealthy people attempting to or influencing elections," the very wealthy casino mogul tells Forbes . "But as long as it's doable, I'm going...

Romney Super PAC Spent 2x What It Raised Last Month

Restore Our Future spent $13.9M in January

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and the pro-Romney super PAC Restore Our Future were big spenders in January, according to the latest campaign filings. Restore Our Future spent $13.9 million in January—mostly on attack ads—and raised less than half that amount during the same period, Politico reports. Romney's campaign...

PayPal Founder Gives $1.7M to Ron Paul

Or more specifically, to Ron Paul's super PAC

(Newser) - PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel knows a thing or two about sending money, and last month he sent $1.7 million worth of it to "Endorse Liberty," a super PAC backing Ron Paul, according to documents released today. Thiel is a long avowed Paul fan, and is so far...

Why Lincoln Wouldn't Win the GOP's Nomination

Jackie Hogan gives 4 reasons today's GOP would write off Abe

(Newser) - Sure, the GOP calls itself the "Party of Lincoln," but would today's Republicans actually nominate him for president? Writing in the Christian Science Monitor , Jackie Hogan gives four reasons why they wouldn't:
  1. He was the first president to make income tax law—and it was a

Contested Convention Would Be Disastrous

David Frum explains how it would pan out

(Newser) - As the GOP struggles to settle on a candidate , some are talking about a "brokered convention," at which party leaders would choose the nominee. But today's parties don't have the kind of power players that used to dominate the political scene—and "you can't...

Jittery GOP Eyes Daniels, Christie

But some call new candidacy a 'fairy-tale'

(Newser) - Republican insiders are increasingly worried that Mitt Romney will come up short with voters—so once again, they're looking toward Indiana and New Jersey for help. Mitch Daniels and Chris Christie are hearing renewed calls to enter the race, sources close to the governors tell Politico . For Daniels, "...

Newt Privately Groused About Reagan: Records

Little-explored documents reveal other choice tidbits

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich likes to compare himself to Ronald Reagan , but little-noticed documents from his decades in government reveal choice tidbits from Gingrich like this one: "Really, Reaganomics has failed." The thousands of documents were compiled by a Gingrich aide, archived at a university, and recently examined by the...

Romney Closing Gap in Michigan

Rick Santorum's 15-point lead shrinks to 4

(Newser) - Last week, Rick Santorum led Mitt Romney in the Michigan race by 15 points ; now, that lead is down to just four points, Public Policy Polling finds. Some 37% of voters say they support Santorum, compared to 33% for Romney; Ron Paul follows with 15%, while Newt Gingrich stands at...

Beware the Birth Control Grizzlies

Women could come flying off the bench in 2012 over health issues

(Newser) - Forget the mama grizzlies. In 2012, Hell may hath no fury like a woman voter scorned by the right, reports Politico . Between Rick Santorum's call for states to be able to ban birth control, Komen's defunding of Planned Parenthood , Catholic bishops' contraception brouhaha , a Santorum backer who defined...

Gingrich: Mitt Must Win Home State
 Mitt Must Win 
 Home State 

Gingrich: Mitt Must Win Home State

Says Romney loses all credibility if he can't win Michigan

(Newser) - Woe be to the GOP candidate who can't carry his own home state, says Newt Gingrich: "If Santorum loses Pennsylvania, Romney loses Michigan, or I lose Georgia, I think you have a very, very badly weakened candidacy, for any one of the three of us," Gingrich said...

Stories 941 - 960 | << Prev   Next >>