attack ad

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Gingrich Lambastes Romney for PAC's 'Smear Campaign'

Mitt says he can't control 'independent' group

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was confronted yesterday over the anti-Gingrich attack ads that a pro-Romney super PAC has been pumping out, prompting him to label the whole concept of super PACs “a disaster”—and insist he couldn’t lawfully intervene. “My goodness, if we coordinate in any way whatsoever,...

Romney Unveils First TV Ad
 Romney Unveils First TV Ad 

Romney Unveils First TV Ad

Obama campaign blasts 'deceitful' attack ad

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has rolled out the first TV ad of his 2012 campaign—and he has John McCain to thank for its most effective line. The ad begins with images of President Obama on the stump in 2008, saying: "I am confident that we can steer ourselves out of...

Jon Huntsman's New Website: 'Scared Mittless'

Site depicts Mitt Romney running away from the race

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman is taking aim at Mitt Romney with a cheekily named attack site/Internet ad mocking his strategy of avoiding pesky things like reporters. Called " Scared Mittless ," the site, which was spotted by the Atlantic Wire , features a video detailing his various evasions spliced together with clips of...

Right Mocks Obama's Ominous

(Newser) - President Obama’s campaign has set up a new take on its old “Fight the Smears” concept… only this time it’s a lot less friendly looking. Gone is the white-and-blue motif, replaced with an ominous red-and-black site called " Attack Watch "—and conservatives appear to find...

Dems Slam 'Front Groups'—Then Use Them

Nonprofits' secret donors help fund negative ads

(Newser) - Democrats have hammered Republican “front groups” for paying for negative ads with secret cash—but they themselves are employing a similar maneuver, using money from nonprofits who don’t release their donors’ names to fund their own advertising, reports MSNBC . Dems are thus following Republicans’ lead in using a...

Attack Ad Rips Wrong Lawmaker

Denver TV station drops 'blatantly wrong' spot

(Newser) - A Denver TV station has dropped a GOP congressional candidate’s ad, saying it got its facts “blatantly wrong." Cory Gardner’s ad attacks Democratic Congresswoman Betsy Markey for voting for the 2010 budget, when in fact she didn’t—Ed Markey of Massachusetts did. The Gardner campaign...

Illinois Gov: My Opponent Wants to Murder Doggies

Attack ad targets Brady for supporting mass euthanization of pets

(Newser) - Illinois' Democratic governor isn't doing much to change the state's reputation for bare-knuckle politics. An attack ad from Pat Quinn targets Republican rival Bill Brady for sponsoring a bill to "mass euthanize sheltered cats and dogs in gas chambers," with text appearing on screen over footage of whining...

Attack Ad Doesn't Show Democrat Masturbating: GOP

He's bare-chested. So what?

(Newser) - The web has no shortage of salacious videos—and a new one, compliments of the GOP, appears to depict a Democratic nominee for the Senate masturbating. Roger Ebert—who knows a thing or two about film—declared the video "vile!" but the National Republican Senatorial Committee insists its...

McCain Ad Mocks Hayworth Over Birthers, Vampires

Spoof spot casts rival as right-wing loony

(Newser) - JD Hayworth is a "birther" who believes Dracula is real and thinks gay marriage will lead to weddings between men and horses, according to a spoof ad from John McCain's Senate campaign. The web video—possibly the funniest of the midterm election season so far—seeks to portray McCain's...

Liz Cheney Critics 'Prissy,' Says Ex US Attorney

Attack ad critics need to grow pair: Andrew McCarthy

(Newser) - Critics from across the political spectrum denouncing Liz Cheney’s “al-Qaeda 7” ad attacking Justice Department lawyers defending Gitmo supects should just get over themselves, says Cheney ally Andrew McCarthy. "People are awfully prissy," the former US attorney tells Politico . I think that they are actually more...

