
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Thousands of Perfect Snowballs Turn Up on Arctic Beach

And they're all natural

(Newser) - It looks for all the world like an epic winter battle is in the making, but it turns out that thousands of perfectly shaped snowballs that showed up on a beach in Siberia are the result of a natural phenomenon. The strange sight emerged on the shore of the Gulf...

This Is Spring in New England
 This Is Spring in New England 

This Is Spring in New England

It's snowing a month before summer

(Newser) - Leaves are coming out on trees, daffodils are starting to bloom, and snow is falling in parts of Northern New England a month before the start of summer, the AP reports. The National Weather Service says 3.4 inches of snow were recorded in the northern Maine town of Caribou...

Greenland Is Getting Darker Before Our Very Eyes

The frosty island could soon be 10% darker than it is today

(Newser) - The white, reflective surface of Greenland's snowpack is getting darker and less reflective, all thanks to what the Christian Science Monitor calls "positive feedback loops"—the idea that a little bit of melting leads to more and faster melting. "We knew that these processes had been...

Alaska Has to Bring in Snow for Iditarod

7 rail cars filled with the white stuff due into Anchorage before dog-sled race

(Newser) - Seven rail cars are scheduled to pull into Alaska on Thursday, and they'll be packed with a precious commodity one wouldn't think Anchorage would need: snow for the famous Iditarod dog-sled race that begins Saturday, the Alaska Dispatch News reports. "It's no secret that warm temperatures...

Under All That DC Snow, a Lot of Green

District issued more than $1.3M in parking tickets during and after blizzard

(Newser) - The District of Columbia stands to rake in more than $1 million in one week—all thanks to parking tickets issued during and after last weekend's major East Coast blizzard . In addition to the $1.3 million in tickets issued as of Wednesday afternoon, DC also hit drivers with...

Researchers Make Electric Concrete That De-Ices Itself

Time to put away the shovels and ice

(Newser) - Get ready for some electrifying concrete news. No, seriously. UPI reports researchers at the University of Nebraska are developing conductive concrete that uses electricity to keep itself free of snow and ice during even the worst winter storms. Sounds like something the East Coast could've used this week. The...

Blizzard Traps Woman in Her Car for 3 Days

She was rescued Monday thanks to a concerned neighbor

(Newser) - A concerned neighbor may have saved the life of a woman suffering from hypothermia and living in her car during last weekend's massive snow storm in Maryland, the AP reports. According to WJLA , the woman was trapped inside her car when it was buried by snow Friday, and she...

Chicago Area Braces for 8 Inches of Snow

Winter Storm Bella is about to hit the Midwest with a pre-Thanksgiving wallop

(Newser) - If you're one of those people who doesn't like hearing Christmas music before Thanksgiving, you won't be pleased with weather news coming out of Chicago. Winter is arriving early in the form of a snowstorm in and around the city over the weekend, the Chicago Tribune reports....

What This Year&#39;s El Nino Will Mean for Winter
 What This 
 Year's El Nino 
 Will Mean 
 for Winter 
in case you missed it

What This Year's El Nino Will Mean for Winter

It will be wetter than normal in the South, drier near the Great Lakes

(Newser) - The NOAA's winter forecast has arrived, and thanks to a well-known Pacific Ocean phenomenon, parts of the country can expect to be doused in plenty of chilly precipitation. "A strong El Nino is in place and should exert a strong influence over our weather this winter," Mike...

Boston&#39;s Snow Finally Melts
 Boston's Snow Finally Melts 

Boston's Snow Finally Melts

City's huge mound was strewn with debris

(Newser) - The last of Boston's winter nightmare has finally melted away. Mayor Martin Walsh announced today that Boston's once-massive pile of filthy snow has officially dwindled to nothing. The pile accumulated into a 75-foot tower of snow after a record-breaking winter that dumped more than 110 inches on the...

There Is Still Snow on the Ground in Boston

Gross snow, but snow nonetheless

(Newser) - It's nearly June, and there's still snow on the ground in Boston—and not the picturesque kind. Some sizable remnants of the winter's huge snow piles still remain, the Boston Globe reports. A former 75-foot-tall mound in the Seaport District, for example, is now three stories high...

Boston Winter Now Snowiest Ever

Snow-weary city 'celebrates' record

(Newser) - Yet more snow fell on Boston yesterday, pushing this winter's total to a record 108.6 inches and sparking some tongue-in-cheek "celebrations" of the milestone. "We are once again the indisputable champions. Of being snowed on," crows the Boston Globe . The 2.9 inches that fell...

Massachusetts Snow Gave Police Clue They Needed

'I guess we can thank the snow on this one'

(Newser) - Snow has been the scourge of Massachusetts this winter, but for Lakeville Police Detective Sgt. Sean Joyce, it proved to be a bit of a blessing. He was on the scene of a home break-in when he spotted a very weather-dependent clue: the readable impression of a license plate in...

Massachusetts Man Figures Out How to Profit Off Snow

People are paying $89 for packages of 'historic' snow

(Newser) - In what must be one of the greatest sales feats on record, a Massachusetts man has managed to actually sell some of the absurd amount of snow that has fallen on the state this winter. Manchester-by-the-Sea resident Kyle Waring tells that he got the idea for

Mayor to Bostonians: Stop Jumping Out of Windows

Daredevils have been leaping into huge snowbanks

(Newser) - Boston has more snow than it knows what to do with , but jumping out of windows into snowbanks is still a "foolish" idea, says Mayor Martin Walsh. "I'm asking people to stop their nonsense right now. These are adults jumping out windows," the mayor said after...

New Storm Could Leave 80-Inch Snow Piles in Mass.

Nearly 60 inches have hit Boston this season so far

(Newser) - Just what Massachusetts needs: more snow . Given the amount of the stuff that's already on the ground, the latest accumulation—which marks the third snowstorm in two weeks—could leave piles as high as 80 inches in some areas of the state, the Boston Globe reports. By tomorrow morning,...

Mystery Solved: Bartender Shoveled Boston Marathon Finish Line

Chris Laudani's gesture is a big hit

(Newser) - Boston's blizzard has spawned an instant celebrity, and for a pretty good reason: Bartender Chris Laudani took it upon himself Tuesday afternoon to clear off the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Except he did so anonymously, at least at first. Philip Hillman snapped a photo of the gesture-in-progress...

Northeast's 'Snowpocalypse': Some Snow, No Apocalypse

New England set for heaviest snow

(Newser) - The warnings were dire , but at least so far, the Northeast's "historic and catastrophic" blizzard pretty much fizzled. The National Weather Service canceled a blizzard warning for New York City, noting that "much less snow" than expected will hit the city, the New York Times reports, and...

Conn., NYC Shut Down Roads Starting Tonight

De Blasio wants all non-emergency vehicles off NYC streets by 11pm

(Newser) - The roads in Connecticut and New York City will be empty tonight: Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy instituted a travel ban for the entire state beginning at 9pm tonight at a morning news conference on the looming blizzard, saying, "It's imperative that you have a plan in place to...

Warnings, Advice Pile Up as Northeast Blizzard Looms

United cancels all NYC, Philly, Boston flights

(Newser) - Thousands of flights in the Northeast have already been canceled for today and tomorrow as dire warnings about a coming blizzard pile up, and some 30 million people hunker down, reports NPR . Some 2,000 flights have been canceled for today, with another 1,800 nixed for tomorrow,

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