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Greyhound Bus Crash Kills 1, Injures 18

Bus collides with car on Indiana highway

(Newser) - Authorities say a Greyhound bus and car collided on a highway near Indiana's border with Ohio, killing one person and injuring at least 18 others. A Wayne County spokesman says the accident happened this morning on interstate 70 near Richmond, which is about 70 miles east of Indianapolis.

Cops: On-Duty Bus Driver Ferried $3M in Drugs

Bronx man gets caught in federal sting

(Newser) - Passengers aboard a Bronx city bus last week might have been surprised to learn that a major drug deal was taking place in front of them. And as the Daily News reports, it was the driver himself who ended up in handcuffs. The tale of the unusual bust involving 8...

Super Bowl Ticket Prices Are Pretty Nuts

And even billionaires are expected to ride the bus

(Newser) - Hoping to attend Super Bowl XLVIII? No problem: All you need is around $2,700 bucks (for the worst possible seat, mind you) and the patience to navigate public transit (as driving/parking will be a nightmare). In case you're rich, the NFL's official used-ticket marketplace is selling front-row,...

In S. Korea, Roads Power Electric Buses

City electrifies its roads to power public vehicles

(Newser) - The future is now—in the South Korean city of Gumi, anyway, which just enabled 15 miles of road to recharge electric cars as they drive along, Business Insider reports. Cables about a foot underground generate a 20-kHz electromagnetic field, which is absorbed by a coil in the bottom of...

Dear City Planners, Stop Ignoring Buses
How the 'Humble Bus'
Can Save Transportation

How the 'Humble Bus' Can Save Transportation

A modern system could move the masses: Matthew Yglesias

(Newser) - Light rail is the darling of city planners everywhere, but more cities should take a closer look at the "humble bus," writes Matthew Yglesias in Slate . A modern Bus Rapid Transit system could be a much cheaper and more efficient way of moving the masses, he argues. Lots...

LA Bus Drivers: Pesticides Are Making Us Sick

Petition calls for end to spraying in buses

(Newser) - It's probably among the last places you'd expect pesticides to be sprayed: inside Los Angeles County buses. But that is indeed the case, and now bus drivers say they've become sick as a result. Some 110 drivers have signed a petition calling for the spraying to stop;...

Nevada Bused 1.5K Mentally Ill to Other States

State officials defend policy, but critics say dangerous for patients

(Newser) - States all over America are wrestling with what to do about the tough, enduring, and expensive problem of mental illness. But Nevada came up with an innovative solution—bus them out of state. Since 2008, Nevada's top mental hospital has shipped out 1,500 people, sending at least one...

New York Subway Rolls Again, Eases Commute Misery

Commuters line up hour before system opens

(Newser) - The majority of New York's subway rolled back into action today—and commuters can ride it, along with commuter trains and buses, for free, thanks to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's declaration of a transportation emergency, the New York Post reports. But it's not yet smooth commuting:
  • Subways weren'

Hardest-Hit Katrina Victims to Bus Tours: Get Out

2006 law newly enforced, say angry tour companies

(Newser) - Since Hurricane Katrina, visitors to New Orleans don't just want to see Bourbon Street: Many have been taking bus tours to view the devastation wreaked in the Lower Ninth Ward. But residents have had it with tourists gawking at them while the vehicles cause roadblocks, the AP reports. "...

Feds Shut Down 26 Chinatown Bus Lines

Don't worry: Fung Wah and Lucky Star are OK

(Newser) - They're cheap, they're convenient, and according to the federal government, many Chinatown buses were also death traps. Authorities cracked down hard on Chinatown bus operators yesterday, shutting down 26 companies that they said were part of an "unscrupulous" network of bus operators that flouted federal rules, the...

