female suicide bomber

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The Girls Are Made Beautiful, With a 'Deadly Consequence'

A look at Boko Haram's use of female suicide bombers

(Newser) - The Chibok girls were infamously taken by Boko Haram in 2014. That was the same year the group used a female suicide bomber for the first time. Writing for the BBC , Vladimir Hernandez and Stephanie Hegarty look at the group's practice of using suicide bombers—noting the militants far...

Young Suicide Bomber Sees Her Siblings, Surrenders

But 2 other females blow themselves up in Nigerian camp, killing dozens

(Newser) - Two young women welcomed into a Nigerian shelter for people fleeing Boko Haram turned on their newfound campmates on Tuesday, the New York Times reports, blowing themselves up and killing at least 58 people ( Reuters puts the number at more than 60, while Al Jazeera notes it's upward...

Child Suicide Bomber Kills 20 in Nigeria

Boko Haram suspected amid continuing violence

(Newser) - A girl was stopped by authorities at the entrance to a Nigerian market before explosives she was carrying killed her and 19 others yesterday, an official tells CNN . The bombs were attached to the girl, whose age isn't clear, CNN reports; estimates have put her as young as 10...

Female Suicide Bomber Behind Russia Bus Blast

Death toll stands at 6

(Newser) - A bomb blast rocked a passenger bus in the southern Russian city of Volgograd today, and officials say a female suicide bomber was behind the attack, which killed six people and injured about 30. The suspected bomber, 30-year-old Naida Asiyalova, was from the North Caucasus, a region in southern Russia...

Somali Militants Used Minister's Own Niece to Kill Him

Al-Shabab threatens more attacks

(Newser) - Somali militants linked to al-Qaeda have taken credit for the suicide bombing that yesterday killed the country's interior minister, and the BBC reports that they used his own niece to carry out the attack. The teenager, who had been recruited by al-Shabab, walked unchecked past guards and detonated. Interior...

Suicide Bomber Done In by Errant Text Message
Suicide Bomber Done In
by Errant Text Message

Suicide Bomber Done In by Errant Text Message

Spam text detonated her bomb early in Moscow

(Newser) - A bizarre tale out of Moscow on the hazards of being a suicide bomber: A woman intended to blow herself up in Red Square on New Year's Eve and inflict mass casualties, but she received a "Happy New Year" text message that detonated her bomb too early, reports the...

Moscow Suicide Bomber Likely a 'Black Widow'

Female may have been avenging death of her husband at Russia's hands

(Newser) - The suicide bombers who killed 35 in Monday’s Moscow airport attack are thought to be from a “Black Widow” squad that trained in Pakistan. The female bomber was seen in the arrivals crowd before detonating the bomb, and her black clothes and veil indicate she was a “...

First Female Bomber Kills 43 in Pakistan

'Blood and human flesh everywhere,' says survivor

(Newser) - A female suicide bomber detonated her explosives-laden vest, killing at least 43 people at an aid distribution center in northwestern Pakistan today, while army helicopter gunships and artillery killed a similar number of Islamic militants in neighboring tribal regions near the Afghan border, officials said. The bombing appeared to be...

Father Kills Daughter Who Planned to Be Suicide Bomber

Police say Iraqi man confessed to killing after learning of her intentions

(Newser) - An Iraqi man is in custody today, after telling police that he killed his daughter to prevent her from carrying out a suicide attack. Security forces raided the family’s Baqouba home yesterday looking for 19-year-old Shahlaa al-Anbaky, because they suspected she had ties to al-Qaeda, the AP reports. Instead,...

Rebel's Widow Likely One of Moscow Bombers
 Rebel's Widow Likely 
 One of Moscow Bombers 
she was just 17

Rebel's Widow Likely One of Moscow Bombers

Dzhennet Abdurakhmanova's husband was killed late last year

(Newser) - Russian police believe that one of the suicide bombers who attacked Moscow Monday and left 39 dead is the very definition of a “black widow,” having lost her Caucasian Islamist militant husband to Russian security forces at the end of 2009. Dzhennet Abdurakhmanova, from Dagestan, was just 17....

