Rick Santorum

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Santorum: New York Press Out to Get Me

They 'recoil' at talk of 'values issues': GOP hopeful

(Newser) - Any flak Rick Santorum is getting for his stance on social issues can be traced back to New York City, the presidential hopeful says. "The idea that values issues are losers is held by a group of people in the media who live in the New York area,"...

Gingrich Exit Wouldn&#39;t Save Santorum
 Gingrich Exit Wouldn't 
 Save Santorum 
Nate Silver

Gingrich Exit Wouldn't Save Santorum

Nate Silver does the math, and concludes that Santorum's in trouble

(Newser) - The math is not looking good for Rick Santorum, and his supporters are pressing Newt Gingrich to drop out of the race so as to change that. So Nate Silver of the New York Times decided to do the math and see just how much that would help Santorum's...

Gingrich: I&#39;m Not Dropping Out
 Gingrich: I'm Not Dropping Out 

Gingrich: I'm Not Dropping Out

He aims to sweep the South

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich says he's not dropping out, despite increasingly loud calls from Rick Santorum supporters for him to do so. "If I thought [Santorum] was a slam dunk to beat Romney and to beat Obama, I would really consider getting out," Gingrich said in a radio interview...

7 Super Tuesday Takeaways
 7 Super Tuesday Takeaways 

7 Super Tuesday Takeaways

Including how Mitt Romney is like a world-devouring super villain

(Newser) - Now that the dust has cleared, what did we learn on Super Tuesday ? Among the biggest takeaways:
  1. Republicans don't love these guys: "It's almost like a bad version of Goldilocks. Nobody is just right," quips Philip Elliott of the AP . Exit polls showed that a

Mitt Romney Fails to Land Knockout

 Mitt Romney 
 Fails to Land 

Mitt Romney Fails to Land Knockout

Race set to drag on despite Mitt winning 5 states

(Newser) - As the dust from Super Tuesday settles, the good news for Mitt Romney is that he won the most states, including the grand prize of Ohio. But he definitely wasn't crowned the champion. Rick Santorum scored decisive wins, and those victories—plus Romney's narrow margin of victory in...

Energy, not Math, on Santorum&#39;s Side
 Energy, not Math,  
 on Santorum's Side 

Energy, not Math, on Santorum's Side

Results good enough to carry him forward ... for now

(Newser) - Mitt Romney won six out of 10 Super Tuesday states, including the big prize of Ohio, but you won't find many pundits calling him the big winner. Instead, pundits are painting him as bruised, while Rick Santorum emerges with a good enough night to carry him forward:
  • Santorum's

Super Tuesday: 4 Candidates, 4 Storylines
 Super Tuesday: 
 4 Candidates, 
 4 Storylines 


Super Tuesday: 4 Candidates, 4 Storylines

Your look at what to watch for today

(Newser) - It's here at last: Super Tuesday, the day 10 states cast their ballots in the 2012 primary. Here's what's at stake for each of the candidates today:
  • Mitt RomneyExpected to win: Massachusetts, Vermont, Virginia. Really wants to win: Ohio and Tennessee. Winning both would give him

Romney Targets Blue-Collar Voters

Campaign seeks to draw Ohio working-class vote away from Santorum

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has gone all-out to win over working-class voters ahead of today's critical Super Tuesday primary in Ohio. The candidate, fighting back against Rick Santorum's appeal to this vital demographic, spoke surrounded by heavy equipment at campaign events in factories yesterday, focusing squarely on the economy, and...

Day Before Super Tuesday, All Eyes on ... Limbaugh

Focus on social issues hurts GOP: strategists

(Newser) - A day before Super Tuesday, the GOP name getting the most play may be ... Rush Limbaugh. Social issues like contraception are taking center stage in the Republican presidential campaign—though birth control is a matter that's "nowhere near the top of what most Americans are most focused on...

Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
election preview

Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What

Mitt Romney basically has 4 of the 10 states in the bag

(Newser) - Tomorrow is looking good for Mitt Romney, who will likely take more of the 422 delegates up for grabs in Super Tuesday contests than his opponents (an additional 15 super delegates aren't bound to tomorrow's wins). He may even walk away with a delegate majority, writes Nate Silver....

How Santorum Became a Strict Catholic

The Republican candidate wasn't always so religious

(Newser) - Rick Santorum wasn't always a strict Catholic who spoke out against prenatal testing and wanted to "throw up" at the thought of separating Church and state. Neither was his wife, Karen, who dated an abortion doctor and moved in liberal circles in the 1980s. But when the pair...

Only Santorum 'Drubbing' Can Save GOP

Like Dems in 1980s, GOP has forgotten center: Joe Nocera

(Newser) - The Republicans need to nominate Rick Santorum, and not just because he would ensure President Obama's re-election. No, an even more important reason is that Santorum represents the most extreme wing of today's GOP, and only his nomination and "drubbing" will force the party to return to...

Santorum May Be Ineligible for 29% of Ohio Delegates

Campaign missed deadlines months ago

(Newser) - Rick Santorum may be at the top of the polls in Ohio, but even if he wins there, he may not win. Because his campaign missed several eligibility deadlines, he could lose up to 18 of the state's 63 available delegates, report the Cleveland Plain Dealer and ABC News...

Romney, Santorum Play Down Limbaugh Comments

'Not the language I would have used,' says Mitt

(Newser) - After more tumultuous Rush Limbaugh headlines , the leading Republican candidates criticized the popular radio host yesterday. At least a little bit. Rick Santorum called Limbaugh's "slut" comments about law student Sandra Fluke "absurd," reports CNN . "He's being absurd, but that's you know, an...

Romney a Virginia Shoo-In, but Few Like Him

Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich aren't on the state's ballot

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has a more than healthy lead in Virginia, despite the fact that not a whole lot of people there actually like him. Romney leads Ron Paul 56% to 21% in a new Roanoke College poll —Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich didn't manage to make it onto...

Santorum Took State Cash for Kids' Schooling

...despite fact that he wants government out of education

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has been telling America it's time to take federal and state government "out of the education business," leaving schools in local hands. Indeed, he proudly home-schools his own children—but it seems he's not above using state money to do so, the AP reports....

Rick Cries Foul as Mitt Gets Extra Michigan Delegate

We explained the rules wrong, state GOP says

(Newser) - Michigan's GOP has outraged Rick Santorum's campaign by flip-flopping on how delegates are awarded. Before this week's primary, officials repeatedly said two delegates would be awarded for each congressional district, with two at-large delegates to be split between candidates who received more than 15% of the vote....

Santorum Camp: Count Michigan as a Tie

Strategist thinks they'll each end up with 15 delegates

(Newser) - All the headlines say Mitt Romney won Michigan , but Rick Santorum's camp begs to differ. One of his top strategists says both candidates will end up with 15 delegates when all is said and done, reports the Detroit Free Press . “The race has been moved up to a...

Next Big Primary: Ohio
 Next Big Primary: Ohio 

Next Big Primary: Ohio

Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich all have a reason to compete in must-win state

(Newser) - With Arizona and Michigan in the books, the countdown to "Super Tuesday" has begun. But not all of the March 6 states are created equal. Expect the campaigns to set up shop in Ohio, a state without which, the Washington Post points out, no Republican president has ever been...

Mitt Romney Holds Onto Lead, Sort Of

 Mitt Romney 
 Holds Onto 
 Lead, Sort Of 
Primary Postgame

Mitt Romney Holds Onto Lead, Sort Of

Pundits weigh in on what his Michigan, Arizona victories mean

(Newser) - Mitt Romney may have had to sweat a little, but he won in both Michigan and Arizona last night. Is he the favorite for the nomination again? Here's what pundits are saying:
  • We'll let Romney himself have the first word: "We didn't win by a lot,

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