
Stories 781 - 800 | << Prev   Next >>

When It Comes to Corruption, 8 States Get Fs
When It Comes to
Corruption, 8 States Get Fs

When It Comes to Corruption, 8 States Get Fs

How many get As? A big fat zero

(Newser) - After a thorough investigation of corruption in state politics, the Center for Public Integrity has made up report cards for each state—and the results are depressing. Not one state managed anything in the A-range, while eight—Michigan, the Dakotas, South Carolina, Maine, Virginia, Georgia, and Wyoming—scored Fs. Coming...

Tornadoes Pummel Rural Michigan

More than 100 homes damaged, but no injuries so far

(Newser) - Tornados ripped through rural Michigan last night, northwest of Ann Arbor, damaging up to 125 homes, reports the AP . But despite widespread damage in many townships, no reports of serious injuries or fatalities have surfaced. (The AP account begins with a police officer seeing a hand sticking out from rubble,...

Moviegoer Sues AMC Over Crazy Snack Prices

Seeks refunds for those who've been overcharged

(Newser) - After paying almost three times the drugstore price for a Coke and candy, a Michigan man has had it: He's suing his local AMC cinema in an attempt to lower snack prices statewide. "He got tired of being taken advantage of," Joshua Thompson's lawyer tells the...

Mitt, Rick to Nearly Split Michigan Delegates

Santorum takes votes from north, west of state

(Newser) - Rick Santorum narrowly lost the popular vote in Michigan's GOP primary, but he has a consolation prize: nearly half of the state's delegates. Santorum, who won six congressional districts in the north and west of the state, will have at least 12 of the state's 30 voting...

Romney Wins Michigan
 Romney Grabs Michigan 

Romney Grabs Michigan

He squeaks out victory over Santorum in must-win state

(Newser) - Mitt Romney needed a win in Michigan and he got one, though the narrow margin of victory in the state where he was born and raised may worry supporters, reports the Wall Street Journal . Romney ended up taking 41% of the vote, Rick Santorum finished a few points behind with...

Santorum Call Could Backfire, McCain-Style

 Santorum Call 
 Could Backfire, 
Steve Kornacki

Santorum Call Could Backfire, McCain-Style

Mitt Romney will be able to slap an asterisk on Michigan results: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's attempt to rally Michigan Democrats to his cause via a robocall makes strategic sense—he needs to do something to overcome Romney's presumably already banked lead among early voters—but it could backfire, and "give Romney an opportunity to argue that the Michigan result should...

Santorum Call Tells Democrats to Vote for Him

Mitt Romney calls it 'outrageous, and a terrible dirty trick'

(Newser) - Rick Santorum must have thought the Daily Kos had the right idea with Operation Hilarity . Santorum's campaign has been sending out a robocall to Michigan Democrats, urging them to vote for him, Talking Points Memo reports. In the ad, a deep-voiced man says that Mitt Romney's opposition of...

Empty Stadium Overshadows Romney Coverage

Maybe cavernous Ford Field wasn't the best choice

(Newser) - Team Romney must want a do-over. Coverage of a much-hyped economic speech at Detroit's Ford Field yesterday is getting attention mainly for two things: His poorly received ad lib about owning a few Cadillacs and, more prominently, all those empty seats. A few examples:
  • Washington Post : "Empty seats

7 States Sue Over Birth Control Rule

Measure on religious employers violates First Amendment, they say

(Newser) - The White House plan to make sure that employees of religious institutions get birth control coverage is back in the news. The attorneys general of seven states—Florida, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas—have sued the federal government over the requirement, reports the Hill . They say the...

Romney, Santorum Tied in Arizona: Poll

Mitt's lead disappears

(Newser) - A week ahead of the Arizona primary, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are virtually tied, a CNN/Time/ORC poll finds. Romney has 36% support among likely voters, while Santorum has 32%—but the gap between them is within the poll's margin of error. Some 18% are set to vote for...

Romney Goes All-In on Michigan
 Romney Goes All-In on Michigan

Romney Goes All-In on Michigan

And his supporters think he'll win

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign machine has revved into overdrive in Michigan, sending top operatives to the state and pouring money into TV ads, including a $1.3 million buy yesterday—not that Team Romney thinks it's got anything to worry about. Despite the most recent poll data , Romney's...

Midwest Militia Was Poised to Launch War on US: Feds

Detroit trial begins against members of Hutaree

(Newser) - Michigan militants armed to the teeth were poised to launch a "war" on the government, a federal prosecutor argued yesterday in the start of a criminal case in Detroit against seven members of the Hutaree group. All are charged with plotting to kill a police officer in order to...

Santorum Could Grab Michigan From Romney

Candidate now polling at the top, focusing resources on the state

(Newser) - Could Rick Santorum pull off a win in Michigan, where Mitt Romney grew up during his father's tenure as governor? The latest Public Policy Poll shows that it's a definite possibility—Santorum leads Romney 39% to 24% in the state—and a half-dozen insiders tell Politico that Santorum'...

GOP Ad in Broken English Sparks Charge of Racism

Pete Hoekstra commercial attacks incumbent Debbie Stabenow

(Newser) - A US Senate candidate sounded upbeat today after his Chinese-themed ad in broken English triggered accusations of racism, the Huffington Post reports. "I’m excited," Michigan GOP contender Pete Hoekstra told Politico . "It has jump-started the debate.” The ad shows a Chinese woman biking through rice...

Suicide Suspected in Crossbow Killing
Suicide Suspected
in Crossbow Killing

Suicide Suspected in Crossbow Killing

Michigan man found dead with arrow in chest

(Newser) - There hasn't been a homicide in the Michigan city of Howell for a decade, and cops who found a dead man with an arrow in his chest aren't sure if they're looking at one now. The 53-year-old man was found lying in a parking lot next to...

Michigan May Take Over Detroit
 Michigan May Take Over Detroit 

Michigan May Take Over Detroit

Governor may appoint emergency manager

(Newser) - If Detroit can't get its finances in order soon, it may become the biggest American city ever to be taken over by a state. Rick Snyder, Michigan's Republican governor, has appointed a team to review the city's finances. If members conclude that the situation constitutes an emergency,...

For Sale in Pontiac, Mich: Pretty Much Everything

Reeling city puts almost all public assets up for sale

(Newser) - Pontiac, Michigan, is having a fire sale to raise desperately needed money. Up for sale is city hall, the police station, the library, cemeteries, golf courses, and on and on—just about every public asset, reports the Detroit Free Press . Pontiac has slashed its budget from $58 million to $38...

On Campaign Trail, Some Dems Dodging Obama

Few say so publicly, but congressional reps are steering clear

(Newser) - The official message from Democratic leadership is that no one considers President Obama to be a political liability. However, as next year's election race heats up, there are growing signs that Democrats in battleground states aren't exactly clamoring for the president's help. In Obama's trips to...

Madonna's Bro Homeless, Living Under Bridge

Anthony Ciccone not living in material world

(Newser) - Madonna might be a material girl, but her big brother isn't. He's homeless, living under a bridge in MIchigan—and complains he's been deserted by his famous sis and the rest of his kin. "My family turned their back on me when I was having a...

Herman Cain Says Poor Would Have a 9-0-9 Plan Under His Proposal
 Cain: Poor Would Get '9-0-9' 

Cain: Poor Would Get '9-0-9'

He clarifies plan, unveils 'opportunity zones'

(Newser) - Herman Cain clarified and amended his 9-9-9 tax plan today, addressing concerns that it would raise taxes on the poor, who currently pay no income tax. Cain said he wouldn’t change that. “If you are at or below the poverty level, your plan isn’t 9-9-9, it is...

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