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NBA Suspends Arenas, Crittenton for Season

Pair admitted bringing guns into Washington Wizards locker room

(Newser) - Washington Wizards teammates Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton were suspended without pay for the remainder of the season—38 games—today by NBA commissioner David Stern, who said guns in the workplace "will not be tolerated." Both admitted taking guns into the Wizards' locker room, a violation of...

Los Angeles Gangs Make Peace to Boost Profits

Blood red and Crip blue make green

(Newser) - After decades of violent conflict, Los Angeles gangs like the Bloods and Crips are joining together across racial divides and neighborhood turf lines—not to end their life of crime, but to make more money from it. Gang violence in Southern California has plummeted in recent years as longtime enemy...

Israel Captures Alleged Iranian Arms Ship

Smuggled weapons were headed for Hezbollah, Israel says

(Newser) - Israel has seized a cargo ship it says was being used to smuggle hundreds of tons of weapons from Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Though the ship has been sequestered, Israel tells the BBC it does not believe the crew was aware of the operation, and that the weapons were...

Guns Failed US Troops in Afghan Firefight

M-4, built for extreme conditions, jammed repeatedly in heavy fire

(Newser) - As militants surrounded the remote Afghanistan base of Wanat on July 13, 2008, Staff Sgt. Erich Phillips' M-4 carbine quit firing. The machine gun he grabbed in desperation didn't work, either. When the battle ended, nine US soldiers lay dead and 27 more were wounded. A detailed study of the...

N. Korea Fires 2 Short- Range Missiles: Reports

Regime said to fire weapons off east coast

(Newser) - North Korea has test-fired two short-range missiles, according to South Korean media reports that could not be immediately verified. As the AP reports, North Korea issued a no-sail zone in waters off its east coast through July 10, viewed as a prelude to such missile tests. A South Korean news...

N. Korean Ship Reverses Course
 N. Korean Ship Reverses Course

N. Korean Ship Reverses Course

Suspected weapons vessel may be headed back home

(Newser) - The North Korean cargo ship being monitored by the US Navy has abruptly changed course and may be heading home, Reuters reports. The Kang Nam, believed to have been carrying arms to Burma, was being tracked under toughened UN sanctions instituted after the country's recent nuclear test. "We've no...

Secret Envoy Paves Way for Burma Visit by UN Chief

Ban to press for Aung San Suu Kyi release

(Newser) - A UN special envoy began a secret trip to Burma today to pave the way for a possible visit by Ban Ki-moon, the secretary general, that would be politically delicate because of the continuing trial of imprisoned opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Human rights groups are urging Ban not...

Fans Cheer TI at 'Bye Bash' Before Prison

48 hours before prison, Atlanta rapper sells out arena

(Newser) - TI returned to his native Atlanta to play a sold out "Goodbye Bash" last night, just two days before he reports to a federal prison for a weapons conviction. Many of his fans expressed support for the convicted rapper, whom they described as a role model, reports the Atlanta ...

Iran Claims to Launch Long-Range Missile

Ahmadinejad reports new test of arms that could reach Israel

(Newser) - Iran test-fired a new advanced missile today with a range of about 1,200 miles, far enough to strike Israel and southeastern Europe, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims. The reported launch comes two days after Barack Obama said he would seek deeper international sanctions against Iran if it shunned US attempts to...

Myanmar Gov't, Rebels on Collision Course

(Newser) - The tense peace between Myanmar’s military rulers and various armed ethnic groups may fracture into war next year when the government implements a controversial new constitution, the New York Times reports. The constitution requires the rebels to disarm, without granting them the de facto autonomy they currently enjoy in...

Pentagon to Add 20K Jobs in Arms-Buying Overhaul

Obama says acquisitions program has 'run amok'

(Newser) - The Defense Department will add 20,000 jobs over the next 5 years in an overhaul of its $100 billion weapons-buying process, Reuters reports. New regulations will tie compensation more closely to performance, and the Pentagon will require “real, substantial” tax savings in any multiyear deals, a deputy defense...

US Amps Up Planning for Cyber Arms Race

Obama set to announce big steps in digital defense program

(Newser) - With daily attacks on both public and private computer systems in the US mounting into the thousands, President Obama is expected to announce an overhaul of US strategy to defend against cyberwarfare—building on a $17 billion program Congress approved last year—and name a White House cyberwarfare boss, the...

Obama to Push for Treaty on Arms Trafficking

(Newser) - President Obama wants to add muscle to America’s promise to curb the flow of weapons to Mexico’s drug cartels. After meeting with Mexican leader Felipe Calderon today, Obama said he would push the Senate to ratify a decade-old treaty on the matter, the Washington Post reports. President Clinton...

Taliban Flouts Deal to Disarm in NW Pakistan

Critics see signs that nascent deal won't quell violence

(Newser) - The Taliban's refusal to disarm in Pakistan's Swat province—believed to be a provision of the recent deal that officially brought Islamic law in the area—raises doubts about the prospects for peace, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The strict cleric who brokered the Swat deal agreed to the weapons...

New Sniper Rifles Boost Range, Accuracy

Pirate standoff calls attention to classified Pentagon project

(Newser) - The M107 sniper rifle is enjoying its pirate-fueled moment in the sun, but don't get used to it: Firearms being developed in a super-secret Pentagon program will extend snipers' range from 800 or so meters to more than 2,000 without losing accuracy, Time reports. What's more, bullets created...

Obama Moves to Halt 'River' of Guns, Drugs to Mexico

Adds top cartels to 'drug kingpin' list

(Newser) - On the eve of an important meeting with Mexico’s president, President Obama yesterday imposed sanctions against the top Mexican drug cartels in a move intended to slow cross-border drugs and weapons trafficking, the Washington Post reports. After speeding up a process that normally takes a year, he added three...

Should Ship Crews be Armed?

 Should Ship Crews be Armed? 

Should Ship Crews be Armed?

Piracy danger raises old questions

(Newser) - Amid the latest wave of piracy off Somalia, experts are once again questioning whether commercial ships’ crews should be armed, the New York Times reports. Ship owners had been against the idea, fearing liability and worrying that armed crews might be killed by pirates, rather than taken hostage. But increased...

Israel Suspected of Jan. Bombing in Sudan

39 died in raid by foreign military, but no confirmation

(Newser) - Sudan said today that foreign fighter planes carried out an attack in January on 17 trucks carrying weapons to Gaza, amid reports that the Israeli Air Force was behind the bombardment. The strike killed 39 people near the Sudan-Egypt border soon after the start of the war in the Gaza...

Drug Cartels Winning Mexican Arms Race

Traffickers using military-grade weapons to take on police

(Newser) - Mexican police are finding themselves hopelessly outgunned by drug cartels with military-grade weaponry, the Los Angeles Times reports. Authorities say the arms race is escalating rapidly as the cartels, competing with each other as well as with security forces, acquire grenade launchers, anti-tank rockets and other heavy weaponry of the...

Somali Pirates Score $3.2M Ransom, Release Arms Ship

Pirates receive $3.2M ransom after September hijacking

(Newser) - Crime does pay—to the tune of the $3.2 million ransom that Somali pirates collected today in exchange for releasing a Ukrainian ship they hijacked in September, reports the BBC. The pirates had initially sought $20 million for the arms-laden MV Faina, which had been en route to Kenya....

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