Reid to 'Vaporize' GOP Challengers: Aide
 Reid to 'Vaporize' 
 GOP Challengers: Aide 

Reid to 'Vaporize' GOP Challengers: Aide

Senate majority leader studying Corzine for cues to effective negative campaign

(Newser) - Harry Reid, his re-election campaign wilting in the polls, is getting ready to rumble: The Senate majority leader is promising an intensely negative campaign against the 2010 GOP challenger for his Senate seat. With his $8.7 million war chest—the largest ever for a Nevada statewide race—Reid will...

Progressives Call Out Harry Reid in New Ad

Ask if he's 'strong enough' to pass public option

(Newser) - A progressive group is taking off the gloves with a new ad titled, straightforwardly, “Is Harry Reid Strong Enough?” The ad, which begins airing in Nevada on Wednesday, features a self-proclaimed “typical swing-voter” with health problems vowing ominously to vote for Reid in 2010 based exclusively on whether...

Cheney Group Raises Cash to Save US From Obama
Cheney Group Raises Cash
to Save US From Obama

Cheney Group Raises Cash to Save US From Obama

Liz project, Keep America Safe, will target 'radical' foreign policy

(Newser) - Liz Cheney’s new nonprofit launched its first online video today, kicking off fundraising for its anti-Obama campaign. Keep America Safe is dedicated to opposing what Cheney describes as Obama’s “radical” foreign policy. “Whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, you want the nation to be...

NJ Gov's Ads Target Opponent's Waistline

Corzine spot says Christie 'threw his weight around'

(Newser) - Jon Corzine, the New Jersey governor locked in an ugly race for reelection, is calling his opponent a big fat liar—with the emphasis on "fat." A new attack ad shows hefty Republican challenger Chris Christie in super-slow motion, his flesh jiggling in multiple directions, while an announcer...

Attacking Nominees Demeans Court
 Demeans Court 

Attacking Nominees Demeans Court

(Newser) - The political attack ads popular in general elections have a profoundly negative effect on the public’s view of the Supreme Court when used during the nomination process, James L. Gibson writes fror “Politicized confirmation processes can indeed damage the institution of the US Supreme Court itself,...

Unaired McCain Spot Blasts Rev. Wright

Attack ad surfaces, but GOP candidate refused to run it

(Newser) - John McCain's campaign created a commercial slamming Barack Obama for his relationship with inflammatory pastor Jeremiah Wright. The 30-second spot, obtained by ABC News, contrasts McCain's years in a Vietnam POW camp with footage of Wright shouting "God damn America." The commercial was ready for release and...

Dole's Foe Set to Sue Over 'No God' Ad

Democrat Hagan, critics blast NC senator for attack on faith

(Newser) - Kay Hagan, the North Carolina Democrat challenging Elizabeth Dole for her US Senate seat, has launched a defamation suit, and counter-ad, against the incumbent after a Dole spot questioned Hagan’s belief in God, the Charlotte Observer reports. The ad showed Hagan, a Sunday-school teacher, while another woman’s voice...

GOP Email Compares Obama to Nazis

Message to 75,000 Jews unauthorized, Pa. party says

(Newser) - The Pennsylvania GOP has disavowed an email that went out last week to 75,000 Jewish voters comparing a vote for Barack Obama to support for the Third Reich. The message, sent out by a consultant charged with securing the Jewish vote, warns that "Jewish Americans cannot afford to...

Obama Welcomes Mac Attacks as Signs of 'Flailing'
Obama Welcomes Mac Attacks as Signs of 'Flailing'

Obama Welcomes Mac Attacks as Signs of 'Flailing'

Drawing negative attention is gamble, but team thinks it can paint broader picture

(Newser) - You wouldn’t expect a political campaign to circulate its opponent’s attack on its candidate—yet that’s exactly what Barack Obama’s media-relations team is doing, observes Andrew Romano for Newsweek. An email linking to stories on John McCain’s latest jabs is part of the “rapid...

Obama Set to Smash Spending Records

Unprecedented Democratic ad blitz to break Bush record within days

(Newser) - Barack Obama is outspending John McCain 4-to-1 on advertising nationwide and is on course to break George Bush's 2004 spending record within days, reports the New York Times. Obama has stepped up his spending since the start of October and is blitzing network TV, cable TV, and even video games...

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