Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg

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Caretaker Senator? Bill Clinton, Mario Possible

(Newser) - Sen. Bill Clinton? Sen. Mario Cuomo? Don't rule it out. The former president and the former New York governor are among several big names being considered as possible "caretakers" for New York's Senate seat—people who would serve until the 2010 elections but wouldn't run to keep the job....

Bloomberg: Um, Lay Off Caroline, You Know?

Hizzoner empathizes with Kennedy's speech issues

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy’s speech has been, um, you know, attacked mercilessly in recent days, but Michael Bloomberg says that’s because Kennedy is unfairly scrutinized more than other, you know, candidates. “Caroline Kennedy isn’t just your average person, so people may be a little more critical,” the...

Caroline's Like, Um, No Word Whiz
 Like, Um, No 
 Word Whiz 

Caroline's Like, Um, No Word Whiz

Interview stumbles raise flags about Kennedy's political speaking skills

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy needs to, you know, work on her speaking skills if she is to have a future in politics, experts tell the New York Daily News. In a recent half-hour interview with the News, Kennedy said "you know" over 200 times. Other interviews also contained scores of "...

Paterson Should Say No to Caroline, Dynasties
Paterson Should Say No to Caroline, Dynasties

Paterson Should Say No to Caroline, Dynasties

(Newser) - Should Gov. David Paterson give Caroline Kennedy a chance to serve New York in the Senate? No! “Dynasties suck,” reasons Alex Pareene of Gawker, and we should take the opportunity to quash this one. Although it’s not fair, Caroline has become the left’s Sarah Palin, and...

Caroline: My Celebrity Will Work for NY

'Forceful but elusive' candidate says recession has hurt her

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy continued her media blitz today, asserting in a sit-down interview with the New York Times that she is the best candidate for the Senate and that she could use her celebrity to draw attention to state issues. She remained vague, however, on many specifics, including her personal finances....

Kennedy Won't Run Unless Appointed

Caroline says she'd support incumbent in 2010

(Newser) - If Caroline Kennedy isn't appointed to Hillary Clinton’s New York Senate seat, she won’t run for it in 2 years, Kennedy told NY1 last night. If Gov. David Paterson "doesn’t select me, I would support the person that he does select,” she said. She also...

Kennedy: 9/11, Obama Inspired Me to Seek Senate Seat

Campaign work pushed hopeful towards politics

(Newser) - The terrorists attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 and her work for Barack Obama's campaign helped push Caroline Kennedy towards a career in politics, the Senate hopeful tells the AP. Kennedy credited her mother with giving her the courage to seek the job, and said she hopes she will be able...

I'll Have to Work Twice as Hard If Appointed: Kennedy

JFK daughter admits she'd be 'unconventional choice' for Senate seat

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy understands she will have to work to gain the respect of the public and her peers if she is appointed to the US Senate. "I came into this thinking I have to work twice as hard as anybody else," Kennedy told the AP. "I am...

Dems Stand to Lose Clinton's Fundraising Chops

Cabinet officials usually refrain from helping other candidates

(Newser) - Democrats may lose a powerful fundraiser in Hillary Clinton when she becomes secretary of state, the Hill reports. Cabinet officials usually avoid overt campaigning for other candidates, and Clinton’s fundraising prowess and network are likely to be particularly missed: HillPAC, Clinton’s leadership political action committee, has directed more...

Caroline Has Been Stingy With NY Dems
Caroline Has Been Stingy With NY Dems

Caroline Has Been Stingy With NY Dems

Lack of donations may hurt efforts to gain Clinton's Senate seat

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy has not donated much money to New York Democrats, and it could dent her appeal to Gov. David Paterson as he decides on his appointment to fill Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat, the New York Daily News reports. Although Kennedy has given around $30,000 to federal candidates,...

