Steny Hoyer

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Countdown to Failure: How Bill Unraveled

Stunned silence grips House after last vote

(Newser) - As members of the House of Representatives cast their ballots on the $700 billion bailout package yesterday morning—the negative votes piling up even as the market plummeted—the Los Angeles Times was blogging. Kicked off by Majority Leader Steny Hoyer's final words to the House—"The alternative is...

Send Blue Dogs to Pound, Elect Real Democrats
Send Blue Dogs to Pound, Elect Real Democrats

Send Blue Dogs to Pound, Elect Real Democrats

Conservative bloc to blame for majority's ineffective Congress

(Newser) - A Democratic Congress has bowed to President Bush on Iraq, waterboarding and FISA, and Glenn Greenwald of Salon says enough is enough. With the help of progressive bloggers, he’s campaigning against so-called “Blue Dog” Dems, hoping to teach the party’s conservatives that they will “lose seats...

Economists Slam Clinton, McCain Gas-Tax Cut

Oil companies would be winners in plan that fails 'Economics 101'

(Newser) - Economists and a leading House Democrat are blasting the gas-tax cut proposed by both John McCain and Hillary Clinton, the Washington Post reports. Economists say most of the savings would flow right to the oil companies' bottom line, rather than into voters’ pockets. That's because the tax vacation would raise...

Stalling Spy Bill Hurts Intel, Admin Asserts

Letter pushes House Dems to pass new wiretapping rules

(Newser) - As House Dems refuse to pass the Senate’s wiretapping bill, the administration is heaping more pressure on them to change their minds, reports Muckraker. A letter to the House intelligence committee from top administration officials claims that the failure to pass the bill is causing “lost intelligence information”...

GOP, Bush Hammer Dems on Terror Bill

Republicans walk out in protest; Pelosi won't back off on recess

(Newser) - House Democrats are sticking to plans to begin a one-week recess starting tomorrow without renewing a terrorist surveillance bill set to expire when their vacation begins—to the dismay of President Bush and House Republicans, the Washington Post reports. Bush, set to leave for Africa, said the decision imperils national...

House Overrides Bush's Veto of Water Bill

Rejection is first of presidency; Senate likely to follow suit

(Newser) - The House overrode a presidential veto tonight for the first time in the Bush administration, with 138 Republicans crossing party lines to support a $23 billion water-resources bill. The 361-54 vote was far more than the two-thirds needed to override, reflecting the popularity on both sides of the aisle of...

Republicans Leave in a Huff
Republicans Leave in a Huff

Republicans Leave in a Huff

House session ends with mass walkout, accusations of Democratic shenanigans

(Newser) - In a rare and rancorous flap in the House last night, Republicans stormed out en masse after accusing Democrats of cheating on protocol to reverse an unfavorable vote on illegal immigration, reports the Politico. Shortly before 11pm, a vote concluded before a definitive count could be taken; Republicans say they...

White House Splits Over Closing Gitmo

Legal puzzles stump Bush aides as shutdown gains momentum

(Newser) - President Bush is under mounting pressure to shut the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, but top aides remain deeply divided over the fate of 375 detainees there. Bush has said he wants to the close the prison, but WaPo reports senior officials including Dick Cheney are opposed to shipping detainees...

White House Budget Director Will Step Down

Surprise departure precedes expected battle over spending

(Newser) - The White House budget director will leave his post this summer after just over a year in office. Rob Portman departs the OMB at an awkward time, with Congress gearing up for a bruising fight over next year's federal budget. He enjoys bipartisan support that his successor, onetime Iowa congressman...

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