Jeff Sessions

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DOJ to Go After Colleges That Discriminate Against Whites

Civil rights division will lead new project around affirmative action

(Newser) - The Justice Department's civil rights division is being directed toward a new project defending the rights of white college students, according to internal documents. A division document seen by the New York Times seeks lawyers for "investigations and possible litigation related to intentional race-based discrimination in college and...

Graham: Ousting Mueller 'Could Be Beginning of End' for Trump

Sen. Graham is introducing bill to curb Trump's ability to fire Mueller

(Newser) - “Any effort to go after Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency," Politico quotes Sen. Lindsey Graham as saying. The Republican senator says he's introducing a bipartisan bill that will subject any firing of a special counsel investigating a president—including a...

A 2nd Trump Move Has Ticked Off LGBT Supporters

Justice Department argues against protection for gay workers under 1964 law

(Newser) - On Wednesday, President Trump angered the LGBT community by banning transgender people from the military. But his administration made a second, lower-profile move the same day that has similarly angered the gay community. As BuzzFeed reports, the Justice Department filed a legal brief arguing that a federal civil rights law...

Trump&#39;s Attacks on Sessions Threaten Our Rule of Law
Ken Starr:
Trump Needs
a Lesson
From Nixon

Ken Starr: Trump Needs a Lesson From Nixon

'Profoundly misguided' attacks on Jeff Sessions threaten our rule of law, Starr writes

(Newser) - Kenneth Starr headed the investigation that ultimately led to President Bill Clinton's impeachment. That's an important fact to remember given that Starr says President Trump's recent attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions are "one of the most outrageous—and profoundly misguided—courses of presidential conduct I...

Trump Won't Stop Attacking Jeff Sessions

He's now blaming the AG for not removing the acting FBI director

(Newser) - Wednesday marked the third day in a row in which President Trump publicly attacked Jeff Sessions, who was once one of his closest allies, Politico reports. In a series of tweets, the president criticized his attorney general for not replacing Andrew McCabe as acting FBI director, calling McCabe "a...

White House: Decision on Sessions Is Coming 'Soon'

Sources close to situation say Trump considering firing the AG

(Newser) - Anthony Scaramucci says the White House will "come to a resolution soon" in regards to Jeff Sessions, who President Trump has recently been badgering on social media and in the press, the BBC reports. Trump's new director of communications says it's probably true that the president wants...

Trump Suggests Clinton Has Influence Over FBI Director

Wrongly claims Clinton donated to Jill McCabe campaign

(Newser) - President Trump lobbed plenty of accusations before breakfast Tuesday, one of which was that Hillary Clinton has influence over the acting FBI director. On Twitter , Trump also continued his attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions for taking "a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails &...

Reports: Tillerson May Be Gone Soon
May Be
Gone Soon

Reports: Tillerson May Be Gone Soon

But spokesman denies that secretary of state is considering an early exit

(Newser) - Jeff Sessions may not be the only Cabinet member whose days are numbered . Multiple reports say Secretary of State Rex Tillerson isn't destined for a long tenure. The latest is Reuters , whose source says Tillerson was "very upset at not having autonomy, independence and control over his own...

Trump Slams Sessions Again, but Giuliani Denies He's Up Next

Report claimed Trump was considering Giuliani for AG

(Newser) - First, President Trump told the New York Times that he regretted making Jeff Sessions his attorney general because of Sessions' decision to recuse himself from the Russian investigation. On Monday, Trump piled on, referring to Sessions as "beleaguered" in a tweet . "So why aren't the Committees and...

Officials: New Info Indicates Sessions Has Been 'Misleading'

Sources tell the 'Washington Post' he spoke to Russian ambassador about campaign

(Newser) - Jeff Sessions has insisted his meetings with the Russian ambassador during the 2016 presidential campaign had nothing to do with the campaign—but the ambassador is saying otherwise. Sergey Kislyak told his superiors that during two conversations with Sessions, who was a senator at the time and also serving as...

Cops Secretly Seized Darknet Drug Market, Then Ran It

Expert calls move 'psychological warfare'

(Newser) - The shadowy world of online drug marketplaces has been left reeling from a one-two punch by authorities: AlphaBay and Hansa Market, two of the biggest darknet drug markets, have been shut down and their operators arrested. After AlphaBay, the biggest site of its kind, users headed to Hansa, unaware that...

Sessions: I'll Stay 'As Long as That Is Appropriate'

Attorney general addresses Trump's criticism of him

(Newser) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Thursday he has no plans to resign in the wake of President Trump's criticism of him, but he seemed to add a qualifier: "We love this job. We love this department, and I plan to continue to do so as long as that...

Trump Says He Now Regrets Hiring Sessions

Recusing himself from Russia probe was 'very unfair,' Trump says

(Newser) - President Trump says he would never have hired Jeff Sessions as his attorney general if he had known Sessions was going to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. In a New York Times interview, Trump makes it clear that he feels he has been shabbily treated by Sessions, who was...

Oft-Criticized Law Enforcement Practice Is Set to Get Easier

Jeff Sessions says DOJ plans to loosen asset forfeiture policies

(Newser) - The Justice Department will soon make it easier for local law enforcement to seize cash and property—permanently—from crime suspects and reap the proceeds. "We plan to develop policies to increase forfeitures," Attorney General Jeff Sessions told local prosecutors Monday in Minnesota. "No criminal should be...

Sessions Made a Closed-Door Speech to 'Hate Group'

Closed-door remarks were made at event for SPLC-designated 'hate group'

(Newser) - The Alliance Defending Freedom has been designated an anti-LGBT "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center , but the group still attracted a high-profile guest speaker this week: Attorney General Jeff Sessions. CNN and NBC News reports that Sessions spoke at the "Summit on Religious Liberty" Tuesday night...

Senators Accused of Sexism After Sen. Harris Shut Down

She was interrupted by male colleagues for a 2nd time

(Newser) - Senators were accused of sexism and possible racism Tuesday after the only minority woman on the Senate Intelligence Committee was shut down by male colleagues during the questioning of Attorney General Jeff Sessions . Sen. Kamala Harris, a California Democrat, was reprimanded by GOP Sens. John McCain and Richard Burr for...

Sessions: Any Suggestion of Collusion Is 'Detestable Lie'

AG testifies he never met with Russian officials about interfering in election

(Newser) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions began his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday by claiming interference in the US' democratic process "can never be tolerated and I encourage every effort to get to the bottom of any such allegations" in his opening remarks . He went on to deny...

Sessions to Face &#39;Thorny&#39; Questions Today
Sessions to
Face 'Thorny'
Questions Today
the rundown

Sessions to Face 'Thorny' Questions Today

Attorney General appears before Congress at 2:30pm EDT

(Newser) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions slides into the hot seat Tuesday afternoon, to testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on his contact with Russians in an open hearing (the open part reportedly at Sessions' request ). It'll be his first time testifying in front of Congress since he...

Sessions' Testimony Will Be Open to Public

A Senate panel will grill him on his meetings with Russian officials

(Newser) - Another day of White House drama before a Senate panel: Attorney General Jeff Sessions' testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday will be open to the public, reports Politico . Sessions made the request for the open hearing himself. The attorney general is expected to be questioned over his meetings...

Next Up on Senate Hot Seat: Jeff Sessions

On the heels of Comey, AG will testify on Tuesday about contact with Russians

(Newser) - Change of scheduling for Jeff Sessions on Tuesday: Instead of testifying before House and Senate panels in charge of the Justice Department's budget, the attorney general will follow in James Comey's recent footsteps and testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on his contact with Russians, reports...

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