London Mayor Bans 'Gay Cure' Bus Ads

We're 'intolerant of intolerance,' says Boris Johnson

(Newser) - London Mayor Boris Johnson has stepped in to stop the city's buses from carrying ads suggesting that homosexuality can be "cured." The ads—mimicking a "Some people are gay. Get over it!" campaign from the Stonewall gay rights group—read: "Not gay! Post-gay, ex-gay...

C&#39;mon America, Get On the Bus
 C'mon America, 
 Get On the Bus 


C'mon America, Get On the Bus

With some work, the city bus can ease mass-transit problems: Will Doig

(Newser) - The US is by and large overlooking an obvious solution to its public transportation troubles, writes Will Doig at Salon : The "humble city bus." Light rail is the new darling of city planners across the nation, but a "bus rapid transit" system could be an inexpensive and...

Oops! Now Baldwin Insults Greyhound

Bus company not too pleased he dragged it into his American Airlines mess

(Newser) - Alec Baldwin, scourge of travel companies everywhere: American Airlines is mad at him , flight attendants want him off their planes , and now Greyhound has a bone to pick with the actor. In his apology to passengers that ran on the Huffington Post, he noted that flight attendants like the one...

Fat Americans Need More Space on Buses: Feds

...and feds think bus-testing regulations need to change to reflect this

(Newser) - As Americans get heftier, bus bosses are scrambling to support the extra weight. The Federal Transit Administration wants to tweak its bus-testing regulations so that they better reflect the people that will likely be riding those buses. It has proposed raising the average bus-passenger weight from 150 to 175 pounds,...

Greyhound Bus Hijacker Nailed
 Greyhound Bus Hijacker Nailed 

Greyhound Bus Hijacker Nailed

Incident ends without injury after passenger alerts police

(Newser) - A bus hijacking in North Carolina last night ended without injury when cops pounced on an armed man threatening to blow up the vehicle. The hijacker boarded the Richmond–Raleigh bus along a North Carolina highway and ordered the driver to relinquish the vehicle, AP reports. The gunman allowed everybody...

Plane Flies Into Burning WTC on Anti-Mosque Bus Ad
Plane Flies Into Burning
WTC on Anti-Mosque Bus Ad
good taste dept

Plane Flies Into Burning WTC on Anti-Mosque Bus Ad

MTA OKs ad after Pamela Geller files lawsuit

(Newser) - Hitting NYC's buses next week: An ad in which a plane is about to hit the World Trade Center, with an image of the planned Ground Zero mosque opposite it, and a really big "Why There?" in the middle. The MTA initially rejected the anti-mosque ad, created by Pamela...

Feds Ban Texting by Truck, Bus Drivers

Under rules, effective immediately, fines run as high as $2,750

(Newser) - Drivers of trucks and buses who text behind the wheel will be subject to thousands of dollars in fines, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced today. The federal prohibition, which takes effect immediately, applies only to commercial vehicles. But distracted driving is one of LaHood's top issues, CNN reports. "This...

Rivers Cuomo Injured in Weezer Bus Crash

Indie darlings were en route from Toronto to Boston

(Newser) - Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo suffered minor injuries this morning when a bus carrying the band from Toronto to Boston ran off the New York State Thruway about 40 miles west of Albany. Cuomo complained of rib pain and was taken to a local hospital after the tour bus slid on...

US Prisons Leave Driving to Greyhound

Convicts unescorted in transfers; feds say there's little risk

(Newser) - Federal convicts regularly transfer themselves between prisons unescorted, riding public transportation without a guard in sight, WFAA-TV reports. Some 5,300 have switched prisons on their own since April 2006; 54,000 have headed to halfway houses. And in 2003-05, 77 escaped while en route. “It’s an inherent...

Greyhound Bus Killer Found Mentally Ill

Man who decapitated traveler committed to mental hospital

(Newser) - The man who beheaded and partly cannibalized a passenger aboard a Greyhound bus last July was found not criminally responsible and will be committed to a mental institution, reports the Globe and Mail. Prosecution and defense both argued that Vince Li was tormented by voices he believed came from God...

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