
Stories 21 - 38 | << Prev 

Charles Koch: Why We're Against 'Crony Capitalism'

Koch brother stands up for his family's activism

(Newser) - With the heat intensifying around him and his brother, conservative fundraiser/oil tycoon Charles Koch penned an op-ed piece today to explain himself. “For many years, I, my family, and our company have contributed to a variety of intellectual and political causes,” he writes in the Wall Street Journal...

US Illegally Subsidized Boeing, WTO Rules

Airbus thinks $45B in retaliation is 'realistic'

(Newser) - The US has given billions of dollars in illegal subsidies to Boeing, the World Trade Organization formally ruled today after months of investigation. The WTO has now found that both Boeing and Europe's Airbus received illegal aid from their respective governments, leaving the US and European Union to negotiate a...

Dem Governor: ObamaCare Tempts Firms to Dump Plans

Tennessee's Bredesen foresees exodus to federally-subsidized insurance

(Newser) - If you crunch the numbers, President Obama’s health care plan is a great incentive for employers to stop providing coverage and put their workers in the hands of government-subsidized plans, meaning “much greater cost” for the US, writes Democratic Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen in the Wall Street Journal...

30K-Strong Mob Swarms Housing Wait List

Small crowd arrives today to drop them off

(Newser) - A mob of 30,000 people swarmed over an Atlanta parking lot in a heat wave yesterday, clamoring for an application to get on a waiting list for Section 8 housing assistance. Fights broke out, and children were reportedly trampled, with police stepping in to stop the onslaught, according to...

Oil Subsidies: US Tax Dollars at Work

Feds helps industry out every step of the way: 'NYT'

(Newser) - The feds have shaken BP down for $20 billion to pay for the Gulf cleanup, and they're looking to impose an industry-wide tax toward the same end—which is giving the industry fits. But it's worth noting, reports the New York Times in a detailed examination, that oil is one...

At Summit, World Leaders Pledge to Help Haiti Rebuild

Gathering sees cooperation, reluctance to address endemic problems

(Newser) - World leaders at an international summit in Montreal today agreed that rebuilding Haiti will take decades. In fact, "rebuilding" is hardly the word—if successful, the state envisioned by envoys to the conference will bear little resemblance to pre-earthquake Haiti. Canadian PM Stephen Harper said the world community must...

States Push Back at Senate Health Bill

Those with expanded coverage would subsidize those without

(Newser) - For states that had already expanded health coverage, no good deed goes unpunished in the Senate reform bill, which would fund expanded Medicaid in less-progressive states—but not in those where coverage is already in place, even though rolls will expand. The plan amounts to making states such as Arizona,...

Stop Whining, Liberals: Senate Bill Is Fine
Stop Whining, Liberals: Senate Bill Is Fine
Nate Silver

Stop Whining, Liberals: Senate Bill Is Fine

Crunch the numbers, and you'll see it's way, way better than nothing

(Newser) - Progressives who oppose the Senate health care bill are “batshit crazy,” writes Nate Silver, because the bill is way, way better than nothing. Crunching the numbers over at , Silver estimates that a family of four in the individual market making $54,000 a year could expect...

Island Rum Fight Fattens Rangel's Coffers

Campaign cash pours in from Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands

(Newser) - Charles Rangel’s campaign coffers are bulging with campaign cash from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, but he insists that’s in no way influencing his decision on the competing rum tax bills each territory is pushing. “Besides Puerto Rico, you are the only one who has asked...

Death of Newspapers Won't Kill the News

(Newser) - Before newspapers held sway over politicians and maintained monopolies under federal anti-trust exemptions, they were a service people were willing to pay for, Michael Kinsley writes in the Washington Post. Even if “technology is on the verge of removing some traditionally vital organs of the body politic,” they...

Obama Can't Cull Farm Subsidies

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s attempt to slash farm subsidies seems to have died on the vine, the New York Times reports. The $9.7 billion in cuts Obama included in his budget outline were conspicuously absent from the outlines the House and Senate approved Thursday, squashed by farm state lawmakers. Now...

Creamery Biz Milked Subsidies Under Palin

Case gives ammo to critics of Palin's Alaska spending record

(Newser) - Critics who say Sarah Palin is not as fiscally conservative as she claims are questioning extended subsidies paid to a state-run creamery, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Alaska Creamery Board recommended closing the operation in 2007 after it fell $1.5 million in the red. Palin instead fired the...

Washington Wants You to Guzzle Gas
Washington Wants You to Guzzle Gas

Washington Wants You to Guzzle Gas

Tax dollars should subsidize mass transit, not cars

(Newser) - As gas prices rise, Americans are driving less—and fewer dollars are flowing into the gas-tax-fueled Federal Highway Trust Fund. President Bush’s illogical response? To take money out of public transportation and put it in the highway fund—the latest bizarre example of officials intent on promoting and subsidizing...

Global Trade Talks Collapse
 Global Trade Talks Collapse

Global Trade Talks Collapse

Breakdown halts seven years of progress to hammer out deal

(Newser) - World Trade Organization talks to forge a new global trade pact collapsed yesterday after seven years of negotiations. An EU spokesman called the breakdown a "massive blow to the confidence in the global economy." The talks fell apart as China and India demanded the authortity to impose "...

Agricultural Economist Has Growing Concerns

The insanity of farm subsidies just one facet of wide-ranging Q&A with Daniel Sumner

(Newser) - Is there any way to justify US farm subsidies? Agricultural economist Daniel Sumner has a blunt answer: “No.” In an in-depth interview with the New York Times, Sumner takes on a broad range of agricultural topics, explaining the trouble with organic food (it’s too expensive), the problems...

Senate Moves to Privatize Anemic Restaurants

Move takes money- losing subpar eateries off the taxpayer dime

(Newser) - The Senate has voted to privatize its restaurants after decades of losing money, the Washington Post reports. The decision comes after much wrangling among Democrats, split between the $250,000 taxpayer subsidy that keeps the restaurants afloat and the lower wages workers would receive. “You cannot stand on the...

New Stadiums Don't Repay Cities That Subsidize Them

Putting public funds into arenas has some benefit, but not enough to justify millions

(Newser) - Professional sports stadiums have seen an enormous boom since 1990, often drawing on millions of dollars in public financing. Economics professor Dennis Coates, writing in the American, examines whether the expenditures actually benefit local economies—and  finds the answer a general "no." Stadiums actually reduce per-capita income, drive...

Food Prices May Force Cuts in Farm Subsidies

Normally 'untouchable' price supports at risk in Congress

(Newser) - Soaring food prices are putting pressure on Congress to withdraw some of the billions in  farm subsidies and ethanol incentives that have been considered politically untouchable for decades, the Los Angeles Times reports. With average farm income more than $89,000 this year—30% above the national average—the White...

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