
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Gay Republicans Complain of Intolerance—on the Left

Political reaction to Ken Mehlman goes against stereotype

(Newser) - In assessing the fallout from former RNC chief Ken Mehlman's decision to come out of the closet, Jacob Bernstein points out in the Daily Beast that fellow conservatives seemed to shrug it off while "gay activists on the left pounced." Witness this diatribe from a PR strategist in...

Conservative Group Drops Coulter Over Speech to Gays

She blasts 'swine' who made decision

(Newser) - The right-wing website World Net Daily has dumped Ann Coulter from an event next month because she's separately agreed to address a group of gay conservatives. WND editor Joseph Farah calls it a "matter of principle," reports the Huffington Post . Coulter fired back, telling the Daily Caller that...

5 Tea Party Myths
 5 Tea Party Myths 
Dave Weigel

5 Tea Party Myths

The movement isn't racist, and Sarah Palin's not the leader

(Newser) - Dave Weigel may not be the Washington Post's blogger on conservative politics anymore, but that doesn't mean he can't weigh in now and then. He busts 5 myths about the tea party in a new column:
  • Myth: It's racist. Reality: Individual racists have surfaced, but they're rooted out. "

Conservatives, Enough With the Nostalgia
 Conservatives, Enough 
 With the Nostalgia 
jonah goldberg

Conservatives, Enough With the Nostalgia

Instead of whining about the past, build on the giants' work

(Newser) - Jonah Goldberg is tired of hearing the same lament from fellow conservatives (as well as liberal critics): Oh, for the "good old days" of conservatism, when we had esteemed giants such as William F. Buckley Jr. and Irving Kristol instead of Andrew Breitbart and company. It's nostalgic nonsense, Goldberg...

Sarah Palin's Invented Word is Exactly Right
 Sarah Palin's Invented 
 Word Is Exactly Right 
william kristol

Sarah Palin's Invented Word Is Exactly Right

Conservatives must 'refudiate' liberalism

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's critics snickered when she used the non-word "refudiate" (see summary here ), but William Kristol thinks her coinage is spot-on—and a perfect prescription for what conservatives must do to liberals. It combines refute ("primarily an intellectual act") with repudiate ("a practical or political...

Cops Nab Gunman Hunting Beck Foes

Intended target was group lambasted by Beck

(Newser) - The man charged with firing on Oakland cops in a highway shootout was on a rampage against liberals and hunting down Glenn Beck enemies. Unemployed carpenter Byron Williams was after the ACLU and the Tides Foundation, a particular favorite villain of Glenn Beck, who has repeatedly lambasted the organization as...

Here Come the '60s: Be Fair, Mad Men
Here Come the '60s:
Be Fair, Mad Men

Here Come the '60s: Be Fair, Mad Men

Conservatives, liberals see the show through different eyes

(Newser) - The fourth season of Mad Men starts Sunday, providing a political litmus test of sorts for viewers. The shift from the 1950s to the '60s fills conservatives with "apprehension" and liberals with "anticipation," writes Natasha Simons for the National Review . Each camp sees it through the prism...

Palin's Genius Isn't the Message, It's the Messenger
Palin's Genius Isn't the Message, It's the Messenger
Kathleen Parker

Palin's Genius Isn't the Message, It's the Messenger

She is now The Good Woman

(Newser) - Don't hate Sarah Palin, writes Kathleen Parker. Instead, take her "with a grain of humor and a dash of admiration," she writes at the Washington Post . "A different version of Madonna, she's a public relations machine who manipulates public perception with well-timed and, recently, sophisticated messaging."...

NRA Under Fire for Being ... Too Liberal?

Group cozies up to pro-gun Democrats, moderates

(Newser) - Conservatives are taking aim at the NRA, which they complain has drifted too close to the middle, supporting both moderate Republicans and even some pro-gun Democrats against opposition from the right. The NRA has given 29% of its political contributions this election cycle to Democrats, the most in more than...

Lindsey Graham: The Tea Party Will 'Die Out'

It has no 'coherent vision,' says senator

(Newser) - Tea Partiers don't think much of Lindsey Graham because he's willing to work with Democrats on the occasional issue. The conservative South Carolina senator doesn't think much of them, either. “The problem with the Tea Party, I think it’s just unsustainable because they can never come up with...