Moscow Holds Day of Mourning for Terror Victims

Medvedev vows to destroy 'beasts' behind subway bombings

(Newser) - Moscow has declared today a day of mourning for the people killed in twin suicide bombings on its Metro system yesterday. The death toll from the bombings rose to 39 today after a victim died in hospital and eight of the 60 injured are in critical condition, the BBC reports....

Russia Hunts Subway Bombing Accomplices

Chechen group suspected in deadly attack

(Newser) - Russian police are hunting for the group behind a suicide bombing in which two women killed at least 38 at a train station in Moscow today. Authorities are preparing to publish security camera photos of the five people involved in the bombing—the two bombers, said to be young women,...

Female Suicide Bombers Kill 37 in Moscow Subway

Two female suicide bombers hit Moscow Metro in rush hour

(Newser) - Two explosions in Moscow's subway system killed at least 37 people at the height of rush hour this morning. The city's mayor says both explosions were caused by female suicide bombers who blew themselves up as trains pulled into busy stations, the AP reports, and security officials said the bombers...

41 Dead as Female Suicide Bomber Strikes Iraqi Pilgrims

Another 106 injured in suicide attack

(Newser) - At least 41 people were killed and another 106 injured when a woman blew herself up in a crowd of Shiite pilgrims in Baghdad today. The woman hid the explosives underneath her abaya, a long traditional black garment. Witnesses describe seeing a fireball, and then seeing pilgrims “on the...

Suicide Bomber Kills 35 in Iraq
 Suicide Bomber Kills 35 in Iraq 

Suicide Bomber Kills 35 in Iraq

Women, children targeted en route Shia to holy city

(Newser) - A female suicide bomber killed at least 35 Iraqi pilgrims on the way to a religious festival today, reports CNN. Another 45 were wounded. The victims, mainly women and children, were in the town of Mussayib, about 40 miles south of Baghdad. Hundreds of thousands of Shia pilgrims are currently...

Iraq Nabs 'Mother' of Female Terrorists

Accused of recruiting 80 suicide bombers

(Newser) - Iraqi forces have arrested a woman suspected of recruiting more than 80 female suicide bombers, the Times of London reports. Samira Ahmed Jassim, known as “the mother of the believers,” has confessed to sending 28 women on suicide missions. Jassim also admitted to planning the rapes of many...

Iraq Women Banned at Shrine to Thwart Female Bombers

Security forces can't search women

(Newser) - In a bid to ward off female bombers, officials have banned women from a Shia shrine during one of the holiest times of the year, reports the BBC. Because Iraq security forces lack female members, women cannot be searched for bombs. Women are now banned at the Imam Mousa al-Kazim...

18 Killed in Baghdad Blasts
 18 Killed in Baghdad Blasts 

18 Killed in Baghdad Blasts

Green Zone entrance, bus carrying female government workers both hit

(Newser) - A female suicide bomber killed at least five people at the entrance of Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone, and a second bomb killed 13 women traveling on a bus to their government jobs, reports Al Jazeera. The attacks came as Iraqi legislators prepare to vote this week on a security...

Iraqi 'Daughters' Work to Foil Female Attackers

Despite stigma, women guards try to tackle rise in suicide bombings

(Newser) - A new group of Iraqi women is tackling a big rise in suicide attacks by females, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Insurgent groups are exploiting gender norms that prevent men from searching women, giving bombers who look pregnant or are otherwise fully covered easy access to crowded areas. Female search...

Female Bombers Not So Different From Men
 Female Bombers
 Not So Different
 From Men


Female Bombers Not So Different From Men

Women's motivation is no different

(Newser) - Female suicide bombers have captured much media attention of late, inspiring analysts to think they've been used, or manipulated. The truth, writes political scientist Lindsey O’Rourke in the New York Times, is that they're not that different from their male counterparts. O’Rourke has spent years studying every known...

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