LA County Jail

9 Stories

Rehabbing LiLo Tired But OK
 Rehabbing LiLo Tired But OK 

Rehabbing LiLo Tired But OK

Actress just glad to be out of jail

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is tired but well after her late-night transfer from a Lynwood, Calif., jail to a rehab clinic at the UCLA medical center. “She is in good spirits, but she is extremely tired," a source tells Radar . "Lindsay is just relieved to be out of jail....

Bipolar Lindsay Lohan's Hooked on Meth

Jailbird starlet will enter rehab for addiction

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan will undergo treatment for addiction to methamphetamine and bipolar disorder when she enters rehab after she's released from jail, TMZ reports . Meth and opiates are Lohan's "drugs of choice," a source says. The troubled actress, who's proving to be a high-maintenance inmate as she serves 90...

Even in Jail, LiLo Plays the Diva
 Even in Jail, LiLo Plays the Diva 

Even in Jail, LiLo Plays the Diva

Mom complains starlet's treated like 'common criminal'

(Newser) - Reports of Lindsay Lohan’s diva behavior in jail are coming out, but diva behavior behind bars is just a bit different from, say, backstage at a concert. A fellow inmate tells Star Lindsay “freaked out” when she didn’t get another blanket, Perez Hilton reports. “She kept...

Send Cons Home to Do Time, Says Paris Sheriff

Give 2,000 inmates the Hilton treatment, Lee Baca urges

(Newser) - The sheriff who put Paris Hilton on mansion arrest is now championing a bill that would curb the overcrowding in California jails by sending thousands of other Los Angeles County inmates home to carry out their sentences. Some 2,000 low-level offenders would be tracked via ankle monitoring devices under...

Paris' Slammer Grub Beats Its Bum Rap

It ain't the Hilton, but even California prison food has standards

(Newser) - Cuisine at the LA County Jail may not be fit for an heiress, but meals in the California's penitentiary system are surprisingly appetizing, the Chronicle reports. Paris Hilton has reportedly been turning up her nose at provisions in the poke, although state regulations require chow to be tasty, varied and...

Paris Declares She's Got God Intentions

Prison turns heiress towards religion, ABC

(Newser) - Paris Hilton says she's found God and will change her life at the end of her 45-day jail term. Barbara Walters chatted with the heretofore mischievous and materialistic heiress on a collect call from prison, and recapped the conversation on yesterday's View. "I have become much more spiritual,"...

Weeping Heiress Sent Back to Cell
Heiress Sent Back to Cell

Weeping Heiress Sent Back to Cell

'It's not fair!' Paris calls to mom as peeved judge orders lockup

(Newser) - Paris Hilton is back in lockup after a courtroom scene worthy of a daytime soap, with the 26-year-old celebutante led from the room weeping and wailing, "Mom, Mom! It's not right!" Judge Michael Sauer, miffed that the scofflaw heiress had been sprung after just 3 days of a...

Judge Fumes as Paris Goes From Big House to Big House

Sheriff ignores order not to spring socialite

(Newser) - A livid judge ordered Paris Hilton to appear in court today, prompting speculation that the heiress may be headed back behind bars after a night of beauty rest at her Hollywood Hills mansion. Prosecutors charged that the sheriff who released her for mysterious "medical" reasons after just three days...

Paris Checks In at Concrete Hilton
Paris Checks In at Concrete Hilton

Paris Checks In at Concrete Hilton

Heiress skips from MTV Movie Awards to the prison ward

(Newser) - Socialite Paris Hilton checked out a new set of bars late Sunday, at the LA County Jail. The celebutante debuted there in her three-week sentence for violating probation last month. Paris chose the venue herself, passing up ritzier pay prisons to deflect media rebukes. "I'm going to do the...

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