Blog Puts Tea Party Gems in the Mouth of Jesus
Blog Puts Tea Party Gems
in the Mouth of Jesus
channels coulter et al

Blog Puts Tea Party Gems in the Mouth of Jesus

Site gives conservative wisdom the Christ test

(Newser) - If you have an important deadline today, stop reading this—continuing basically guarantees that the next 27 minutes will be eaten up by plenty of clicking and, depending on your political persuasion, grimacing or chuckling. The on-fire new blog Tea Party Jesus is so simple it's smart: It superimposes bubbles...

Time for 'Rational Conservatives' to Speak Up
Time for 'Rational Conservatives' to Speak Up

Time for 'Rational Conservatives' to Speak Up

Fringe candidates are getting out of control

(Newser) - It's easy to write off the campaign ads of Tea Party candidate Rick Barber in Alabama as the ravings of someone on the fringe, writes Ruth Marcus. But his latest —in which he equates taxes to slavery and uses images of Holocaust victims—is not only "sacrilegious" but...

Establishment Hasn't Been This Wobbly Since the '60s

And the time is right for conservatives to save the day

(Newser) - Nice that BP cares about the " small people ," but it's the "big people" that are in trouble, writes William Kristol. This week's Gulf follies—with "incompetent" performances from President Obama, Tony Hayward, Joe Barton, et. al— are just the beginning. "Who wouldn’t prefer to...

Feminists Should Embrace Palin

Feminists Should Embrace Palin

Conservatives shouldn't be shunned from the cause

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is taking heat from the left for daring to adopt the label of feminist, writes Cathy Young. Palin clearly isn't a great spokesperson for the cause—she's big on slogans but not so much on substantive ideas—but Young thinks feminists are making a mistake by automatically rejecting...

There's One Reason for GOP's Rise: Rush Limbaugh

He's the 'brains and spirit' behind conservative resurgence

(Newser) - There's all kinds of theories for why conservative Republicans are on the rise, but for Zev Chafets, it "can be boiled down to two words: Rush Limbaugh." The radio host is not just the "mouthpiece" of the resurgence but the "brains and spirit" behind it. He...

Tea Partiers Re-Embracing 'Teabagger' Label

There's a movement to reclaim the phrase

(Newser) - You, sir, are a teabagger. That could be an insult or a high compliment, depending on who wins the ongoing fight to claim ownership of the phrase. In short, it was good, then it was bad, and now it may be good again, explains The Week . In the beginning, Tea...

Left Lacks Wackos Like Limbaugh, Beck
 Left Lacks Wackos 
 Like Limbaugh, Beck 

Left Lacks Wackos Like Limbaugh, Beck

Joan Walsh of Salon defends her answer on 'Morning Joe'

(Newser) - Righty bloggers are teeing off on Joan Walsh of Salon because of her appearance on Morning Joe yesterday, in which she maintained that liberals have no voices as extreme as Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck. (NewsBusters weighs in with a list here , with Keith Olbermann's name in capital letters.)...

Cool the Rhetoric, or Expect More McVeighs

 Cool the 
 Rhetoric, or 
 Expect More 
kathleen parker

Cool the Rhetoric, or Expect More McVeighs

Conservatives, practice what you preach on self-control

(Newser) - With the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing upon us, Kathleen Parker surveys the caustic state of today's political debate ("Don't retreat. Reload," etc.) and worries that another lone nut like Timothy McVeigh or John Hinckley might emerge. "If Jodie Foster could bestir the imagination of...

Court Takes Case on 'Tea Party' Name

Floridians square off on who can use the title

(Newser) - Who exactly can call himself a member of the Tea Party? A Florida judge will rule on the matter in a trial later this year. Self-described tea partiers are suing Fred O'Neal, who registered the "Tea Party" as a political party in the state. They accuse him of having...

Tea Party Foes Plan to Infiltrate Rallies...

...And act really crazy to try to discredit the movement

(Newser) - A group opposed to tea party activists has a novel strategy to discredit them: Members plan to go to rallies, pretend they're on board, and act like utter fools with over-the-top signs (probably misspelled) and actions (think Nazi costumes). "Our plan is not to shout them down," Jason...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>