
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

Gen. Disputes Story, Says He Hasn't Seen Photos

(Newser) - Retired Army Gen. Antonio Taguba has seen photos of rape at Abu Ghraib, but they aren’t the ones the Obama administration is trying to keep from the public. “The photographs in that lawsuit, I have not seen,” he told Salon. The general says he was not misquoted...

'I Wasn't Meant to Be Here': Michelle

 'I Wasn't Meant 
 to Be Here': Michelle 

'I Wasn't Meant to Be Here': Michelle

First Lady puts tries to do things differently

(Newser) - Michelle Obama often says she “wasn’t meant to be” in the White House, but those watching her “natural” progression to international figure might beg to differ, write Nancy Gibbs and Michael Scherer in Time. Most First Ladies get asked about what they’re “really like”—...

Eminem: Serial Killers 'Inspire' Me

Rapper talks about how he's never been in a better place

(Newser) - Where has Eminem been since his last album hit the shelves in 2004? At first, mostly drowning in a sea of depression and prescription drugs, the rapper says in an interview with the Guardian. But for a year now he's been clean and focused on getting back to his roots—...

Lynch Unveils 121-Part Web Interview Project

(Newser) - Director David Lynch will debut his multipart documentary Interview Project on his website June 1, the Wrap reports. The project consists of 121 three- to five-minute interviews with regular folks across America. A new one will be rolled out every few days over the course of a year. Lynch sent...

Sudan Prez: No Crimes in Darfur

Says media claims are part of propaganda campaign

(Newser) - Sudan’s president says his military hasn’t attacked civilians in Darfur and challenges “anybody” to show evidence to the contrary. “What has been reported to have happened in Darfur did not actually happen at all,” Omar al Bashir told the BBC in his first interview since...

Fallon's Late Night Is ... Good!
 Fallon's Late Night Is ... Good! 
tv review

Fallon's Late Night Is ... Good!

New host manages to hold his own

(Newser) - Few expected much from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, but since his uneven debut, he’s actually made the show an entertaining diversion for those who find themselves awake after midnight, writes Linda Holmes for NPR's "Monkey See" blog. "The best asset it's turned out Fallon has—...

Spitzer Walks Long Road to Redemption

Ex-guv working on normal life; his future is unclear

(Newser) - As he returns to the public eye, Eliot Spitzer is working on being a normal person—a daunting task for a man long accustomed to power, Jonathan Darman writes in a Newsweek cover story. He’s grown less image-conscious, often spotted jogging around New York in sweatpants. And he makes...

Defiant Ahmadinejad Blasts US, UN
 Blasts US, UN 

Defiant Ahmadinejad Blasts US, UN

In lengthy interview, Iranian Prez gives his opinions on Obama, Iraq, Europe

(Newser) - The diminutive leader of Iran has a big ego and is a big talker: in a lengthy interview with Der Spiegel, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad talked a lot—about his feelings for President Obama, his beef with Iraq, and other international issues—but in the end, avoided answering many of the...

Billy Bob Gives Angry, Strange Interview

(Newser) - Joaquin, you have competition. In a radio appearance reminiscent of Letterman's recent interview with actor-turned-rapper Joaquin Phoenix, Billy Bob Thornton gave a puzzling and difficult interview to CBC radio today. Thornton evaded simple questions and criticized the host for mentioning his movie background. "You were instructed not to talk...

Tearful Stanford 'Madder Than Hell' at Ponzi Charges

Tycoon expects indictment in 2 weeks

(Newser) - Sir Robert Allen Stanford expects an indictment from the feds in a couple of weeks, but maintained his innocence in an interview with ABC News. The disgraced financier cried and told his interlocutor, “I will punch you in the mouth” if he mentioned reports that Stanford laundered drug money....

Octuplet Mom Spills to Dr. Phil, But Not on Stripper Past

Suleman defends firing free nurses

(Newser) - Nadya Suleman tells Dr. Phil her version of her home's staffing shakeup in an interview airing today and tomorrow, E! reports, while attorney Gloria Allred fires back, saying Angels in Waiting nurses filed three reports with Child Protective Services and that Suleman's octuplets are in danger. “I personally felt...

Obama: Geithner's Job Is Safe
 Obama: Geithner's Job Is Safe 

Obama: Geithner's Job Is Safe

(Newser) - Barack Obama has a message for those who want Tim Geithner out at Treasury: Forget about it. And if Geithner himself decides he's had enough and tries to resign, the president has a ready answer: "Sorry, Buddy, you've still got the job." In an interview with 60 Minutes...

Self-Kissing A-Rod: 'Surreal' Before the Fall

(Newser) - Jason Gay interviewed Alex Rodriguez just a day before his past dalliances with performance-enhancing drugs were uncovered, he writes in Details. A-Rod knew what was coming, but the star was more concerned that his favorite Madonna song not be published, for fear of it being played at away games. “...

CNBC Staff 'Furious' at Quiet Cramer
CNBC Staff 'Furious' at
Quiet Cramer

CNBC Staff 'Furious' at Quiet Cramer

They say he didn't defend the network strongly enough

(Newser) - It's been a tough week for Jim Cramer. After his public skewering from Jon Stewart, colleagues at CNBC are "furious" that he didn't put up a better fight, writes media critic Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post. Nobody goes on the record, but Kurtz says many are upset that...

Gervais' Elmo Interview Is a Tickler

(Newser) - Today's video viral sensation seems to be outtakes of a Sesame Street interview between funnyman Ricky Gervais and Elmo. As seen on BuzzFeed, Gervais keeps going off script (“Gimme four!” “Do you know what necrophilia is?”), but Elmo keeps up just fine. He even asks an...

Steele Backs Off Remarks on Abortion

(Newser) - Michael Steele has again stirred up some trouble with his Republican constituency, this time by making an intricate but obtuse argument about his stance on abortion, the Washington Post reports. In an interview with GQ, the RNC chair was asked if he supported a woman’s right to choose. “...

Mac: I'm No Rush, but Can't Support Obama on Economy
Mac: I'm No Rush, but Can't Support Obama on Economy

Mac: I'm No Rush, but Can't Support Obama on Economy

(Newser) - Unlike a certain talk radio host, John McCain is rooting for Barack Obama—they just don’t agree on much. In an interview with Politico, McCain says he’s trying to work with Obama; in the past week he’s appeared with him at a press conference and consulted with...

Oprah Offers Sneak Peak Into First Lady Chat

Host to give fans a look at White House interview, new puppy

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey will tell viewers all about her White House interview with Michelle Obama on today's show, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. The host also plans to give fans their first look at the cocker spaniel puppy she adopted from a Chicago shelter recently. The Obama interview will be showcased in...

Oprah Visits the White House
 Oprah Visits the White House 

Oprah Visits the White House

Michelle Obama interviewed for her magazine

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey and BFF Gayle King traveled to Washington this week for a sit-down with Michelle Obama, the Washington Post's "Reliable Source" reports. An upcoming issue of O, the Oprah Magazine will feature the interview with the first lady, and that news is sparking speculation that Obama will...

Aaron: Let Bonds Keep Record
 Aaron: Let Bonds Keep Record 

Aaron: Let Bonds Keep Record

(Newser) - Maybe you think Bud Selig ought to void Barry Bonds’ chemically-bolstered home run record, but Hank Aaron does not. “I just don’t see how you really can do a thing like that,” the former, and just maybe future, home-run king told Terence Moore of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution....

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>