Kennedy's Senate Push Irks NY Democrats

Gov. Paterson put off by inevitability talk, her Bloomberg ties

(Newser) - Many New York Democrats are getting increasingly annoyed with Caroline Kennedy’s push to be senator—most notably Gov. David Paterson, the man who’d have to give her the job, the New York Times reports. Paterson advisers say he’s frustrated Kennedy’s handlers are treating the appointment as...

Caroline's Piece of Camelot Worth Upward of $100M

Kennedy, extremely wealthy, holds much of the Kennedy family empire

(Newser) - Democrats may be right to be concerned that a Caroline Kennedy Senate appointment would make them look elitist, reports the New York Daily News in an analysis of public records that pegs the Kennedy scion's worth at a $100 million minimum. Though her financial records are held tightly, she’s...

What Did Caroline Actually Do for Schools?

Hard to pin down what, exactly, she brought to the Department of Education

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy’s $1-a-year gig raising funds for the New York City public schools is being touted as evidence that she's qualified for the Senate. But that seems odd, writes Glenn Thrush in Politico, given the amount of vagueness about what, and how much, she actually did there. Says one...

Bloomberg to NY Guv: Stop Stalling and Name Senator

Kennedy ally slams scrutiny, says process 'out of control'

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is pushing Gov. David Paterson to speed up his Senate appointment, the Daily News reports. “The governor should make a decision reasonably quickly because this is just getting out of control,” said the ally of Caroline Kennedy. “Everybody’s focusing on the...

Caroline-Besotted Times Yanks Palin Comparison
Caroline-Besotted Times
Yanks Palin Comparison

Caroline-Besotted Times Yanks Palin Comparison

Watered-down coverage of Senate hopeful's media shielding raises eyebrows

(Newser) - The New York Times watered down its own story about press-shy Caroline Kennedy's awkward Upstate New York visit last week, Gawker reports. The first version posted online noted the similarity to Sarah Palin, as her aides whisked her away from reporters questioning her experience. But the provocative Palin reference vanished...

Kennedy Won't Make Personal Disclosures Yet

She refuses to reveal financial info 'unless and until' she gets job

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy has refused to disclose a variety of personal data, from which companies she has invested in to whether she has ever been charged with a crime, reports the New York Times. While candidates or sitting senators must make annual financial disclosures, potential appointees to a vacant seat have...

Times to Mayor of Paris: Whoops!
Times to
Mayor of Paris: Whoops!

Times to Mayor of Paris: Whoops!

Fake letter blasting Kennedy draws quick apology, explanation

(Newser) - The New York Times has apologized to the mayor of Paris for publishing a letter purportedly from him that was actually a hoax. The paper didn't confirm the origins of the letter, which described Caroline Kennedy's bid for Hillary Clinton's Senate seat as "both surprising and appalling," and...

Times Bars Note on Caroline's Rumored Affair With Publisher

'We don't report that stuff,' sniffs Gray Lady

(Newser) - The New York Times will report almost anything newsworthy—except a rumored affair between its publisher and Caroline Kennedy, Gawker reports. When a reader commented on the paper’s City Room blog wondering if the Times would address the gossip surrounding the two, the comment was deleted with the explanation...

Biden's New Role: Help the Middle Class
Biden's New Role: Help the Middle Class

Biden's New Role: Help the Middle Class

Cheney blasts VP-elect; Emanuel cleared in Blago scandal

(Newser) - Joe Biden emerged from the shadows today and said he will lead a task force to strengthen the middle class, the AP reports. “We'll look at everything from college affordability to after-school programs,” he said on ABC's This Week. From the get-go, Biden told Barack Obama that he...

Caroline Backs Gay Marriage
Caroline Backs Gay Marriage

Caroline Backs Gay Marriage

NY Senate hopeful begins offering views, generally sticks to Democratic line

(Newser) - As she campaigns for Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat, Caroline Kennedy is finally opening up about some of her political stances. In a questionnaire provided by Politico, the 51-year-old expressed support for gay marriage, which Barack Obama opposes, and says she opposed the Iraq war from the get-go, unlike Hillary...

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